Maybe This Time

**Maybe This Time** By: DankeDonuts []( A Sugar Glider's membranes were just the thing to reach untouched hideaways beyond the nature trail. Teardrop set down inside a...

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New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 9 - "Communing"

Like communing, he altered memories much more often than he liked. that had been the second time in two days.

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Clouds Of Light

**Clouds Of Light** By: DankeDonuts []( Black water crashed again and again into the shore. Its rolling contours highlighted a dazzling white by the Moon above. Its surf,...

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Pt 5 - The Druid's Lessons

Either they were given the golden leaf of discovery, or sent packing out of the woods without the magic to ever find their commune again. she had gone to the council asking about gux.

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The Envoy Arrives

We approach the commune and flower comes out of it in a hurry, "sorry hunter gwen. i should be at practice, but moonbeam wished me to be here to introduce the commune to the envoy." dramon looks at her questioningly, "you are doing fighting training?

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Pt 20 - The Druid's Flight

Too... safe in commune." lily leaned against him, nodding. "you know... the commune is the only place i really know. i've lived there my whole adult life barring two years, in which i lived in another one.

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Pt 19 - The Druid's Growth

Both lived on the outskirts of the commune, paying much more attention to the creatures of the forest, and they saw the potential in zaax.

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Pt 11 - The Druid's Preparations

Still, try not to break anyone from the commune while you're training. we always need more people helping us stay safe away from the rest of the world."

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Helen Ch 4

"have a good rest of the night communing with your magic." he disappeared from her dreamscape, leaving her to stretch out on the grass as the animals of the space came to greet her.

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Pt 3 - The Druid's Oasis

I'm giving you a chance to join the commune... to join my tribe. and even if you don't want to do that... i am giving you a chance to find yourself and make yourself free. i am the _opposite_of a slaver." she then leaned on the table.

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Pt 7 - The Druid's Wait

#7 of the druid's tale the consequences of not listening to the commune catch up with lily, while something much more sinister seems to have followed gux.

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