The Guardians: Backgrounds, Soren J Lennon

lennon biography: guardianship backgrounds #3 soren j. lennon biography: name, soren jamillo lennon age, 32 human years. height, 6'1. anthro, canine. breed, foxen.

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The Lion, the Witch, the Water Closet, the Pointy Sticks, the Beavers, the Archduke Ferdinand, and the Other Things that Happened

When archduke ferdinand was out for a walk with his wife and his two children lennon and kennedy, he remarked to his wife as he walked past the parsley's house "i sure could do with a nice garlicy pickle right about now." at this point, mr.

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MLP-Sanrose- A New World

A smile formed on my lips as i remembered a moment that happened while i was back in gizorad with my longtime friend, soren jamillo lennon. soren was a brown anthro fox, standing at about 5'6, with green eyes.

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... Into Night (Bodies by Josh, Pt. 1)

Mid-20s, tight body, lithe and supple, kinda short, wearing these cute little john lennon glasses that made him look as innocent as he wasn't, he was the sort of person who attracted attention whenever he wanted.

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A Short Walk to the Past

"i think mccartney and lennon will forgive me." she shook her head gently. "no, there's no way to define 'adulting' accurately, like steps in a process. i think starshine's idea might be the best of all: let's pretend.

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Restless Spirits

(thank you, john lennon.) if you are enjoying this story series, please consider leaving a tip (see icon at the end of the story), or click here to learn more about my patreon.

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