The Spy Files Part 1
#1 of The Spy Files
We were all one of them, now we have seen what happened to people because of them.
From the wars over gas, to the millions of people who died who wanted to be free from the world. Then the country split from 3 classes to 2, were there used to be the poor, who the government would help, the middle class who barely get by on what they had, to the rich and wealthy. It soon split into the Poor and the rich, the rich had all the money and the power. The one cared about the poor, there were rumors of people who help the poor. But mostly we know that they take care of each other.
Most of us were in the rich part of this story; some were in the poor parts of the world. But mostly rich, we've seen what happened to the people who don't fight back and we aim to stop this madness. But first off lets start off with my story, how it came to past with my self. From the beginning I guess, my name is Max; I'm a black fox, 6'1 and I did work for a privet military company. I am good at a few things, and computers are one of them.
I got my self in this problem by finding out something that no fur should. I can sometimes get my way out of things. But this was big; I knew that I was in for it this time. But I was like the others; we all wanted a job or had one. My job didn't last long as you can see. But then the resistance found us, and took us in. They are our brothers and sisters; we make sure that overpowered people don't take it out other the people.
What I found took everything from me; my job was a big part of things now days. But I was used to losing things these days. It comes with the job of life, so I moved on. But I found out that people were soon after me. Some wanted to help, some wanted to cause harm to me. That's when the resistance found me, they informed me that I was in danger and needed to get out before it was too late.
I was amazed on how much they new on me, they had pictures of the people I work with. I knew that I was good at some things but to have this much heat on me, it was unbelievable. A few days later after they contacted me they sent out a packet with documents of me to be arrested and killed. They would offer help if they would do some things for me. I kind of freaked out but I did what I was told. They set up and meeting time and place. This is were I start my story, were I get to meet this person who was wanting me.
Max looked at the paper that the resistance gave him, they have told him to travel at night so he would not be seen. The paper said to meet in-between the apartments 20 and 30, he expected to be like 25 or something. But there was just a dark alleyway, Max sighed and wonders why they wanted to meet at this dump. It was the middle of winter and his black fur was sticking up in spots to try to keep him warm. He zipped up his leather jacket trying to keep as much heat in him as possible.
He took a moment to look around, dark shadows casting by the dumpsters and trash cans. He walked deeper into the alleyway and hears the wind blow behind him making a howl. His ears pick up a sound and look to a dark corner of the alleyway, but see no one. His black and white tipped tail swishes back and forth quietly, expecting something to pop up and mug him at any moment. Then out of the shadows he sees a pair of green eyes staring right at him.
Max jumped seeing that a feline was looking straight at him. "Are you the one that is looking for me?" he asks.
The feline replies, "Our people are looking for you max, I know you don't have much time, at this moment there are people after you and you must decide your fate. You know what will happen if you don't join us."
Max looks around still seeing nobody coming for him and says,"How do you know so much about this? Why are you hiding in the shadows, and why do you need me?"
The Feline states," I can't answer all your questions here there are people watching that don't want us to meet. We want you because, you can help use get what we need. And there are people out there that would kill you to stop you from joining us."
Max sighs and looks at the Feline, "That's a lot of things to take in do I have time to think about it."
The Cat slides an envelope to Max and vanishes into the darkness. Max picks up the envelope and picks out the card in side. The card reads, You have 12 hours to decide, then we will meet for your answer.
12 Hours later
Max looks at the card walking around his room when he sees the room get dark. And then he hears the felines cat voice again," what have you decided?" Max turning to see the cat's eyes looking at him, he wonders how he's always appearing out of the shadows. And hopes he's doing the right thing. He sighs and says,"I do it."
The feline smiles abit and hands out his paw,"take my paw and you will be safe." He takes his paw and steps into the shadows.
(End of chapter 1)
Did you expect it to be super long???
(Start of chapter 2)
Don't you just love cliff hangers; I don't so let's get on with the story.
(The last story was a rough daft, hopefully my editor will help me with some things. But most of the stuff I have just needs more detail. Rarw I hate detail I'm just not good at it. I am going to bug my editor for more info)
Max walked into the shadows expecting to hit a wall or something like that, but the next thing he knows he's on a beach. Palm trees swaying in the breeze, white sand and the sound of the waves crashing down on the shore but no sun. He looked up to see the sky is full of grey clouds, looking like they would unload rain any moment now.
He looked back at the feline,"nice trick one moment I am in town, and now I am at the beach. Before we go any farther, what is your name?"
The feline looks at the sky then back at Max,"My name is Aaron, and I think it's going to rain."
