
heavy weapons platoon: it is the unit with the task of give heavy fire of support to the company and destroy the hardest targets with the heavy weapons.


The Instinct

Rocks were, however, very heavy. and they could even be very large. both of the qualities of a good fish. sea shook his head. what was he thinking? just because something was heavy didn't mean one should eat it. but... but...

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Terminology and Names

In contrast, reserve armies are less combat-effective in general due to lower personnel and equipment quality, and the level of outfitting with heavy weapons.

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But as we got them out, we were ambushed by heavy fire.

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Porters of the Duat - A Thursday Prompt

They leaned the mummy into coffin then tried to heave the heavy cover back in place. lazuli's paws slipped. the cover slammed against the sarcophagus. top-heavy, the entire coffin leaned back and crashed into the floor of the boat.

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Exo Suits, Power Armor and Armor Pods

heavy/assault class: these armor pods are the mailed fist and the deadliest of all the pods, these machines are armed to the teeth and armored like a heavy gunship.

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Lurking in the Mud - Storm Wrestling

heavy, wet clay went flying in all directions as he burrowed deeper! his tunnel had no cohesion, the walls fell in around him and flinty took a deep breath as the heavy clay oozed over his back and buried him.

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Berserker Part 3: War

As i crouched over the body i heard the rattling of heavy armor and heard the sound of something heavy being swung through the air behind me. i rolled to the side and the heavy iron axe crashed down on the stunned mage.

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Just a test

The downpour was heavy and smelled strongly of sulfur, driving the kitsune to once again run, this time trying to fond shelter from the rain.

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Waking Up

Kane looked heavy, sounded heavy, acted heavy... he was the quintessential fatass if there ever was one, and he knew it as he just stood in the middle of his bedroom with his entire nude frame on display. "i just have to shower... then we can go, okay?"

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Shadow Stalkers: Jinx Pt. 12

The heavy cruiser was heading to the spot where the broadcasting corvette was positioned.

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