The Reptilian Blitz: Chapter 1
#1 of Orbit series
This story is the start of what is going to be my Orbit series, an episodic tale that i hope you will enjoy.
Chapter 1: Just another alliance.
*Three years before the attack*
As he takes a seat at his desk for the first time in just about two weeks, he can see a slight shadow of dust sitting atop the grain of the wood. So naturally he gets up to grab a rag from the other side of the room to buff it out, but as he turns, he pauses and takes a look around the room. From this angle he can almost see all the hangars outreaching to the left of the airfield, as he looks on he can even see part of the runway itself; as well as the watch tower in the distance on the right. He looks over towards a wall to his right, noticing a photograph hanging of a nail, of a somewhat small portrait of an enlistment roster. He walked over to the wall, and as he looked closer to the picture, he reads the plaque on the frame; which read "Super alas aquilae; ardere vastigia nos in luce Creatoris" Which meant "On the wings of eagles; we blaze the trails in the light of the Creator". And as he looked upon the image, he sees a group of young males... teenagers really, not one of them over the age of twenty, as he looked closer in the third row, second on the left, he spots himself, a young red wolf... Eyes filled with pride, and reprieve; sky was the limit for him back then. At that moment, he turned around and looked upon his desk, he sees his nameplate reading Cameron Yù-Fang C.C. it hits him that this was not where he imagined himself spending his twilight years when he was enlisted. No, it was somewhere more...therapeutic
While the military does its best to give youngsters the greatest prospect for success, it still has its problems. Shoes always need to be filled, and it seems like sometimes the military is more concerned about keeping the status quote, then actually teaching these kids how to live a successful life outside warfighting. Now, there will always be a need for engineers, doctors, and unfortunately solders, But instead of it being an honor; it's just expected. "Everyone has a responsibility" they say, but if you don't have the dream of becoming a soldier, engineer, or doctor, then your kinda out of luck, because if you don't join; you are made to feel like you let not only your family down, but the entire country down as well.
"I don't know, perhaps I'm over thinking it." Says the slightly aged red wolf as he walks back over to his chair and begins to wipe down his desk.
"It is what it is." he sighs as he polishes his nameplate before carefully placing it back at the front of the desk. Just wish there was another way.
*Good morning sir Comandant, there is a Rebecca Yán here to speak to you.*
Ah yes, thank you Kristine send her in.
The door opens, and a red colored vixen saunters in and promptly introduces herself... Why hello Chief Comandant! I'm SO glad we were able to schedule this important meeting. She stated in an animated shrill voice as she proceeded to sit down firmly in the chair in front of his desk.
Now I understand you are having trouble finding an appropriate group of combatants for the Nords. I actually have six or seven applicants for you to look over as we are here.
Well thank you, I appreciate your help bu- The Chief tries to politely step-in, but is cut-off by the exuberant fox.
Yes, well I would first like to talk about a Jackal in the name of Jordan Shì he-
Excuse me mam, I'm sorry but I have already made my selection. Cameron finally exclaims as Rebecca pulls out a twenty page folder of all twelve candidates she was prepared to sift through. what? The fox replies in a near gasp.
Ahem, I have made my choice. I've already sent them out to Hålldr this morning. Cameron replies as he picks his brow on response to the sound of disapproval from the vixen's voice.
Who did you choose? Rebecca asks with a not-so-hidden expression of shock as she was specifically ordered to make sure the Chief Commandant chose the "right" people.
Well let's see here, I have Riley Köi who's a tremendous Long Range Targeting Expert, I've seen him in action myself and he is one of the most naturally gifted shooters I have ever seen. Has some issues with asserting himself, but I feel with the right team he will flourish.
Riley? He's a bit...small. The puzzled fox replies
Yes, he is undersized, but his knack for finding the right shot is unmatched. Answers the red wolf as he opens Riley's folder to see if there are any other mentionable attributes.
That's not what I meant. The fox laughs as she raises her paw over her mouth to hide a sardonic smirk that's growing on her lips. I know Riley. He is not a real representative for the Köi family, let alone Corinth.
Representative? This isn't a popularity contest! We are talking about sending kids (some of them haven't even been outside the walls of the city) out into space with a group of experienced killers to spend six years hunting down space pirates! I am not sending anyone out there unless I have full confidence that in their ability fight. What if we end up needing them here? I'm sorry, but I am not sending a bunch of noblest children just to make good press! Cameron yells as he leans into his desk.