Max looks up at the sky and a rain drop lands right on his eye, he jumps and wipes the water out of his eye. Then the rain comes down faster and harder soaking him completely
"Great now you can make it rain too, anyway what now?" he says.
Aaron giggles and says," No, I can't, you ask too many questions, in some cases that's a good thing, and a bad thing." He starts to watch the waves come upon the shore.
Max was going to open his maw to ask another question but Aaron's finger was on his lips, and Aaron says," Even though you do ask questions, you are still cute." Max blushes abit and keeps quiet for a moment.
Aaron smiles, "Now that I have you quiet I can talk. We have taken you from the city to Train you so you can survive out in this world." He points behind max, "behind you is a city, there is no one in it that we know of, but there is were you will start. We will be giving you tools to help you, soon so you don't have to go in there unprepared. I will still be watching you, so don't worry you will be safe."
Max turns around to see the city, the city looked kind of small but he was far away and couldn't see much of it. Then he turns back to were Aaron was, to find out that he vanished from sight. He looked around him to see if he ran somewhere but he could find no trace of him.
Max sighs, and says, "Will I ever get used to this, I guess I should go check out that city." He starts walking to the city when his cell phone rings; he answers it," hello?"
It was Aaron, "Why hello there, I almost forgot to tell you that will be getting air mail in just a few feet so keep an eye on the sky."
Max hangs up the cell phone and sighs, "Will I ever get used to all this?" And hears cargo plane in the sky, and looks up to see a wooden create fall before him. He watches the plane fly by the city and into the northern sky. The shrugs and looks at the create before him, and finds a letter taped to it. It was address to him, he opens the Letter and it reads.
Dear Max,
It's good to hear that you have joined us. Before we meet face to face we must train you. I hope you understand we must make sure that you are up to the task and this is a way we find out. The training is not as hard as you think, you just have to do some simple tasks and stay alive. In side the crate are some things that might help you on the way, inside are some few weapons do not hesitate to use them. They will save your life more then once my friend. Take what you need, there is also some money, but with the city your in, I don't think you'll be needing it. Also we have inside a laptop so we can link up with you or the internet. We like to keep in touch with you, feel free to call upon us for anything you need old chap.
P.S. You will get used it.
Your friend
He opens the crate to see the items in it and also finds a briefcase, he smiles. "Something to carry this stuff in." He puts all the items in the briefcase and heads to the city. When he got closer to the city he found out that I was bigger up close. The buildings were all run down, broken windows, boarded up windows and doors were knocked out of there place. It was like a ghetto town; he sighed and walked down the street hearing drive by shootings deeper in the city. The city was full of furs on the streets, mostly homeless trying to keep them self warm by burning what they can.
He sighs; the city was as depressing as he was. This was not a very happy place to live, he had been to many places but this hit him hard. With homeless furs standing around oil drums of fire to keep them self warm. He noticed that most of the people were watching him, like he was an outside. Then he noticed that he was been followed, he knew when your being followed not to panic. So he went on his way only turning back a few times seeing no one. He turns into a alleyway and hears foot steps behind him and gets out his gun turning around aiming at the person who was following him.
But they were not in front of him; he was beside him with a gun pointed at the side of Max's head. He closes his eyes swearing inside his head, he should of have been faster.
But the person was too fast for him, way to fast he kicked the gun out of his hand before he know what was going on. Then the person said,"turn around." And Max faced the person to find out that it was a rabbit, pitch black as the night it self with yellow eyes. It then dawns on Max, ‘That explains why I didn't see him.'
The rabbit lowers his gun and sighs. "I am sorry, I though you were someone else, your max right? I'm James. I' am stuck on the city for the same reason as you. They said we should work tougher to get off this city alive."
Max looks at the rabbit saying, "Ok, uh do you like, have a home in this Slump?"
James nods, "yea, its not that far from here follow me."
Max walks down countless streets asking all the questions that come to mind and James answering them with out hesitation.
Then James stops infrount of a run down two story house.
Max looks at James, "This is were you live?"
James looks at the house, "its not much from the outside trust me its a lot better in the inside."
They walk into the house and Max gasps, it was like what he lived in, wooden floors with lovely pictures on the walls. He expected it to be a dump, but it was quiet a nice piece of work.
He looks at James, "Were did you get all this money to make this?"
James looks around and at Max,"well we didn't get any money for this; one of our people found it and made it into a base."
Max looks around, "Well he did a wonderful job finding this diamond in the rough."
"It wasn't as easy as it sounds to find this place." A voice says.
Max looks to the staircase to see a blue wolf walk down the stairs smiling at the two, "I had to fight over forty people to get this place."
