Gap Year: Segregated

Both of us felt geeked when we saw the famous bridge the train goes over in harry potter. and we took a number of pictures with it, each more ridiculous than the last. "you know what we need to do?" jake asked as we moved away from the bridge.

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Rainshine and Adrien (part 1)

Rainshine was a huge sci-fi geek, and it had always been her fantasy to own something that had fallen from space.

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Links Chapter 3 ... Clean

"physics of the impossible" a book written for geeks who love science and math and enjoy thinking about string theory and wormholes.

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The Crazy Crew

Trix just pushed him aside and went ahead "geek". danny just got the last chain away from the doors and throwed his keys over at trix which made it to catch them with a little jump.


Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Twenty Five

I went in, skirting around a bunch of geeks who were playing some kind of board game, and collapsed in one of the beanbag chairs they had set out for comfortable reading.

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The Shattered Mirror

He was, for all purposes, a geek and a loner. but even all of that didn't stop her. she had seen him studying alone in the library and watched him for a bit, as he was completely oblivious to his surroundings.

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The Beginning With No End

I was a little bit of a geek. not so hardcore i had no social life, but to the point people would ask for help on a certain problem yet still remain as a friend. i replied, with a short "yeah, what's up?".

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It was one of those computer science geek schools for geniuses. rei would fit in perfectly, given his past records and exploits. bouski thought i was being heartless and spent the whole month giving me attitude and preaching on how to be a good parent.

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A New Life

Kaeryn herself was not bad looking, she was a geek in school, mostly because of the games she loved playing and making both on the computer and outside with her friends. she had medium length brown hair, brown eyes.

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To You, I Belong: Chapter 5

He's probably the biggest band geek i've ever met." "nice," brittany said with a laugh. "now i really want to meet him." she took a few more sips of her water. "but what about you?" she asked.

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Coming out of the tent

Cody lodgen dumped all over that, calling her an "av geek". that's why i said what i said to him in the boys' bathroom seventh period.

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