Simple Plan (CH.1: New Girl, No Lunch, and a New Friend)

They got to dining hall just as staff was putting away food and cleaning empty tables and trays. the hall had tables all over it with vending machines along the walls to accommodate for all animals.tables were covered in litter and half eaten food.

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Fall of the House of Farrington

In the main hall, the party for the young master's return from the healers was in full swing. who cared about a poor, burned prostitute who'd hanged herself outside the guild hall?

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Lost Friends

With a nod the two guards started down the hall. onych looked at sythe and started laughing. "grab your stuff and i will show you to your room." still laughing he turned and started walking down the hall.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 8

Silhouettes began appearing from the long corridor that connected the city hall with the mess hall, they were several of them, some smaller others higher, the size of an adult cheetah. "more hallucinations?"

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A Conversation

The room in all likely hood only had one or two such vents, largely dependent on air from the hall. the hall that had collapsed just moments before.

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3. Matricuation

Prince daschiel lounged on his father's throne and surveyed the great hall. he watched three woofs enter the hall and look about. two of them were about his own age: dark grey woofs wearing traveling clothes in the quaint northern style.


Invane: Chaotically Rescue

Eventually meeting up upon the brown door on the other side of the halls afterwards where a green sign emerged upon our eyes. once again, the halls were empty and boring except for us being upon the halls.

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A Formal Event

A series of walkways and enclosed bridges connected this large exhibition hall to the smaller halls that surrounded it, where there were similarly more tables and seats.

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Sighing i picked up my note book and walked towards the back hall. with the glow of the t.v. gone i flipped a switch and growled under my breath as light filled the hall and blinded me.

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Fallout: Balance of Power

hall for that matter. they had all the leverage and i had none, a position i didn't appreciate being in.

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After the Storm - Part 3 [Familiar Faces]

The halls of the academy were bustling with activity. recruits roamed from hall to hall. most of them travelled in groups and were jogging or training or... whatever it is they were doing.

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In The Water, I Am Beautiful

He walked down the beige painted hall, all of the murals and poster hung up reeking with age. mr. appleby showed barry this very hall those many years ago, said that this was a hall of the old school before they built the rest attached to it.

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