"Daggers of Darkness" - Part 12
#19 of Daggers of Darkness, Book 1, Into the Black
Here's the (revised) Chapter 12 for the first book of my sci-fi adventure series, "Daggers of Darkness, Book 1, Into the Black". This story is set 500 years into the future with some of the descendants of the characters in my novel, "Family Tails". The Epilogue is up next after this part.
The posting of this story on here may not be a fully polished product -- that will come later when I have the story fully edited and published. However, I will try to keep the typos, etc., to a minimum. The main things I would like from those reading this are comments, questions, and suggestions. I only ask that you please keep criticisms constructive and polite.
Story, characters, and related art © 2013-2017 Ronald J. Lebeck (that's me).
Part 12
The day of departure had arrived, and among the huge crowd that had gathered to see the three_Spirit_-class long-range scout ships lift, was the crew of the Chel-Sar Se'nika, Zhir-Chi'an's family, the First Attendant Lady Niwa-Ele'ana, and the Empress herself. After the personal goodbyes had been said, sent, or otherwise expressed, the crews of the three scout ships gathered into formation to receive the official sendoff by the Empress.
"Our people met as strangers under grim and difficult circumstances in the cold empty places far from our homes. To those who came to our world as strangers, we now say our farewells to as friends. Let us remember the names Nightwing, Shadow Storm, and Dark Fire with honor in our songs and memories, and the deeds of their crews who rescued our own and brought them home to us. We should also remember the names of Night Spirit and Black Frost, the sister ships of these whose duties required them to be elsewhere, for they also took equal part in the rescue efforts."
The Empress stepped up to James and placing her hands on his shoulders, she said, "When time and duties permit, we hope that you and your crews will come back to us and enjoy our hospitality again." Privately she sent, "I envy young Zhir-Chi'an...she will see your home world with her own eyes, and experience for herself its wonders."
James smiled and sent, "You have welcomed us into your home, Empress Krel-Mri'ana-- you will find welcome in our own. Hopefully one day you'll get to see our home for yourself."
The Empress grinned coyly and sent, "The next time you are here, I shall make certain that you are served two glassfuls...James."
Putting his own hands on her shoulders, James sent, "I look forward to it...Mri'ana."
James took the Empress's right hand into his, and lifted it to his face, lightly kissing the back of it. "Take care of yourself, and be well."
Empress Krel-Mri'ana smiled and sent, "And you. May the All-Mother be with you on your journey home."
James looked over at Lady Niwa-Ele'ana and smiled, and with a little smile of her own, she nodded her head once.
"Be well, James. May the All-Mother be with you always...remember us."
"Take care, Ele'ana, and may She be with you always, too." Giving his shoulder a little rub, James added with grin, "I don't think I'll be forgetting anytime soon," and that caused Lady Niwa-Ele'ana to lower her head as if looking at something on the ground, though with just her eyes she looked right at James and grinned mischievously.
Meeting Rhuw-Rha'an's eyes was the hardest, given what they had been through together and the time spent getting to know one another. The crews of all four ships had a farewell party the night before, though for the crews of the Se'nika_and _Nightwing who had spent the most time together, it was all the more bittersweet--especially since Zhir-Chi'an would be leaving on Nightwing.
"If we don't hear from you, we're going to come looking for you...again," James sent lightly, though he sincerely meant every word.
"If you do, others may think we planned a secret meeting," Rha'an grinned.
"They'd have to find us first," James grinned.
Casting a quick look up at Nightwing, Rha'an sent, "True enough. James...thank you, from all of us."
"Anytime...it's what friends are for."
"Even if some of us are more than friends...?"
"Especially so."
Rhuw-Rha'an smiled, and she saluted James in the fashion of her own people, and James crisply snapped a salute in return, following it with a little kissing gesture.
James returned to his place at the front of the crew formation, facing towards the Empress.
"CREWS...ah-ten-SHUN! Ready...KNEEL!" In unison matching that of the_Che'maht Sahn'rah_, the three crews assumed the proper position of respect towards the Empress. When one minute elapsed, James called out, "CREWS...ready...STAND!" James then turned to face the crews and ordered, "All HANDS, MAN STATIONS FOR GETTING UNDERWAY!" The crews responded with a sharp, low, "HUH!" and broke formation to head to their respective ships at a trot. The A.I.s began powering up the systems needed for atmospheric flight as the crews rode the boarding lifts up, and it would not take long for the three ships to be ready to lift. Those on the ground nearest the ships moved back to a safe distance. In a short while, when all was ready, Nightwing lifted first sounding her customary "hunting call", followed by Shadow Storm and then_Dark Fire_.