Don't be foolish Cameron. We have an opportunity make an impression on these Nords. We can't just send a few hired guns out there, we need diplomacy. I hope you understand that?
Who else did you pick? The vixen sighs as she mutely prays, hoping he didn't mess up this chance.
Yes well, let's see here... The chief pauses as he pulls out two other folders.
...I also have Terrence G?n, and Connor Rèn.
Are you joking? Rebecca retorts as she stands up and recoils her head in disapproval.
With all due respect sir, Terrence...Connor? A Rèn? For goodness sakes are you trying to get all the rejects together?
Excuse me? Chief Comandant sits up in his chair as he puts his paw on his knee in a huff of frustration.
Come on Chief. You could almost get away with Terrence, he's... "Undisciplined" but does have a respectable resume, I'll give you that one...but Connor? A Rèn? Really? I think I would have picked an unregistered mutt before choosing a Rèn to represent us.
Like Terrence, and Riley, I have seen him in the field in person, and I can attest to Connor ability as a leader, he is relaxed and self-possessed with demanding situations, and is eager to work with others to help improve their respective performance as well as his own, he demands good leadership, not only from himself, but from others as well. I have even spoken with him personally, and I can tell you first hand that he is the best representation of not only wolves but canines as a whole. I would put my reputation on every one of these lads.
Heh, might as well put you're livelihood out there, choosing a traitor might cost you more than you have. Rebecca replies with a stern look.
That was almost five hundred years ago! You can't tell me you people still hold a grudge?
We "people" still remember the trust we put in them, and how we were returned with treachery. The Ren took an oath to protect us, instead they betrayed us, and misused their power to create chaos in our streets.
Oh would you shut up and listen yourself? Cameron growls as he stands up from his chair and leans over his still slightly damp desk.
You bureaucrats always like to skew history to make you sound like such a victim. You and I both know what really happened, and you know what the Rèn's did was completely justified.
Were you there when the government you love so much were hiding the mass graves filled with dead children? The children they refused to feed because they didn't want to sacrifice their routine? Would you have done nothing? What if your leaders said to you "it's not your problem" just because they were reptiles? Would you just sit by and let them die? Or would you do everything you could to save them? I think I would've done the same damn thing they did! As he stopped he saw the now frightened fox hunkered in her chair with no words for this development.
...I apologize. The Comandant speaks softly as he sinks back down in his own chair.
But Connor is perhaps the most important choice for this crew, I wouldn't trust anyone else to lead the squad. What happened to this family five hundred years ago has no bearing on this lad.
Um...well, I don't think the rest of the nobles will agree, is your choice. I just hope you understand the consequences of this decision. Thank you for your time Chief Comandant. Replies the fox as she restructures herself and proceeds to leave in a slight fit of dissatisfaction, as this "meeting" certainly did not go according to plan.
*one week earlier*
It was about nine minutes past 2100 (9:09 pm) as the Comandant arrives atthe airfield, he notices that one of the pararotor's (or "Mockingbirds" as the pilots call them) was already out onto the tarmac going through, from what he could see was the pre-flight systems check. As he steps out of his car, looking at the aircraft; with its duel rotors on either side of its wings, with a mid-sized cargo hold/passenger bay about the size of a mini-bus. He sees that it's Terrence, already getting set for the trip.
Good evening Terrence. You set already? Says Cameron as he approaches the back of the aircraft where Terrence is working on.
Oh yeah! You needn't a worry about this Chief, just checking the hydraulics before we take off. So how many of us are there? Cuz this thing can only take maybe eight people on a trip like this. Asks the black-white marbled wolf as he wipes the oil off his paws with a red cloth he had stuffed in his back pocket.
Well let's see, with you? Three.
Three!?...Terrence responds as he slings the now darkened rag over his shoulder.
...Not exactly an army.
Well No. But you will be joining the Nords once you're there. Should have more than an enough to wreak some havoc. The Chief replies with a smirk.
Still, was expecting at least five of us. Terrence states as he begins to make his way over to the cockpit.
Terrence. If this works... you will have more force than an army of a thousand reptiles.
Heh...If you say so Chief. Anything I should know about the crew before we set off?
Nothing you need to worry about, just treat them like family.
Ha, you wouldn't want that; not how my family treats each other. Terrence utters as he climbs into the pilot seat.
