I had a f***ing awesome idea!
#1 of fnaj i had an idea, but you guys wont understand until "a fur at freddy's: christmas nightmare (part8)" comes out on saturday.
The Cycle
**Cycle** Puffing smoky breath like a decrepit steam engine, the black-furred wolf stomped dispassionately, closing his arms tightly around his broad chest. Whether the action was one of the subconscious or conscious mind, intended for personal...
Legend of the Five Gears idea exploration (Name Pending)
Fall of House Promethea; Yuujin's lament. House Promethea would cease to exist in year 1337 of their calender. The great war against the hive had turned disastrous. Already a dozen of the most powerful Saints had been consumed. Their...
a painful memory...(my first big story idea)
#1 of mine author's note: please keep in mind that this is a rough draft for the intro to a story im working on. the main characters are a pair of twin snow leopards. feel free to let me know what you think about it. its one of my first major story ideas
Roberts Did Not Remember, Bobo Had Other Ideas
Bobo, however, had other ideas in mind. \*\*\* "no," said the tiger. "i, um, i 'm older than you." "oh, sorry," said the librarian. "i'm not i."
Tainted Waters - Concepts & Ideas Part 1: The Setting
This is an idea & concept dump for a new short story i have in mind. all places, objects, events, and characters belong to meeeeeeeeeee (except for blade/snow/kordis. those belong to mechonis).
Etiquette for the Modern Lycan--Ch.5: Vampires Are a Bad Idea
Vampires are such a bad idea because you will be immediately on the watch list of the order. it just isn't a good idea to put a spotlight on yourself, so as much as possible, please avoid the werebats!
The Anthro Girl: Chapter 3 - I Swear this is a Good Idea
**Chapter Three** _I Swear this is a Good Idea_ That night, as I walked through the blistering cold to Katy's home in a full black wardrobe, I began to wonder what I was doing. I didn't have anything against Chris Harley and I...
The Hitchhikers - Fantasy Chapter - Her Worst Idea, EVER!!! (Censored)
**-----------------------------------------------------------------------** **the hitchhikers** **fantasy chapter - her worst idea, ever!!!
more trans rights, a basic idea of generating workers rights.
Any more ideas post bellow on the comments section i guess its alright to accept a partial victory, but to keep on fighting for individual rights has to be a must, this is just the first step in a chain of movements needed by the lgbt. the next movement,
A Call to all artists/animators/writers/muscians/actors/and people with ideas!
If anyone is interested in hearing me and my idea out please please please!!!!!!!!! contact me skype - dementeds. yim - [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) or even just send me a message here.
All of the ideas we had had were lost in the waves (An alien world)
All of the ideas we had had were lost in the waves and the sands of the alien deserts. in the "tomb of the great cats" there was only a strange surreal solitude.