Everything you want to know about Cheshires - Chapter 0
If one must prove oneself superior to anyone else then that person is the inferior entity. contrary to how it must read what i typed just now is relevant to my story.
[The Last Commissions] A Breakfast Story
And besides, it wasn't good to stuff oneself too soon after waking up, so he banished all the implements, and then walked to the dining room. another snap of his fingers, and the table was...basically appointed.
Jade and Amethyst (Chapter 5)
She walked down the road to the beach and dove into the sea, for, after all, what better way was there to cool one's head than to immerse oneself in cold water? he smiled and convened with his servants until it was time to go to sleep.
Roman Circus
Marching round the large sandy circle, dergian held his head proudly high and walked with a stride that was almost a swagger; he had long learned the value of advertising oneself.
The Royal Secret part 13: Patently Awkward
Phillip's throat had seized, his brain deftly ignoring his frantic inquiries for what to do if one makes an utter idiot of oneself in front of the most powerful man in the imperium.
August 7: The Lone Cherry Tree that Blooms at Night
There were few areas in the city where one could sit down and immerse oneself in one's thoughts save for the temples and shrines, or the library. here, i could just pick a place and sit there to my heart's content.
Mending the Broken.
There are times where measures like that are needed to protect oneself. what she did was nearly..." she struggled to find a word. "rape me?" "i'm not familiar with that word."
Lost Son (commission for lucaslunar)
There was nothing to anchor oneself to, nothing to use as a reference, and yet there was a sense, however faint, of movement. the despite the complete absence of light, it could still see its master, as if he possessed some form of luminescence.
A Feathered Shadowrunner's Tail - A runner's memory; Feather's Story. (2) Part I
Like how to clean oneself when you're \*wearing\* a messenger bag wrapped over your neck and inbetween your wings, so that it touched the ground when you stood, and hung between you when you flew.
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 3-A
The fox would have protested, except that he realized that the snow leopard had a rather valid point; there was no point revealing information about oneself if the other party was not going to give them information in return.
Prologue and Chapter One - Saturday
Thus began the tedious but necessary process of making oneself appear presentable. several minutes and a multitasked tooth-brushing later, her coat was smooth, glossy, and smelled vaguely tropical.
Serval and Sheep (Chapter 20)
Sometimes to improve oneself, and live in harmony with others, one must... do difficult things." i peered down at my meal, at my blurry reflection in the rich, succulent, brown sauce, unable to look away. and i found out why it tasted so good.