You know what I mean. These two Cameron responds as he puts his paw on top of the domed windshield, pulling his shirt out of his pants from the stretch.
New? How new are we talking?
Well...they are both thirteen... says the Comandant as he steps back as he straightens his black leather flight jacket.
By the light...they keep getting younger each year. Terrence replies as he begins to pry open part of the dash board.
I know, but these are the best I could wrangle, I trust them... is there something wrong? Says the Chief as he is (needless to say) concerned by the fact that Terrence just pulled off the entire dashboard and is proceeding to pull out wires...
What? Oh no. nothing's wrong, I'm just checking the emergency systems...I'd rather not find out they're not working_in the_ air. Says Terrence as he "places" the panel back into the dashboard.
Wait a minute... Terrence pauses as he lifts his head out of the steering column. (Which he had just pulled out)
...Let me get this straight. You mean to tell me, that you are sticking me with a group of teenagers and a bunch of glorified sun bathers, to make an elite anti-terrorist unit to fight friggin space pirates?
Ah...well...I'm not sure about the felines, but as for our "group". That's why I wanted you here, you know your way around situations like this, I can trust that you will look out for them, and I can trust that you will be honest with them. Who knows, you might like them.
Hmm... We will see about that. Terrence replies as he looks over to the hangars as it looked like one of the two other members arrived...
Well well, have to say, I was not expecting a fox, are you sure about him? Terrence exclaims as he looks upon a smallish looking red fox, standing about 5' 8" with black paws stretching up to his elbow, and a white blaze down his chest like most foxes.
Absolutely... States the Comandant, as he begins to walk out towards the back of the aircraft.
...He's your LRT expert. And I can vouch for him personally.
Like you did with me? Terrence laughs, as he pulls himself out of the cockpit and walks over to the right wing.
Heh, it worked out alright in the end didn't it!? Cameron responds as he turns around and shrugs his shoulders.
I am so sorry I'm late Sir Commandant! Exclaims the stressed-out red fox as he steps out onto the runway, struggling with his bag which was about as big as he was, and salutes the Comandant in full stance.
Relax Riley, you're not going to be left behind for being three minutes late. Cameron replies as he pats the young fox on the shoulder.
Yes Sir, I know. I just didn't want to make a bad first impression.
Ha! The very fact that I picked you for this mission shows that you made the most excellent impression on me. The Comandant laughs as they both walk towards the passenger bay.
Thank you Sir. It means a lot to hear you say that Sir.
Terrence right? Name's Riley, but most people just call me "Red". I've heard a lot of things about you. Says Riley as he sets down his bag to extend his arm out to shake the wolf's paw.
Oh really? What things? Smiles the thirty-year old black-white marbled wolf as he shakes Riley's black paw.
Uh...good things...very good things...all good... Answers Riley, as he proceeds to heave his nearly hundred pound bag of gear onto the pararotor.
What in blazes do you got in there kid?
Oh just a few...items of mine I've been working on. It won't be a problem will it?
Nah, as long as it doesn't blow us up on the way there, it's good by me. Terrence replies as he begins to pry a piece of the wing off.
Is there anything I can help you with? Riley asks.
Nah, I'm good here kid. Just checking the fuel line.
Don't mind him... Cameron yells as he walks over from his car.
He has an obsessive compulsion to make sure everything is to his specifications; he has practically taken this whole thing apart at least once already. The Comandant laughs.
Really? Asks Riley.
Heh...yeah...almost. Terrence answers as he scratches the back of his neck in slight embarrassment.
I just want to make sure that if something is to go wrong, it's either because someone shot us down, or I flew us into a cliff.
As the three of them talked, the last member of this group finally appears.
Is that what I think it is Chief? Terrence leans over to Cameron, as he sees a long all black wolf, taller than him 6'8" (Terrence himself is 6'4"), well built, wearing only a black tank-top and olive-green cargo pants.
That is Connor.
But he's a Rèn? Terrence utters.
Is that going to be a problem? Cameron replies.
What? No, not at all...I'm just surprised that the House let you pick a Ren. Terrence answers as he goes back to tinkering with the fuel pump.
They didn't... The Comandant sighs
...But I think it's time to give them another chance, and I think Connor is their best shot...hopefully the Nords will agree.
Good evening sir how are you? Asks the confident young black wolf as he pauses to give the Comandant a proper salute.