James smiles, "you always have to tell they story mike?"
Mike smiles back at James, "Well it was true, and who is this eye candy you have found?"
Eye candy, this dude has some issues he needs to think out.
James giggles, "This Mike, is Max."
Mike walks down the stares and checks out Max saying, "No dough the same reason were here right? Survive?"
Max nods, not knowing that his ears were down in a submissive way.
Mike looks at Max, "so what are you good at Max?"
James interrupts, "from what I found out he's good with guns, and he has some swords."
"I am also good with computers, I can hack almost everything I can get my hands on." Max says.
Mike nods, talking to his self. "James, go get are new guest a room, and make him comfy."
James smiles and takes Max up stairs to his room. The room was an average room; it had a bed, closet, dresser for stuff, and a radio.
He turns on the radio to find out that there was no signal for any station, and give up on that and searches the closet to find nothing in it. Then he goes into the dresser to find some pants and dead moth. Max eww's and takes out the dead moth and puts on the pair of pants. To find that they fit me quiet well, the pants were black and abit tight but he could live with that. He unzipped his jacked to show his black furred chest it wasn't like other people expected. He didn't have a six pack or chest of steal. He just had a flat chest, he did work out at some time but he liked the way he was. Not that strong, but not a weakling.
He noticed that there was a door beside the closet; he opens it to reveal that it was a bathroom. It was well sized, had a shower, toilet, sink with a mirror. He looked at his self in the mirror, and sighs. He so wanted his hair to grow out longer but it was cut so sort he just wished he could of stopped that.
He walked out of his bathroom, and laid on top of his bed. A few moments later a knock came from the door, "come in." He looked up to see James walk in, "Dinner will be ready soon." He said.
"Good I was just getting hungry." Max said smiling at James get up heading to the door, he was kind of happy for the tight pants. Because with out them, he would have a tent the size of Texas. He mutters to his self, "Why do I have to like bunnies this much?" He says, watching James bunny tail wiggle abit as he goes down the stairs. Max not seeing the stairs falls down on the stairs and knocking over James. Having James land right on top of him. Max blushes at James, then looks up to see a yellow tail swish across his face. It was Mike," now, now James none of that now. We have work to do." He says with a smile across his muzzle. James gets off of max and helps him up, Max looks at James wondering.
But just then his cell phone rings, hi picks it up and looks at mike handing his cell to him. "its for you mike." He says.
Mike takes the cell phone, nodding talking to the other fur on the line. He closes the cell phone thinking for a few mins and then tosses it back at Max. Then claps his hands smiling saying, "Well change of plans, James watch the house, Max your comeing with me."
Max looked confused but did what he was told; they went out of the house and back in to the empty streets. It was still dark, he looked up and can still see the stars twinkling and started walking besides mike.
"Have you ever been to Los Angeles Max?" Mike asks.
Max shakes his head no, "I always thought it was too pricey for me to live there."
Mike laughs, "Yea, it is abit expensive to live there you would need a good job to live there, but it's a good part town. This dump reminds me of the back towns away from the tourist traps."
Max nods and wonders what Los Angeles would be like now, since the war has ended a lot of things have changed, but he can still remember seeing all the major cities being wiped out. He shakes his head trying to get the thought out of his head.
Mike stops in front of a bar; It was like every bar he had seen. Flashing neon lights showing there open. Or that they have beer, for under a dollar. The only thing he noticed about this one was it had a neon palm tree lighting up. He couldn't see the name of the bar, that part was too dark. But it looked like they were having some kind of dance inside. There was a line to get in, and that was strange for Max, most bars don't come with lines, there must be something special with this one.
Mike smiles saying, "Even after so many years, people still have money to go to bars, drink a few shots, and even shoot some pool. It just never changes. Now you stay here, I am going to tell them were here." Max nods looking across the street, and sees the bouncer that Mike is talking to. The bouncer was a black wolf, and he was fit for the job. The dude looked like he could punch throw a wall with one punch.
Max was amazed at Mike that he could just walk up to the wolf and still be standing, then he could hear the wolf laughing and mike telling max to come on in. He walked across the street and past the wolf still amazed how big he was and into the bar.
But to his surprise it was bigger in the inside. He walked in to the building to find out it was completely dark and quiet. Then Music and lights started to go wild, Max jumped out of his fur. He had just walked into a Rave party. He could see Laser lights flying off the walls and fog machines blowing on the floor giving it that smoky look. He looked around seeing Lots of furs, of all shapes and sizes dancing to the beat. He looked around for the DJ stands too see a brown wolf with ear phones around his neck bobbing his head to the beat. He wonders who that was, because he has heard his song before, but then looks back for mike, seeing him across the dance floor into another room. He wonders how he got over there so fast and moves his self across the floor to the room.