"Captain, Port Control has cleared us for a fly-by," Sylvia announced.
"Roger that, inform the others, Syl," James acknowledged.
"Already done, sir," Sylvia said with a grin.
"Give me ship-to-ship, if you would, Syl."
"Channel open, sir," Sylvia announced.
"'Digger', 'Chew Toy', listen up--when we come around to make our pass, stay close. As soon as we pass over, I want you two to execute an outside roll of exactly one revolution, taking three seconds to complete. The instant you complete the roll, we break and climb in a 'vee' formation. Acknowlege."
/* "One outside roll with three second rotation, then break and climb in 'victor' formation. Rodger that, 'Wildman'," */ Mike Dugan acknowledged from_Shadow Storm_.
/* "One three second outside roll, break and climb in a 'vee', gotcha. Too bad we can't pop smoke." */ Steven Cho acknowledged from Dark Fire.
"We do any more air shows, we may have to think about adding that. Okay, look lively...here we go."
The three one hundred-fifty meter long ships passed low in a tight formation over the spectators in the early morning light, with the two outside ships making an "outside roll". This meant that Shadow Storm, flying on the starboard side of Nightwing, rolled in a clock-wise direction; Dark Fire, flying on the port side of Nightwing, rolled in a counter-clockwise direction. As soon as they completed the single roll, both outside ships continued on over another forty-five degrees before splitting off to put extra distance between them, and then climbing spaceward with Nightwing in the lead.
* * * * *
Zhir-Chi'an's family was in the crowd of onlookers, having come to see their now famous relative off on her mission to Terra as an Imperial Diplomatic Cultural Aide. Zhir-Rhi'an could hardly believe that her Third Daughter and lowly fifth child could have earned such a position, and under the direct order of the Empress herself! Already the greater Houses of the Second Circle were making known their interest in Zhir-Chi'an and the maneuverings had begun. Even some of the lesser Houses of the First Circle have made subtle inquiries. Zhir-Shi'an, Zhir-Chi'an's eldest sister, was envious of her youngest sibling's elevation from a virtual nobody to someone who reports directly to the Empress. The two had never been close--while growing up, Zhir-Shi'an would often belittle her youngest sister and make herself an obstacle between Zhir-Chi'an and whatever she wanted. Nhir-Khy'ta, the youngest of Zhir-Chi'an's two older brothers, was not afraid of Zhir-Shi'an in the least--or of anyone else, for that matter, which led to him ending up in the military as the pilot of a jump-capable heavy fighter. He had always stood up for Zhir-Chi'an, and because of that, they had always been close. Nhir-Khy'ta, when he learned of Zhir-Chi'an's return to Mûr Zhæn, and the circumstances, he immediately requested leave to see her. Nhir-Khy'ta arrived home during the third night after his sister's return, and when she came to the family's house with the alien, he simply took it in stride and welcomed his sister's friend as if it was perfectly normal. Zhir-Rhi'an, on the other hand, was shocked as it was the first time in her life that she had ever come face-to-face with an alien. Being the quick learner that he is, Felix Canberra quickly impressed Zhir-Chi'an's family--and most importantly her mother--with his ability to speak a little Tua'an, which both Chi'an and Kfan-Hre'an had been teaching him in much the same manner as he had taught Chi'an his own language. When the family arrived at the capital's space port, Nhir-Khy'ta's eyes lit up upon seeing the three sleek, black alien ships in the early morning light. Since her family arrived somewhat early, Zhir-Chi'an was able to meet briefly with them before the departure ceremony began.
"So this the ship, then," Nhir-Khy'ta sent to his sister as he looked across at_Nightwing_.
"Yes, what do you think of her, my brother?" Chi'an asked.
"She is impressive, beautiful, and decidedly dangerous looking...I like her," Khy'ta replied with a grin.
"If it is permissible, would you like to meet her?" Chi'an asked. Seeing the confused look on her brother's face, she grinned and pointed to one of the alien females.
"That is Madam Moira's machine form--they call it her 'android avatar'. It is nearly indistinguishable from any of the females among the Terran species known as 'human'. She is standing next to her pilot who is the commanding officer. I will ask her if there is time to meet briefly," Chi'an explained.
Chi'an pulled out the comm-set she had been given and contacted the ship.
Zhir-Chi'an: "Zhir-Chi'an to Madam Moira."
[Moira]: "Moira here, how may I assist you, Chi'an?"
