Milk Egg

As soon as the egg is laid into the open water, the female wastes no time and glues it against her belly.

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Chapter 3 - The Beginning of War

He put the dye back in his pocket and grabbed the glue. len rushed over to zeke and snuck some glue onto his chair before helping zeke up with meiest and zack. the 4 of them sat back down and began eating as if nothing had happened.

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1st Grade Was Metal! (based on a true story)

Me and my friends once played a game where i was a handsome stallion who had to rescue a herd of mares from the glue factory. in 1st grade! the big rescue wasn't as easy as it sounded.

Jared and Gnat - Part Six - You Love Me

Gnat's still stuck to me like glue, even though i put him through hell. he must really lo-... my eyes began to tear up as he looked deep into my eyes, mere inches away. then, i told him what i should have told him years ago.

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The Cup

In the days which followed, brice's veterinarian would marvel at the strange and unknown kind of powerful "cellular glue" as he termed it that seemed to allow the small cat to recover from seemingly devastating injuries.

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Adira Clawhauser Chapter 8

The protective equipment stuck to his horns like glue and would not come off no matter what they try.

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White Noise

He could wiggle his toes a bit, his legs only ached, but they were also in the strange hot glue contraption. something was holding him down. someone was holding him down? no. not a person. a thing, a...a blanket.

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Why The Hell Dose My Life Suck!

Item list 1) several pairs of clothes. 2) canteen with water purer pills. 3) first aid kit. 4) 4 collapsible 1 man tents. 5) fold up shovel. 6) rations. 7) hatchet 8) 40 extra bow strings 9) glue and 303 feathers for new arrows 10) 100spare

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2 Voice

Drowning in the earth and here you sit lacking self-worth feet dangling limp in reverie at ridge of mountain tall idle wondering not yet abridged imagining what it's like to fall you thought that you'd be wrought full and full of holes and glue

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Invane: Rear Fret

A glue!" "that is just a stick..." i commented, pointing out the obvious. yet haziyo shook his head and held it to my face, "glue stick." "i guess you guys could not find a clock at all huh?"

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That place where we met

They are really cool and if you put them a bit of glue can reuse them in your notebook! it's been three months since the last time i saw you in the bus stop. i spoke with your teacher and she told me that you were ill and can't come to class.

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Fighting Back

The days following that second incident, they stuck like glue on my tail.

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