Dance in the Circle Chapter 3
Even her husband and her children seemed to be quickly forgetting the fact that june had been part of their lives.
The Power of True Love - Chapter 2
Aeon looked around wide eyed for any sign of draco and saw absolutely nothing, before she looked straight behind her husband and saw the two glowing embers.
the war he calls it
My husband saw me move and undone him self. "air!" he screamed "air you okay". i grunted as i felt the pain suddenly hit my senses. "i ... what happened?" .
Forbidden Blood 2
The poor mother-to-be fox turned towards her wolf husband with a worried look as she rubbed her slowly growing belly that carried her future child pup.
Asriel and Toriel
The prince and his two husbands were long alive after this, pleased and peaceful.
Soren ~ Chapter 01
, she said in her mind imagining her husband listening. she was married to dexter for only three years and it was all fine until about three months ago.
Chapter 1: The Many Daughters of Summer
"my husband . . . i am your wife! i shall not serve --!" "you shall do anything i tell you to do," keme sneered. "i am your husband no longer." sacnite bowed her head. "may i ask . . .?"
Buck's Birthday
It always did when her husband held her like this. "happy birthday, my love," she murmured to her now-dozing husband.
The Cab Ride (2012 Edit)
I also realized that her husband probably wasn't alive. i turned to her to ask, "um, i'd like to know, if you don't mind me asking, what happened to your husband?" i asked this cautiously.
The Power of True Love - Chapter 1
The girl lived with her overly abusive husband amongst the peasants in the town, although she herself felt pretty much like a slave.
Dragon Shower Demise
Slack-jawed, my husband couldn't help but stare at me, at an utter loss for words as he beheld my partially-scaled visage.
Resident Evil 2 segment.
But her husband was nowhere in sight. "william!" she called out desperately. as she was scoping for him, she spotted the spot where her husband had lain. there was a pool of blood but her husband was nowhere to be seen!