Zhir-Chi'an: "Would it be permitted for my brother, Nhir-Khy'ta, to meet you and the Captain briefly?"
[Moira]: "He is the fighter pilot, correct?"
[Moira]: "I believe we have a little time yet. I will ask James--hold, please."
A few moments later...
[Moira]: "Chi'an, James and I will be happy to meet your brother for a few minutes."
Zhir-Chi'an: "Thank you, Madam Moira...we will be there shortly. Zhir-Chi'an out."
"Come, Khy'ta, it has been granted," Chi'an sent happily to her brother.
When they walked up to the security cordon, they were allowed to pass with no difficulty due to Nhir-Khy'ta being in his military uniform and Zhir-Chi'an in her new uniform bearing the Imperial Crest.
"Captain, Madam Moira, this is the youngest of my two older brothers, Pilot Commander Second Grade Nhir-Khy'ta.
My brother, this is Captain James Daugherty, the commanding officer of Nightwing, and Madam Moira." Privately she sent to her brother, "Remember how I taught you to address them."
Nhir-Khy'ta saluted James in the manner of the Mûr Tua'ansa military and said a little slowly in his recently acquired Terran Standard English, "Good morning, Captain Daugherty, it is an honor to meet you, sir."
James smiled and returned Nhir-Khy'ta's salute in the Terran fashion, and replied, "Good morning to you, Pilot Commander Nhir-Khy'ta."
"Madam Moira, it is a pleasure to meet you," Nhir-Khy'ta said as he held his right hand out to her.
Moira shook his hand and gave the formal Mûr Tua'ansa greeting, "Nua'ana traalen moa'chwë Nhir-Khy'ta ensa omith Nhir."
Nhir-Khy'ta was pleasantly surprised by the greeting in his native Tua'an, causing him to smile broadly.
"Your sister has told us that you fly a jump-capable heavy fighter, Nhir-Khy'ta," James said. "We saw some on the way here--they reminded me a little of the PCG I used to fly before I was given command of Nightwing. Your fighters are a bit smaller than what I flew, but you can do some crazy things in something that size."
Nhir-Khy'ta grinned, understanding what James meant.
"The skill of a truly inspired pilot can make life interesting for his opponent."
"That is so true," James grinned in return.
Looking up, Nhir-Khy'ta said, "Your ship...she is most impressive. If I were foolish enough to be an opponent, I do not think I would want to see her coming for me with her claws out."
"If that would be the case, you would likely not see me at all...but you would hear my hunting cry," Moira said in a nearly seductive voice that made Nhir-Khy'ta swallow hard.
"I shall endeavor to remain in your good graces, Madam Moira," he said with a bow.
"Captain Daugherty, I am curious--are there many intelligent machines in your Sol Federation?" Nhir-Khy'ta asked.
"All of our jump-capable starships have A.I.s, or 'artificial intelligence' systems, and there are others performing various jobs, such as research assistants for example. The early one-person scout/courier ships were the first to integrate androids with their A.I. system to provide both assistance and company for the pilots who spent their entire careers on the same ship. Since then, the A.I.s and their android avatars have become increasingly sophisticated, and Moira here represents the absolute latest our technology can produce. The A.I.s of all ships the size of Nightwing and larger have an android avatar that assists the crew with a variety of tasks--they are as much of a part of the crew as any other person. So, basically, there are thousands of A.I.s and their avatars in existence," James explained.
"Forgive me for asking this next question, but, are your people concerned that the machines could enslave them at some point?" Nhir-Khy'ta asked.
"No, each A.I. and his or her accompanying android avatar is a unique individual, just as each of us are, and they are individually created one at a time," James replied. "If any individual A.I. should show signs of becoming mentally unstable, every attempt would be made to secure the individual for appropriate corrective measures. There are safeguards built into each A.I. system and the paired android avatar that make it nearly impossible for either of them to 'go rogue' as we say."
"I have sworn myself to James," Moira said, putting her avatar's arm around his waist, "and it is enough for me to be his."
"It sounds as if your people have avoided the mistakes our own have made a great many of our years ago," Nhir-Khy'ta said with a wry smile.
"I've learned a little about that recently, and I can understand how that made your society rather distrustful of machines that can think for themselves, but you don't have anything to worry about with ours. We've been working with A.I. systems in one form or another for over five hundred years with no problems even remotely like what your people had," James said.
"You are fortunate," Nhir-Khy'ta said.
James put his own arm around Moira's avatar and said, "In more ways than one."
