Chapter 6: A Shocking Discovery
- erik asked. "here. take this." - mercy answered, giving a kitchen knife to erik and a pistol to james. "we must protect ourselves from the marines." "huh? aren't they here to protect us?" - erik asked. "no. not and these.
Interview #9: SILVER interviews YOYO from SIMSALA GRIMM
erik: hmm. was there an english version? kataze: i think so. erik: hmm. have him wear this. (erik hands yoyo a green collar. yoyo puts it on.) yoyo: i'm yoyo!
Against All Odds: Part 30 - From The Ashes
Nathan, too, extended a paw, prompting erik to smile and offer out a finger for him to grab and shake. "if it wasn't for you... i'd... we'd... thank you, erik." erik's happy expression faded as he returned to stand.
To You, I Belong: Chapter 2
She moved closer to erik and gently rested her head on his shoulder. "dancing like this brings back memories of our senior prom. do you remember that night, erik?" erik smiled. "how could i ever forget it?
To You, I Belong: Chapter 4
"come on, erik," trent pleaded. "just trust me on this one." erik took a long look at his friend and thought of the possibilities. eventually, he heaved a long sigh and admitted defeat. "fine...fine. i'll wait.
Chapter 11: The Battle
Mercy was walking with seth and they met erik. "hi erik! you've probably heard of seth. seth, this is my brother, erik.
To You, I Belong: Chapter 11
erik sighed and scratched his head. "thank god," he murmured. for a second time, erik stood back up. this time, his feet did not fail him.
Chapter 8: The Sparkles Of Love
erik went to james and said jokingly "our sis is having some good time with xenan." "seriously? she and xenan?" - james said confused. "if you want, go see for yourself." - erik said with a smile.
Against All Odds: Part 41 - Final Steps
erik looked up with that starts of a smile, though his undoubted remorse still punctuated it. he matched alexei, wrapping an arm around the taller wolf and hugging firmly. "take care of yourself and your mother, erik."
Code Drop: Reception
#22 of code drop erik the golden retriever finds a creative way of making peace with the platypus landlord.
Impossible Love
." - erik said as seth got up and packed some of his weapons up. "what are you waiting for? come on!" - the predator said, as he started running into some bushes. erik ran after him and seth gave him a spear.
Chapter 15: Welcome Aboard!
He should be here by now." - mercy asked erik "i don't know. let's search for him." - erik said as mercy nodded and they prepared themselves and went into the woods. after a long search, erik found a little trail of green blood. "here! i found... blood!"