Ridixin (Original Short Story)

After counting, i find a staggering thirty-eight bones are broken, and another twelve are fractured. but that's extremely better than expected, as it should be dead multiple times over.

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The Gift: Introducing the Spirits, part 3 of 3

Due to the fractured nature of the ancient one most spirits give him a wide berth.

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09 - Tumble Weeds

The fracture in her mind opened into a full fissure and she could not gather enough thoughts together to determine a proper course of action.

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Death's Blood Ch. Sixteen: Insurance and Woe

Instantly, the lizard breaks apart as the fractured souls having aided slij separate. the chaos that they beget does not last long. with the help of all the pure souls, the fractured souls are driven back to where they belong.

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"Wolf Boy" a Fantasy Novel

Wolf boy" follows the journey of a girl named nylca who finds solace exploring the woods around her home to escape from the tension of a fractured family.

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Chapter 38

A roar filled the air, causing both strike and rentor to grab their heads in pain, and a part of the sky fractured. beyond the boundaries of reality was a white void with a single object floating silently within.

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Lost Legends - Intro

The world is now fractured and dangerous. war comes like the tide, and peace is only a dream for the naïve.

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one last chance: FnaJ

I tried to stand up, i fell and fractured my skull. "too bad theres no endoskeleton for bluebunny" he said "you'll just suffer i guess" he forced me into the suit and hooked it all together... "w...why?" i forced out.


Shattered: Prologue

He knew it; his heart had fractured as his paw was full of a brilliant violet blue sparkling ashes. he fell to the ground in an emotional collapsation as his eyes gleamed red from his spilling tears. "i can't lose you! not now, please!"

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The Tome of Time in Purgatory

Time in purgatory is....fractured compared to time in the world of the living. three years in the world of the living is three hundred years in purgatory.

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Clouds Of Light

Separate masses collided into each other and fractured away again, forming accidental shapes in the sky. here a rocket ship! there a heart! here a butterfly! there a top hat!

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Ridixin (Part 2)

After we count, it seems that seventy-eight bones are broken, and another thirty-two are fractured. but that's better than expected, as it should've been dead upon impact. i check its heartbeat, and am shocked to see that it's medically normal.

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