david's collage days part eleven
First david went to mike who played bass, david then took a few lesions with mike and he became a pro, then mike phoned up allen who played drums and he was more then willing to come and have a go.
not so quite romantic first date, part 2
Making sure no one was around mike bounced and was so excited "yes!"
Home Where the Toxic Waste is
"hey, mike!" a voice called out to him, mike looks forward and sees a dark figure in the distance, the bunker always had poor lightning.
The Midnight Rider
Nice moves, where-" mike began but stopped. the midnight rider was gone. but upon another look, so was j. alex and mike both looked at each other. "you don't think she-" mike began. "no. she couldn't have."
Suddenly Furry: Shelter
mike cried with desperation in his voice.
The Spy Files Part 1
Then he looks at max with a strange look, then back at mike. "so what have you found out about maxy boy here?" he asks mike. mike takes a sip of his drink, "he likes james and you."
Lost Soldier: 2, Fight or Flight
mike and carl continued running at full speed before mike looked over to carl.
A Friend In Need
#2 of mike and amy's love.
Breaking the Rules
mike looked over at his friend, "thanks jason. you're a good guy."
Covert Ops
She gestured to mike and steve, "all right you two, here are the forms you need to fill out. please have a seat and return them to me when you are done. mike took his form and sat down.
Gears of War: Engine of war chapter 1 (furry style)
mike asked breathlessly. "hell no! we just lost two of our men mike! i haven't got any time to be tired! i want revenge!" he replied angrily. "sir!"
Bar Jocks: Story One, Part Three
As joe walked off to another group, mike caught the eye of huxley, who was sitting alone at the bar. mike walked on over. "slow night, eh?" huxley said, looking around at the crowded bar. "apparently, people have been tweeting about joe," mike said.