A Distant Shore - Chapter 11: Thrust and Parry

His second in command was getting dangerously close to insubordination. "i'm not going to waste time explaining it, captain," the badger replied, his voice tight and low.

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Splintered Light, Chapter 1.3: Facing the Moonrise

"herr severna, if you allow insubordination such as this to-- fester aboard the ship--" the prong horn held up a hand to silence the foreman, and it worked, after a few words.

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D.E1 Chapter 10: Inevitable fate

Another insubordination and you will be discharged back to lusceonis!" both of them had tears flooding their bluish silver eyes. the mental struggle that they where going through was too much. "very well...

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Of Fox and Wolf Chapter 5: The Kingdom

Let one more word slip from your maw and i will have you arrested for insubordination." once again, the general needed a pause. "i am aware of the foolish soldier who got themselves captured.

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Twelve

My wolf side was having a hard time believing that, and fully expected to be punished for my insubordination. after a few seconds, stark's face softened and he put a hand on my shoulder. "it's all right," he said.

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 20

Military personnel of all ranks quickly develop their ability to broadcast attitude without being overtly insubordinate, and senior officers rarely prove to be exceptions. the second fleet had been hanging in space, suspended in time for over a week.

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Task Force - Operation Terminated

This way they can't charge us for anything more than insubordination. we don't have a world court and he was already a war criminal.

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The Closing of the Costume Poké

The stantler shook his head a few times trying to get rid of the insubordinate thoughts, he then lowered his head and slipped off into a fitful sleep.

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Keeps and Kobolds

So many insubordinate fools who had attempted to stand up to her. she had slain knights, devoured wizards, conquered assassins and the head of a union. but this. this was new.

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Fit for to Serve as a Soldier

"don't be insubordinate." "i can't both be your boss _and_ be insubordinate," i pointed out, and then followed him through the open door to the major's office. "you're just making things difficult..." with a chuckle, etan pulled the door shut.

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Splintered Light, Ch 0: Prelude

Having spent over a decade aboard seagoing vessels and several years specifically with the wave rider, rolf knew when he was able to push the limits and toy with the idea of playful insubordination. "i'll tell you after the meeting."

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