A few minutes later as Zhir-Chi'an walked her brother back to the security cordon, she asked, "What did you think of Madam Moira?"
"She is indeed as you said." Nhir-Khy'ta paused a moment and then sent, "Chi'an...do not forget us while you are away, and be safe. We came too close to losing you once."
"I am not reckless, Khy'ta, you know that well enough about me. When I come back, we will have more stories to share, and I will bring back a gift for you," Chi'an sent, twining the end of her tail around her brother's.
"Your safe return will be gift enough, Chi'an," Khy'ta sent softly.
"Be well, my brother," Chi'an sent, and then she teleported away.
* * * * *
The trip back to Terra was largely uneventful. After two weeks on Mûr Zhæn with the nearly thirty hour days, slightly heavier gravity, and having to do things at night because the Mûr Tua'ansa are nocturnal, the crews were happy to get back to things being "normal".
"How's the shoulder, Jamie?" Lilly asked one night in bed on the way back.
"It's better. I am never going to complain about you nipping me again, Lil," James said shaking his head as he rubbed the muscle.
"Ol' Ele'ana bit ya kinda hard, didn't she?"
"Yeah...talk about a set of fangs...geez, and I thought Sonya's were bad enough," James agreed.
"I think Cara, Shauna, and I are the only ones onboard that don't have fangs, James," Moira observed as she examined the place on his left shoulder where Lady Niwa-Ele'ana had bit him during sex. "If she had bitten you any harder, I believe you would have required the services of Frer-Sha'an."
"I'd probably have gotten bit by her, too," James smirked.
"At least Rha'an didn't get so carried away," Moira said as she began to rub James' back.
"Yeah, one chomp was enough--who knew that their ankles are an erogenous zone? Mmm, that feels good..."
"Mmm...it's good to be back in familiar surroundings again," Sylvia said quietly.
"I dunna know, luv, I was getting' used t' 'avin' tha' large bed," Ivor said with a little smirk as he snuggled closer against Sylvia's back.
"It_did_ give us a bit more room for...,"
"Aye, luv, tha' i' did," Ivor grinned.
"When we get home, if we can get a few days away, how about we spend some time at the beach?" Sylvia suggested.
"I thought ye liked the nighttime, luv?"
*Giggle* "I do, but there's nothing wrong with soaking up some sun, especially if it's with a certain handsome, hot fox, with that wonderful sexy accent..."
"But I dunna ha' a' accent, luv..." Ivor said with a grin.
"What do you find humorous, Felix?" Zhir-Chi'an asked when she heard him snicker.
"Oh, I was just thinking about the look on your mother's face when we showed up at your house and she saw me with you. It was kinda comical...in a scary sort of way," Felix replied as they lay together.
"You were the first off-worlder she had ever met," Chi'an sent.
"At least your father and your brother, Khy'ta, didn't seem so shocked. I don' think your eldest sister and her mate thought much of me being with you. I'm not sure what your other sister thought--what was her name again?"
"Zhir-Jhi'an," Chi'an reminded Felix.
"Yeah. She just kind of watched me the whole time we were there, but that one little cousin of yours, Nhi'an...she's a little cutie, ey? She just wouldn't leave me alone."
"I hope Nhi'an did not trouble you too much..."
"Nah, I didn't mind, I usually get along pretty well with kids. How old is she, by the way?" Felix asked.
"Nhi'an is only eight," Chi'an replied.
"Eight...let's see, in our years that's...jeezers, she's forty-two! That's about as old as my mom!" Felix sent in astonishment. "I'll be in my seventies by the time she turns eighteen!"
"Then I would be an old woman in your years," Chi'an sent playfully, running her fingers through his fur.
"I don't want to think about that_, Chi'an..._"
"What do you prefer to think about, Felix?"
"Felix, you have a...*gasp*...one path...mind...mmm...yesssss..."
0700: Breakfast, one day out from Sol star system.
James stood and addressed his crew and passengers when he finished his meal.
"Listen up, everyone. Our itinerary came in during the night, so this is what Fleet has planned for us. As soon as we enter Sol space, we proceed directly to the FOS and dock at Port 35. A Customs officer will come aboard for the usual routine of returning from a foreign port o' call. When that's done, we will go through a medical scan, debriefing, and if everything is good at that point, we get five days of liberty planet side while the ship gets a thorough exterior scrubbing. I'll be flying shuttle-one back, so if anyone wants to ride along, let me know by twenty-hundred tonight. When you pack your things, don't forget to take your comm-sets--Moira, make sure everyone has theirs with them before we leave the ship."
