A New Life
#1 of A New Life
A new series I am starting about my second sona Kaeryn. This first chapter is more introducing characters, setting and such. The fun will start happening in the next chapters, but gotta start somewhere right?
Kaeryn and all other characters in this story belong to me.
I am not sure how it had happened, but it did. I have a tail! My brother and I had gone on this trip to see a friend of his. He told me that this friend was a doctor, but what kind of Doctor he never said. All I remember, is going up to his house, shaking hands with him.. then boom, nothing. I now sit here, at this computer in a room they put me in and I have a tail. Nothing more, just a tail. I had forgotten my journal at home, so this will do for now. Ha, look at that! I am now talking to myself, meh. Anyway, the day starts off in an hour. It is currently 4am, here in Torna. A little town, but there was something strange about this place. I asjkhdjkawda-
*Knock knock
Kaeryn growled and looked up at the door.. the fur on her tail becoming all frizzled and standing on end. "What!" she yelled at the door, specifically the door.. not at whoever was behind it. "Tom's got breakfast going, he wants to see how you are doing". Kaeryn rolled her eyes, her brother.. of course. Her brother was not a bad person, tall, kinda gangly she thought. He never had a girlfriend in his life though. He did though have girls crushing on him, mostly for his eyes. She too liked them, big round blue ones. She sighed and stood up from the computer chair, shaking herself out then stopped. Her eyes went wide at what she was doing. She looked down at her tail, all the spaz came out! It was smooth, but just tan. She gave her head a shake, placing her hand on her forehead, 'I am turning into a damned dog' she thought to herself. She took her tail within her hands. "Really? Just tan? That's all! No stripes, spots or stars maybe?" Another knock came from the door. "Hurry up already! And don't worry about wearing any clothes, just bring a towel." A towel?
Kaeryn grumbled and grabbed the closest thing to her. A robe. Kaeryn herself was not bad looking, she was a geek in school, mostly because of the games she loved playing and making both on the computer and outside with her friends. She had medium length brown hair, brown eyes. Her skin was slightly darker then her brothers, more so because of her love of tanning and being outdoors. Kaeryn wrapped the robe around herself and tied it up before going out for breakfast in the kitchen, her brother had left already. It seemed easy enough to get there, straight down the hall to where that tail was. Tail?! Kaeryn made her steps a little faster as she came around the corner. She stopped only to gasp at what she saw. Her brother, Noah and his friend Tom both has tails! Just like her! Tom's tail was more of a grey colour, but Noah.. his was black. That was not the only thing Kaeryn noticed though. Tom, had ears. Only, his ears were black instead of grey. Kaeryn almost tripped over her own feet as she sat at the table, not saying a word.
Noah just sat there and ate his breakfast, not making any eye contact with his sister at all. Ton on the other hand, did! He smiled brightly to her, his ears perking. "So! Good morning sleepy head!" He smirked, Kaeryn was not impressed. "It seems the air here hit you harder then I thought it would. Your brother has been here a few times already, so it did not affect him too much." Kaeryn looked up at Tom, eyebrow raised. "The air?" she scoffed. Tom just nodded and continued making her breakfast. It smelt like, meat.. but not entirely cooked meat. "The air here has a special chemical in it that I made myself. As you can tell, it changes you as well. Since this is your first time here though, you only get the tail. You will need to eat some special foods to get the rest of you going." 'The rest of me going?' she thought for a moment. Noah chuckled and poked Kaeryn with a piece of paper, "This what you want to read again?" She looked at it and took it almost the second he poked her with it. It was a note from Tom, explaining something about wanting to try some experiments with animals and humans. That this would be his key into College or something. Kaeryn opened it up and began to re-read.
Dear Noah and Kaeryn,
This year is my fourth year into College, but this College I hope to go to is a special one. You have heard about the hybrids right? The humans who voluntarily turn themselves into animals and live out their lives away from cities and such. Well, I may have made my own version of that, but a much safer one, as the one that is out right now causes all sorts of issues.
Get back to me on if you want to try this or not, Noah I know you would love to and get away from all the life stress. Kaeryn I am not sure if you want to, I know you have a boyfriend and a life, but all the help I can get would be appreciated.
Kaeryn closed the letter and nodded, she looked up to Tom. "Alright, I am-" she stopped, eyes wide. Tom, had now grown a muzzle! It was grey like this other fur. "Uh.." Kaeryn just stared as Noah put her plate down. "Eat up, you are a growing girl." She looked down at her plate, the meat wasn't even fully cooked!! How is she supposed to eat a half cooked steak?
"Eat up Kae, we have to get going soon, the day won't wait for you." She looked over at her brother, who now was covered in a light fur, still black like his tail. She shrugged and took a bit off the end that looked well cooked. "Alright, done." Noah walked towards her and patted her shoulder, crossing the kitchen to the doorway outside. He looked over at Kae and nodded. "The meat should finish you off shortly, go ahead and remove your robe, you will not need it outside." he smiled and removed his own, she didn't even realize he had one on! His other features were too distracting to pay attention to what he was wearing.
Kae shrugged and followed her brother and friend to the door, as Noah opened the door a while new world opened up to her. Her eyes started changing as well. Changing to a light purple, her pupils becoming more wolf like. Noah and Tom stepped outside and stretched, their hands becoming paws, slowly but surely changing them into a stranger version of wolves that she had seen before. Only, more human. Kaeryn reluctantly stepped out onto the porch, the sunlight hitting her face like someone took a flashlight to it. She blinked, looking out into her new world.. Noah and Tom were just standing there, watching. "Oh, right.." She undid her robe, taking a breath before letting it fall to the porch.
Tom and Noah both looked over at her.. "Wow.."