He reaches the door and opens it, the room got a lot brighter and the smell of beer hit him like a ton of bricks. He looks around seeing Mike sitting at the bar talking to the bartender, he wonders up and sit's beside him. The bartender looks at max, then back at mike. Mike nods at him, and the bartender goes up to Max. He notices now that he was a white fox, with a few black spots, like he had been touched by an artist with too much free time. The fox points to Mike, "you with him?" he said. Max nods, "yea, I didn't expect him to be so fast though." The fox chuckles, "yea that's mike for you, anyway I know you two have business to get to so I'll leave you be."
Mike looks at max smiling, "well your wondering why were here right? Well we come to bars for the same reason why you would come to book stores, that's for information. That call you got on your cell was from my boss, are last head quarters got destroyed in a fire. So we called tougher to meet here, in one of the back rooms."
Mike watches the fox leave and then turns to max, smiling. "Don't look behind you but we've got agents in the bar."
Max perks his ears up looking side to side, "who?"
Mike throws a thumb behind him, "The red fox in the black leather jacket drinking the ice tea." Then he points across the bar to a wolf, "The gray wolf sitting at the back of the bar drinking water." And then he nods at the vixen across the bar eyeing max. "And that one is just screaming agent, she should just ware a t-shirt that says agent. Why don't people try to blend in?"
Max spins his chair around looking at the furs he pointed out, and to his amazement it was described to the dot. Then he turns back to mike, "so what do we do about them?" Mike looks at Max saying, "Well we could either shoot them, or just leave them be."
"I say we shoot them, which would get them off our tail for good." Said a new voice, behind Max. Max looks back to see a Male gray fox almost the color of silver but not there, his paws were black and his hair was blue. He had no shirt on, but he was wearing only a pair of black pants. His chest fur moving lightly in slight breeze in the bar, Mike turned around smiling at the fox.
"You always want to shoot people silver, you need to fix that." He said.
Silver pouts abit and sits down besides Max looking past him talking to Mike. "so Mike, were is everyone else?" he says.
Mike shrugs, "I really don't know, I haven't seen anyone today. But I bet my tail on it they are already in the meeting."
Silver looks at Max tilting his head, "So who is this cute face you have with you Mike?"
"Silver don't start" Mike said
"But I am just trying to say hello." Silver responds.
"For you that's flirting Silver, we have a job to do. You can do that later if you want." Mike says.
Silver puffs his chest out and frowns at Mike. Max puts his paws on silver blushing abit, "maybe later silver."
Silver grins at Max, and he blushes and looks away from silver. "heh you always find the cute one's Mike I'll give you that." He says.
Mike laughs," It's funny, he has an attraction that everyone loves, James, you silver, even that N.I.C agent over there." He nods over to that direction. Silver looks at the vixen and snares in disgust. "Women, they never get the hint when someone is not into you." Then he looks at Max with a strange look, then back at Mike. "So what have you found out about Maxy boy here?" he asks Mike.
Mike takes a sip of his drink, "he likes James and you." Silver smiles at that comment and look back at Max, who is not making eye contact with anyone. . "He's good with computers, a sword, and a gun. And apparently find his way out of tight spots."
Silver smiles, "Man he sure knows how to pick you new guys." Mike interrupts "Before you get any ideals, the meeting is going to start soon, and we need a way to get past these goons, anyone got a plan?"
"Shoot them." Silver says.
"Bar fight?" Max states.
Mike and Silver looks at Max and smiled saying at the same time, "Bar fight, that's not a bad ideal. But how would it work?"
"How about we start a fight in the bar?" All three looked around to see a pack of wolfs all wearing the same black leather jackets. Mike smiles at the leader, "well jay, I thought you were dead, so the Fox clan didn't get the best of you did they?" Jay laugh, "oh, we could take them no problem. In till those N.I.C agents came in, we knew it was time to run." Mike smiles, "so you want to help us out again, you sure you're up to this?" Jay nods and extends a paw out to Mike. "You know I am good for it, and anything for a friend." Mike shakes the paw and smiles. "Thanks again, you don't get your self killed. You know what your sister would say." Jay chuckles, "Don't remind me." Jay turns to his gang, "all right boys lets fan out and give what they are asking for."
The next thing Max knows there are bar stools flying across the room, fights breaking out everywhere he looks and a few bodies flying across the room too. The N.I.C agents are all over the gang giving them the time they need to get into the meeting.