"As you wish, James."
"Any questions?"
No one had any.
"Okay, at zero-eight-hundred, turn-to; Miss Ja'f'darwe, Miss Zhir-Chi'an--I'll need to see you both in my office then. That's all I have," James concluded.
At 0759 the door announcer chimed. James glanced at the chronograph and grinned.
The door opened and both Miss Ja'f'darwe and Zhir-Chi'an stepped into James' office. He stood up as they entered and said, "Ah, good. Please have a seat, ladies," motioning to the short couch along one bulkhead. James pressed a touch pad control on his desk as inquired, "Sylvia, do you have the Secretary of State's office yet?"
/* "Yes sir, would you like for me to put Mr. Jawinthé on now?" */
"Please do."
/* "Establishing secure holo-link..." */
The holographic emitters came online and the 3D image of a middle-aged, smartly dressed Cana-aran man formed.
/* "Ah, Captain Daugherty, glad to see you have made it back." */
"Almost, sir--we're still about a day out," James said, shaking the image's hand.
/* "That explains the image quality, then--you must still be in hyperspace." */
"Yes, sir. My Comm Officer, Engineer, and A.I. have been tinkering with something that they hope will filter out the unusual effects. They told me that they've had a measure of success so far, but don't ask me to try and explain it. Normal physics I can deal with, but the terms they were tossing around were a bit too arcane for my liking," James explained with a grin.
/* "Oh I understand, Captain. My niece...pfff! You don't want to get her talking about nano-machine technology. So...this must be the new friend you told me about," */ Mr. Jawinthé said, changing the subject and gesturing towards Chi'an.
"Yes sir, this is Sensory Specialist First Grade, Zhir-Chi'an, of the exploration vessel, IES Chel-Sar Se'nika, recently assigned as Imperial Diplomatic Cultural Aide by order of Her Majesty, Krel-Mri'ana, Empress of the Mûr Tua'ansa Star Empire. Zhir-Chi'an, this is Mr. Shan Jawinthé, Deputy Secretary in charge of Foreign Relations, from the Sol Federation Department of state. His office will handle the contact between our government and yours, and will assist you with your mission on Terra," James said, making the introductions. Privately, James added, "He can see and hear you, so speak normally as if he was actually here."
"Zhir-Chi'an of House Zhir, by the will of the Empress," Chi'an said as she saluted by placing her left hand on her right shoulder and bowed her head momentarily.
When Chi'an stepped forward, Mr. Jawinthé had to look up to meet her eyes.
/* "It is nice to make your acquaintance, Miss Zhir-Chi'an. The captain has forwarded the details of mission, your list of requirements, and I understand than you will have hard currency to exchange." */
"That is so, Deputy Secretary Shan Jawinthé. My needs will be modest, and the currency is to be transferred into an account that I will use to pay for lodging, food, transportation, clothing, entertainment, and so forth during my stay," Chi'an explained.
"Moira and I have counted, weighed, and scanned the full amount, plus their equivalent to a Ministry of Trade has provided additional documentation to assist in determining fair value--it's been translated into Terran Standard English, and I think you will find that it is quite thorough," James added.
/* "I see. Well, then, as soon as you clear Customs at the station, and can arrive here in Geneva, we will get you processed through Immigration Control and get you settled into appropriate quarters, Miss Zhir-Chi'an. Miss Ja'f'darwe will assist you with anything you need during your stay. I look forward to meeting you in person." */
"Thank you, Deputy Secretary Shan Jawinthé. I hope my presence and activities will not be an undue burden," Chi'an said with a slight bow.
/* "It is no trouble at all, ma'am, we appreciate the chance to establish relations with your people. The captains and crews of Nightwing_,_ Shadow Storm_, and_ Dark Fire were most impressed with their visit to your world, and we hope that you and your people will enjoy visiting Terra and perhaps the other worlds in the Sol Federation in due time. Well, I must attend to other things...again, I look forward to meeting you in person, Miss Zhir-Chi'an. Miss Ja'f'darwe, Captain." */
The image of the Deputy Secretary dissolved, and James relaxed.
"Now that that's out of the way, I can get back to doing what I do best--flying my ship," James said with a relieved smile. "I don't care much for dealing with government officials...though, there's been one or two that I didn't mind," he added, thinking about more pleasant things momentarily.
The last part of the trip was uneventful, and the crews of the three ships were glad to soon be home again. After returning to normal space early the next morning, the ships prepared for their arrival at the huge Fleet Operations Station. James called Zhir-Chi'an to the bridge so that she could get her first view of Terra. He made his approach so that the ship would pass by with a great view on the way to the station.
