Sheath x Felix PON Ch 5

As i get to my feet felix appears down the hall, almost as if on cue. he spots me and, seeing my disoriented appearance, hurries to my side. "sheath, what's wrong?" he asks. i shake my head, "nothing felix."

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Chapter 3: The Past and Future

"to bad jinn, unless felix would like to fly you all the way to twilight. we're teleporting." magnis called down the stairs jinn looked at felix. "" felix said rubbing his lower back. huma looked at everyone in puzzlement.

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Chapter 13: The End...

I heard dante whisper to someone as i groaned in horrible pain and weakly opened my eyes to find that i was back in felix's bedroom, surrounded by maxi, dante, felix and amber; all of them looking anxious and sleep deprived.

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Rescued At Last...

Lady said once felix was gone. both kail and leo nodded slightly and heeded the fox's request, heading off to secretly follow felix. lady had known felix longer and better than any of them so she knew what she was doing. "i'm really sorry this happened.

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A Grunt's Revenge

Umbreon continued to watch felix, trying to asses the situation further, when he realized that felix was bleeding, and badly.

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Let The Third Race Commence

The ninth team is felix (brown fox) & toby (orange tiger)- beneficial friends. "oh boy! i'm so excited that we're here!" felix says, his tail wagging like crazy as he stands and looks out the window.

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"Daggers of Darkness" - Part 12

Chi'an took a drink from her water bottle and then offered it to felix. "_may our streams flow together in the great water of life, my felix, and may it taste sweeter for it_."

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10KLY2: Chapter 8

felix and i hit the dock before the screaming started. even as felix dropped he began calling into his combadge, "petra, security!"

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Chocolate-Dipped Strawberry

felix asks himself. zack seems like a nice person. too fragile, but nice. he can't stand to see him like this any more. wrapping an arm around him, felix confesses, "listen, zack, chris doesn't hate you at all no matter what you think."

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Beer Brawl

Toby & felix try and try again, but both times, they fail epically. "damn it," felix mutters. "what am i bloody missing?" the answer was his "i". he just didn't realize it yet.

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