Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 1

She landed on a balcony on the harmony castle and looked back at the town. it has grown in the past fifty years but still maintained that rustic charm it always had.

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GoM-Ep8-Introducing the Roomates

Besides the injury he comes from a normal middle class family with a twin sister and his parents in the harmony pack.

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MLP-Sanrose- A New World

The princesses have sent me for you to make sure you are ready for tonight's dinner, with the wielders of the elements of harmony." "the elements of harmony? may i ask what those are?" i asked with my head tilted slightly in curiosity.

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Heart of Winter: DnD Game Lore

Her touch is as silk, and every word carries a harmony that blows through you like a cool wind to ease the withering heat. below the waist though, she is a monster. as beautiful and deceiving as she is dangerous.


No Frills: Siber

Guilt is the feeling associated with breaking one's own rules, and siber already had a strongly held value of keeping harmony with his parents. indeed, as a family, harmony was important to them as a group.

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Antecedent 2

She would find the elements of harmony, and then all of this would be fixed. all of this would be just a bad memory.

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Chuck Norris in Equestria

Celestia called the former elements of harmony to assist in an ancient spell. this spell would allow them to call upon chuck norris for assistance.

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Star Fox Lost Adventures: Tinted

Flowers marked spring time fashionably as purple, orange, and yellow cascaded together in perfect harmony. the flowers were in bunches and could be seen from space during blooming time.


MTG Echo Crossover Thingie

Carl was chill, just going with the flow, with harmony, and that sad harmony told him something was fucked up. "we need to help them" he said, smoking some weed, "dunno why but i just feel it in my gut."

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Madison May of the Star Patrol!

The harmony is organized around a small cabal; the rest of them just sort of... obey. it is a monolithic intelligence. that appears to be, on reflection, why they call it a harmony.

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The Siblings of Chaos: Prologue

We are on the precipice of disaster and we will need the elements of harmony once more.

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Cupcakes 2: The Finale

While there is no solace i can offer to the deceased, there is at least some hope for you, the elements of harmony.

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