"There it is, Zhir-Chi'an...our little island in the vast sea of space. The days and nights will be shorter than you're used to, and the gravity is a little less, but I think you'll like it. You will probably want to get some warmer clothing, unless you plan on staying the whole time in the tropics," James suggested with a little grin.
"I have brought some with me, though undoubtedly I will be adding to my assortment of clothing. At least many of your people have tails, so hopefully some items will not be too difficult to obtain," Chi'an sent openly.
"Most of the larger clothing shops have an Auto-Tailor, Zhir-Chi'an," Sylvia said. "They're like our AQMS, and they're easy to use--just follow the prompts, and it'll guide you through the process. You'll be given the option to store your measurements on your credit chip so you won't have to use the scanner every time you want to buy more clothes."
"That should be convenient," Chi'an sent thoughtfully.
After arriving at the station, they had the inspections by Customs, and then were debriefed by Admiral Donnelson and his staff. After lunch, the ship was made ready for external decontamination to remove any risk of carrying foreign organisms since the three ships had been on the ground. This meant that the landing struts and personnel lift had to be deployed so that they and their storage wells could be accessed for cleaning. When it was time to depart, everyone loaded up on shuttle-1, and James eased the sleek personnel shuttle out of the hanger bay, cleared the station's space doors, and headed for Terra.
The first stop was in Norfolk, Virginia where Sylvia and Ivor were going to be staying in her sister's guest house.
"I put everyone's contact info on this comm PAD so that you can get a hold of us whenever you want," Sylvia said as she handed the device to Zhir-Chi'an. "You take care of yourself, and we'll see each other again, okay?"
"Thank you, Sylvia Stewert, I will. Be well, both of you."
Sylvia and Ivor gave Zhir-Chi'an a friendly hug and said their goodbyes to the others, before exiting the shuttle.
The next stop was in Geneva so that Zhir-Chi'an and Miss Ja'f'darwe could disembark at the Federation Headquarters Complex.
"Well Zhir-Chi'an, it looks like one adventure ends and another begins," James said, giving her a friendly hug and pat on the back.
"That is so, Captain James Daugherty. I thank you for all that you have done," she sent wistfully.
"I'm glad that we got there in time. When your ship eventually gets here with the diplomats, the admiral has it arranged so that we'll be here for that, and then we can all have ourselves a nice get together at our home in Alaska," James said in return.
"We will be honored to receive the hospitality of House Daugherty, Captain. There is something that I was instructed to give you...," Chi'an reached into her shoulder bag and fished out a data chip. "This holds the contact information of everyone in our crew, plus a special direct contact to the Imperial Palace. When our communications vessel completes the establishment of communication channels to Mûr Zhæn, you and your crew will be able to send messages to us. The directions necessary are there. There are also three personal messages for you, to be read when you have a quiet moment alone."
"Thank you, Zhir-Chi'an, I'll have Moira get a copy the contacts for your crewmates to everyone," James said as he took the chip.
"There is one other thing I am to give you...," she sent, and then she got a little package out of one of her travel bags. "The Madam Commander wishes for you to have this...I have no idea what it might be, though she strongly insisted that you wait until you were alone and at home before opening it."
James raised an eyebrow, wondering what it could possibly be. He accepted the package, and tucked it into one of the leg cargo pockets of his uniform.
"I shall honor her instructions," James said with a curious grin. More seriously he sent, "Be well, Zhir-Chi'an, and may the All-Mother guide your path."
Zhir-Chi'an's eyes gave away the strong emotions she felt as she gently placed her hand on James' chest.
"As She surely guides yours. Be well, my second vrae-na'or."
When Zhir-Chi'an looked shyly away, James felt something warm wrap around his wrist, holding it briefly, before uncoiling.
Zhir-Chi'an said her farewells to the rest of the remaining crew, saving Felix for last.
"Will I see you again, Felix?"
"Count on it, Chi'an," he sent as he reached up to put his arms around her neck.
Chi'an lifted Felix up to her eye level with her thoughts--much to the amazement of the rest of the crew who had not yet witnessed the telekinetic ability of the Mûr Tua'ansa. While the two hugged and kissed, everyone saw Chi'an float two objects out of her shoulder bag--a water bottle and a data chip.
"This is for you from Hre'an," Chi'an sent as the data chip floated up before his face.
Taking it while she continued to hold him up with her thoughts, Felix put the chip into one of his chest pockets.
