Superiority Chapter 14

"you are claiming to pilot an aircraft recognized by the flight director to appear only under dire circumstances.

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The Great Adventure Book 1: To What End?

There many ramjets thudded in unison as they tried to keep the aircraft level while providing enough power to stop the engines stalling.

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Two Lovers Alike Chapter 2

They concocted a plan to quietly steal an bomber aircraft with the intentions to bomb area 51. late one night, they snuck into a us air force hangar disguised as air force pilots.


Star Fox Lost Adventures: Tinted

Crimson controlled the aircraft dexterously easily breaking thou the atmosphere. crimson aimed for the blue and yellow flower bed.


Still Searching: The White Fox

Shaken and hyperventilating, rik let the aircraft continue its shallow climb. it took time to calm himself, and when he did he didn't quite fancy having another go. still, he was low on fuel, and he'd had enough flying for the day.

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Letting Go (Concept)

#1 of concept pieces the explosian rocked the aircraft, knocking the young german sheapord against the wall as his friend tried to keep the aircraft stable. with a shout the persian feline tried to wake his friend to no avail.

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Chapter 33: The Counter Offensive

The pilots were silent for a bit before tilting the aircraft. "yes sir." one said nervously before the aircraft all sailed back into the mountain, the dark wings and wyverns giving chase.

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Chapter 22: The Dragon City of Gale

They both lurched in their seats as the aircraft did so and they both breathed a collective sigh of relief.

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The Rescue

Even though it was several thousand feet in the air, the drone of aircraft propellers was hard to miss. natalya grabbed her night vision binoculars and scanned the sky intently.

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The Reptilian Blitz: Chapter 1

States the comandant, as he begins to walk out towards the back of the aircraft. ...he's your lrt expert. and i can vouch for him personally. like you did with me?

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Battleship Battle Part 2

There will be a small support aircraft carrier. you will send coordinates of the stolen ships to this carrier. the carrier will send aircraft to suppress the enemy ships' air defenses.

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