Mike says to the group," Lets go before the find out were missing." They all head to the V.I.P room, unlike other rooms in bars this one had no door knob or way to get in but a key card slot. With that mike put his card in and the door just swings open. Max looked at the door thinking Cool and walking inside.
He expected it to be like a room with couches a mini bar. But this was a dimly lit meeting hall. With a huge desk with around 20 chairs with furs sitting in each of them and besides them a fur stand besides them.
"Mike nice to you to join us, Please sit down we are about to start." A voice said. Mike finds his seat and sits down, Max stands beside Mike like everyone else and notices Silver taking a seat besides him, but no one standing besides him.
"Greetings and welcome, you have been picked because you all know something that the world doesn't want you to know. Here you will be trained to stay alive in this world, which would be defending your self, weapons training, and many more things to help you on your missions to come in the future. As you know the N.I.C are trying to stop us. More info on this group is sketchy but we will give you what we know about them. But I am not the one with that info. We can't let them do that, your trainers are here to protect and help you. Do not hesitate to ask them for anything. They are here to help you on your way; you have been informed about your training by my hand picked staff. They will check up on each of you from time to time. Your trainers do not need to know who they are, unless they already know. I wait to meet each and every one of you for your first mission. As you know time is short, good luck with the training. Trainers the exit doors are ready. Please use them as fast as possible, Goodbye."
Max looks around to see Doors light up with pictures of different furs on it with names. He follows mike to his door, "That was weird; I wonder why he wanted us to leave so quickly." Then a bang is herd at the door witch they came in. Mike looks at the door seeing a bullet hole in it. "Uh, I think that's why." Then everyone rushes into there doors, Mike opens his door and Max closes it behind him. It looked like a closet from in the inside with a control panel on the side witch mike was punching in codes. Max opened his mouth but then got interrupted "ok, more questions, now is not the time to ask them Max." Mike finished typing in the codes and opens the other door following him he noticed that he was in his room. He looked back in his closet to see his clothes and nothing more. Then back at his room, and then back at his closet. "Ok, another nice trick got to find out how you guys do that." Mike looks at his watch and yells for James; James falls out of Max's bed. "Oh, there you are comfy?" Mike said. James rubs his head, "What's up, did the meeting go as planed?"
"Well not exactly, The N.I.C. got past are system and found that meeting place too. They are getting closer to us every day. We need to stop them, but first we need to get this guy up to date." Mike pats Max on the head.
James smiles, "He's good with computers right? Good, I find book reading abit slow, give us a few hours and he'll know what's going on."
(A few hours later.)
Max yawns looking at the computer screen, reading article after article about the N.I.C. James looks over at him and looks at his Watch. "Waho, look at the time. We need to hit the sack, if we don't mike will be mad."
They both head to Max's room and look around. "You know you can put whatever you want up. We really don't care what it is." James says with a smile on his face. Then he walks out saying to Max, "watch the shadows." Turning off the light sending the room into darkness, only the moonlight gave him some kind of light. Max didn't worry about the darkness, he had dealt with its kind before and sighed and laid in his bed and went to sleep.
(Nov3, 2163: 3:05 AM)
Max wakes up looking out the window with a feeling that someone is in the room with him. He grabs his gun and gets out of bed and trips over James who was looking under his bed. James looks at Max, "Calm down it's just me man." He looks up at James yellow eyes and sighs,"what's going on James?" James gets up and looks around and then looks at Max, "We had an unexpected visitor a few hours ago, I am just checking to see if he left us anything..." Max tilts his head, "N.I.C?" James shakes his head," No one that I know of, he was a dragon, or he had dragon wings. No one in the N.I.C have dragon wings. He felt like you, but not really you, you know if you have any brothers or sisters?"
Max shakes his head, "Not that I know of, why?"
James sighs and looks up, "Some one left a message for you." Max looks up at the ceiling and gasps. On the roof of his room was painted in green glow in the dark paint was, ‘I am still watching out for you Big Brother.'
He looks at James saying, "Did you see anything else?" James shakes his head, "nothing that I've already told you, why you know this person?" Max shakes his head," Maybe, but lets not worry about it." James stares at Max and shakes his head and heads back to his room. Max looks back up on the ceiling, "I can't believe he's here." And tries to go back to sleep.
(5:16 AM)
He wakes up with the same feeling, and sits up looking around. Seeing no one he whispers not to wake up everyone in the house. "James is that you?" He looks up to see the writing was gone. Then he hears a voice, "He isn't hear Big brother I made sure he didn't know I was here this time." Max's ears perk up at the voice, "An, is that you?" He replies, "yes..its me..I've found you at last big Brother."