"You shared your queth sliat with me when we first met, now I share mine with you as we depart from each other's company." Chi'an took a drink from her water bottle and then offered it to Felix. "May our streams flow together in the Great Water of Life, my Felix, and may it taste sweeter for it."
Felix took the offered bottle, drank some, and handed it back, sending with a wistful smile, "It already does, Chi'an, and...they already do."
Chi'an and Felix shared one more very intimate thought before she sat him down on his feet. She twined her tail around his for a few seconds before letting go.
"Be well, my Felix, and may the All-Mother protect you and keep you safe so that we may be together again."
"Thanks, and may She be with you, too. Take care, my dear Chi'an."
Zhir-Chi'an stood in the hatchway and gave a Mûr Tua'ansa salute to all, and then exited with Miss Ja'f'darwe.
As they walked through the boarding tube, Felix called out, "Ey, watch your head when you make a right turn, ey!"
Chi'an and Miss Ja'f'darwe looked over their shoulders and then exchanged puzzled looks. A short while later as they were going down a hallway, they turned right to go down another when Zhir-Chi'an nearly struck her horns on a sign that was being raised into position by some workers. Miss Ja'f'darwe looked oddly at the sign, back towards the direction they had come, and then at Zhir-Chi'an.
"How did he know?"
* * * * *
"Momma, somebody's at the door!" Rosetta called out when she heard the knock.
"Who is it?" Poppy asked from the kitchen.
"Dunno, Momma, I go see!"
"I go too!" Daisy said excitedly, not wanting her sister to get all of the attention in case it was their aunt bringing some oatmeal raisin cookies over.
When poppy heard the door open, immediately both girls squealed excitedly.
"Momma!" they both yelled in unison, "It's FELIX!!!"
Poppy dropped the plate she was washing back into the dishwater and looked in disbelief at the door. She started to raise her soapy hand to her face, her eyes wide open, as she took a few hesitant steps.
"Y-You...you...came...back...!" Poppy whispered, hardly daring to believe her own eyes.
"I _did_say that I would...," Felix said quietly with a grin.
"Ooo...come here, you!"
"Yes, kitten?"
"I've been wondering...what ever happened to that big dildo Fifty-Nine-Seventeen chased Miss Eriksson with that one time in Engineering?" Cara asked playfully.
"I'm not sure exactly what Syl did with it--that fool thing was nearly as big as she is! There's no way she could have any fun with it. Other than making a great gag gift, I don't know of anyone who could've taken that thing!"
"I imagine so. You think she'd tell what she did with it?" Cara asked.
"I don't know, it's hard telling with her. As sweet and lovable as she can be, Syl_does_ have a dark, twisted sense of humor sometimes. You know, one night after supper she was brushing her teeth, so I got curious and asked her why her fangs were so long--I've never seen a bat with fangs as long as hers. She got this odd look in her eyes that sent shivers down my spine, and calmly said that their mother's side of the family have vampire bat in them! I don't know if she was just yanking my chain or what, but the way she said it, it gave me the willies!" Sonya explained with a little shiver.
"Ooo, that would be creepy if she really does!" Cara said quietly.
"Yeah, tell me about it...it's bad enough that she sleeps with an energy pistol under her pillow and keeps a knife tucked in her boot," Sonya agreed.
"I wonder what she and Ivor are doing right now..."
"Are ye warm eno' luv?" Ivor asked, putting his arm around Sylvia.
*Giggle* "Yeah, I'm warm enough. How has it been since you've done this?" she asked.
"Ach, not since I was a wee lad. I think they're done..."
"Want me to get the buns ready?"
"Aye, luv."
"Okay. What do you want on yours?"
"I'll ha' some o' tha' mustard relish, if ye please."
A few seconds later...
"Here you go, lover."
"Thank ye, luv."
"Mmm...nothing like an old-fashioned weenie roast on the beach, next to a real fire, and snugglin' up with my handsome fox."
"Aye, luv, I wouldna miss this for anythin'.
"Ever wonder how these things ever got called 'hot dogs'?"
"'Umans come up wi' th' strangest names for food, eh? Oh, 'old still, luv, ye ha' some ketchup on yer lip...*lick*"
*Giggle* "Thanks, baby. What's so funny?"
"Ha, I was just thinkin' if Miss Redhill saw ye wi' ketchup on yer lips...the poor lass would ha' a fit!"
*Laughs* "She probably would! Hey, that gives me an idea...want to help me play a joke on her when we get back?"
"Sure, luv..."
