Chapter 8: The Sparkles Of Love

Story by Momchil the dragon slayer on SoFurry

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Xenan understands that he actually loves Mercy!

Chapter 8: The Sparkles Of Love

Xenan woke up and saw Mercy. "My head hurt." - He said and Mercy answered - "Yeah. I saw the wound on the back of your head. No wonder it hurts.". Xenan touched the back of his head and felt the pain increase. "Ow... it is bad, isn't it?" "Yes, it is, but you will soon heal." Then Xenan felt that strange feeling for her again. They were alone in the tent and there weren't any people around. That made him feel protective for Mercy. He decided to tell her how he feels about her. "Uum... Mercy? I want to uum... tell you how I feel about you. I... feel protective about you and I... uum don't want you to leave this tent." - He finally said it now feeling emberased. Mercy blushed when she heard that and said with red cheeks "I won't leave if you don't want me to." - she blushed again when Xenan got closer to her and bit her neck and some blood came out, but it wasn't serious. Then Xenan let some of his saliva go under her skin and emerge with her blood. "Now you are marked." - Xenan said with his kind of grin. Before she fell on the ground she said "I don't feel very good. I feel so... sleepy and tired.". Xenan cought her right before she hit the floor and carried her on one of the big self-made beds. Then he hugged her protectively with his arms and tail around her.

On the morning Mercy woke up feeling weird. She realised that Xenan has hugged her and it was comfortable for her. She hugged his arm not wanting to leave. Then Erik went in and said smiling "My, my look what we have got here. You look so cute!" "Good morning Erik." - Mercy said looking at her smaller brother, who was leaving the tent. "Well time to get up. Come on Xenan. Let me get up." - She said trying to break the grip of Xenan waking him up. "Okay, okay you win I'm letting you go." - He said tired. Xenan let her get up and looked at her strange while she was putting some clothes on. "Why are you looking at me like that?" - She asked him. "Why do you humans wear put these things on you bodies?" "Because they are keeping you warm and they are comfortable. They also keep your intimate parts covered." - She replied. "Why were you hugging me so protectively?" "Because while your transforming your body is very weak, but when the transformation is ready you are much stronger than before." - Xenan said as Mercy asked "Transformation?" "Yes, you will be transformed into a hybrid."

Erik went to James and said jokingly "Our sis is having some good time with Xenan." "Seriously? She and Xenan?" - James said confused. "If you want, go see for yourself." - Erik said with a smile. "Well I hope they didn't do the thing." - James said and they both started laughing. "He hasn't got the tool!" - Erik said now they both were laughing with tears. "Okay let's stop joking. The reason I came to you was to tell you that we haven't got much food left and we need more hunters. Will you join the others in the hunting?" - Erik said with a serious face. "Okay. Just give me a rifle and I may come with a rabbit or two and if I am lucky I might come back with a deer." - James replied looking at his serious brother. "Good. The rifles are there." - Erik said pointing at a small wooden building. "Go get one and join the hunters."

"We lost five more men and we are now 12 people. What will we do?" - One of the soldiers asked the officer. "We will attack them in their sleep. After we kill them, we get that xenomorph with us and go back to Weyland's spaceship. If we do this correct, we will be rewarded." - The officer replied. "Okay, but if there isn't a xenomorph, but only people?" "Then we will have one problem less."

Mercy went outside after Xenan and Erik greeted them by saying "Hey, the two lovers. How are you? Having some good time in the bed?" - Erik was joking, but got a little slap on the face from Mercy and she giggled. "You'll never stop joking, won't you?" - Mercy said smiling. "Nope. I'll never stop." - Erik replied laughing. "Any news from the marines' camp?" - She asked seriously and another man said "No, nothing at all. They are now 12 and probably will die soon enough from the other xenos." "Okay, thanks for the report." - Mercy said. "Xenan. I want you to go and hunt down some deer or rabbit. I am starving and our food suplies are low." "Okay, I will do it for you. But be safe, while I am gone, okay?" "Okay. Now go."

"My queen. When will we attack the humans' hive?" - One of the xenomorphs asked. "Soon enough, my child. I think of attacking them today but in the early night." "I will tell my brothers and sisters to be ready." - The xeno replied before going somewhere. A chestburster came to the queen as she picket him up. "I see that you have bursted out. Maybe you will be a good worrior." - She replied as the chestburster looked at her in amaze how big she was.

This is for now. I hope you like the fanfiction. Review, follow and I will see you in the next chapter!