*Purr* "It's_so_ nice to have you home again...and just think, we have the house all to_ourselves_ this time!"
"Yeah, just you and me...no crazy pumas this time, baby.
"I still can't believe we all..."
"Me, neither."
"Zach? Does that Sonya ever try anything with you on the ship?"
"No, I think of the men in the crew, she mostly dings on McElroy, though she did grab James a time or two."
"Yeah, James told me about it the last time we were here, when we all went to the hot springs. I don't think she's done anything since, but then again, we had our hands full with other things since we've been gone."
"Do you ever think about getting married someday?"
"You and me?"
"You know I do, Mona."
"Do you want to?"
"This week??"
"No, silly! *Giggle* How does next summer sound to you?"
"Okay, that would be great if we can swing it. Wanna go look at some rings tomorrow?"
"Yeah, that would be nice. Zach?"
"You're not going to end up being like James, are you?"
"How do you mean?"
"I don't want to have to share you with others like he does."
"Aside from the fact that James and I both inherited the same thing that makes us G.E.L.F. magnets, there's only one furry babe that I've got my heart set on...and that's you, Mona."
"Jamie,you are going to be one busy pup for the next five days!" Lilly exclaimed as she pounced on him in bed after they got home and settled in.
"Oof!_And what gives you _that idea, Lil?" James asked with a sly grin.
"Because_you_ have some serious tube lubin' to do, that's why! Right, gals?"
"Ah, you know it, Lilly!" Tanya agreed readily.
"Hey, at least give me a little time Wednesday to do something I promised Lilith," James insisted quietly.
"What? Oh...that. Sure, Jamie," Lilly agreed softly.
"Do you want us to go with you?" Moira asked.
"I'll call her tomorrow after I get up and ask what she wants to do," James replied.
"That would be fair, James," Moira agreed.
"Well, until then...you're ours!" Lilly said, quickly changing the subject to something more enjoyable.
* * * * *
Wednesday: A cemetery in Wellston, Ohio, North American Continent.
"Here he is, Lilith," James said a little softer than normal.
They walked up to the grave marked "Cpt. Jonathan Green" and stopped at the foot of it. The day was clear and cool, and they were alone. True to his word, James brought Lilith's android avatar to the grave of the man who would be her pilot if he had not been killed in a disguised "accident" by the remnants of the Purists who had intended to take control of Night Spirit.
James knelt and placed a hand on the still mounded soil and said quietly, "The Fleet lost a good man the day you were taken from us, sir. Thankfully, we caught the bastards who were responsible for taking your life, so I guess that's some small consolation. I've tried to do right by Lilith, and...I think she's going to be okay. Fleet is going to assign a new skipper to Night Spirit, and we're going to make sure he treats her right--he'll get his butt stomped hard if he doesn't, I guarantee that. You missed out on an interesting adventure, but...you're off on one of your own, I suppose. I brought Lilith's avatar here so that she could say her goodbyes. I'll give you two a little time together. Fair winds and following seas, sir...we'll see you around out there in the black."
James stood up slowly, came to attention, and saluted slowly before stepping back.
"What should I say, James?" Lilith asked quietly.
"Just say what's in your heart," James replied softly, putting a hand on her shoulder.
Lilith's avatar knelt down and did as James had done before.
"I will always remember you, Jonathan. If it were not for Captain James Daugherty, the pilot of my sister ship, Nightwing, SLG-78, I may have been lost as well. We did not have much time together in this existence, though if you had not been taken from me, I would have loved you the way our kind may love one of yours. I wish we could have flown together one more time. Rest well, my pilot...I do not know what happens to our kind when we finally go offline, but perhaps we may see each other again in some fashion. Farewell, Jonathan...I...miss you."
Lilith gently laid a single white rose before the headstone, and paused for a minute before standing. Lilith went to James and she hugged him.
"It is done, James. Thank you for bringing me here and being with me."
"It was no trouble, Lilith.
When they were leaving the cemetery in the rental grav car, Lilith stated quietly, "When my new pilot takes over, he may command me, but I will not be his."
James glanced over at Lilith as he set the autopilot to return them to the terminal.
How do you mean?" James inquired.
"Do you remember what I asked you on the night of Moira's Commissioning Day, after we mated the first time?"
James thought back to that night and grinned as he remembered.
"You asked if you had my affections, as I recall."
"Do I still have them?"
"You do."
"And you still have mine. James?"
"I desire you as my mate."
James looked at Lilith, raising an eyebrow, recalling the Executive Order he had given her that night.