Looks like I'm the last one holding you up? Connor laughs as he looks over to Riley, and Terrence as they are doing their best not to stare.
Nah, don't worry about it, you have everything you need? Cameron asks as he notices only a small five gallon bag slung over his shoulder.
Yes sir...I like to travel lite. Connor responds courteously.
This isn't a vacation you know, I don't want you to-
Relax, sir... I'm very much used to living on the move like this, and in my experience, "having what you need; is needing very little."
Heh...Good to hear, well then toss your stuff in and strap in, you should be leaving shortly.
Hey Chief? Terrence yells from front of the pararotor.
Can I speak with you for a sec?
Of course... Excuse me for a second. Cameron apologizes as he goes over to the cockpit.
Hey, you're Connor right? Riley asks with a smile.
Yeah, that's me. Connor replies with some concern.
The names Riley but most people call me "Red", I've been wanting to meet a Rèn like you!
Oh really? Why's that? Connor responds with a suspicious look.
I had to do a study on wolves back at Pre-Mil Academy a last year, so I did a...well, I did a study on the Rèn, and I think you guys are so cool. I mean you're not the strongest breed, or the fastest, it's one thing to be great at one, or two things, but to be so good at everything, without sacrifice? I think it's marvelous... Foxes (needless to say) are not known for our strength... We tend to rely on our dexterity. But to have the added strength without the restrictions of adding muscle weight to slow you down is without question superb.
You really think we're that special? Connor laughs.
Absolutely! I think it is an absolute travesty that the Rèn are not considered "Noble" any more... I mean after all the things your family had done for not only the Board of Repose, but for Corinth...It is an outright embarrassment.
Heh...tell me about it...Connor sighs as he shrugs his shoulders.
Oh, by the light. I...I'm sorry, I rattled on...I do that when I'm nervous...not that you make me nervous...It's just, this is my first mission, and I wanted to make some camaraderie, and...Sorry.
It's okay Riley... Connor reassures.
You didn't offend me, I agree. It is "unfortunate" that my family was dishonored, but we knew full well that this would happen if we were to stand with the Perth like we did, and we paid the price for it.
Still...Even if it was a bit unscrupulous to act against the Board, but in all honesty it was over five-hundred years ago... And I think many would agree that it wasn't uncalled for the way they were treating the Perth...It was "archaic" to say the least. Either way, I don't think you deserved this, your family were only doing what they thought was right. Riley replies.
Yeah well... it doesn't work that way... can we talk about something else? Connor utters as he takes a look around the Mockingbird's slightly cramped cargo/passenger bay.
*meanwhile at the nose of the aircraft*
So... tell me Chief. Does the House know about us? Terrence whispers as he leans over to the Comandant so he can hear.
Cameron, without saying a word, looks over at Terrence with a face that clearly answers his question.
Look, I don't like what's going on with the nobles. Somethings happening but no one is saying anything about it. Says the Chief as he sits down next to Terrence so that neither Riley nor Connor could hear him.
It's almost like everyone's afraid that something's coming...But no one is sure what. Or even worse, no one is saying anything about it.
If I let the House pick who we send, they will just send out a bunch of politicians sons to make good press...But if there really is something billowing up. We might end up needing you guys here.
So... you're making us the stop gap in case the world decided to explode? Terrence replies.
I'm sure it won't come to that... in which case you won't even have to worry about it. But If I'm right; I want to be sure that this group is capable of doing the right thing, when we need it the most. We will cross that bridge when we get there. But for right now just focus on getting to Hålldr. Let me worry about the rest.
You're putting a lot of weight on these boys' shoulders with this Chief.
It's not all on them, but I know what you're saying...
And I hope that they will not be needed, but if they do...I don't think I would ever trust anyone else to do it. Cameron replies with a reassuring smile, as he steps out of the pararotor and walks back over to the two lads.
Really?! Riley asks as he's laughing so hard he's on his side.
Yeah! Connor answers as he stands up to illustrate.
I guess he was trying to tackle me? But the guy is like half my size so he just...kinda, stuck on me. I had no idea what to do, so I just stood there with him hanging of me, expecting me to just fall over.
What did he do? Asks Riley as he wipes the tears from his eyes from laughing so hard.
He just hung there, for like three seconds, before he realized I was still standing, so then he started punching me, so I just picked him up like a toddler and stuck him outside and closed the door... but oddly Connor noticed even though the upshot he felt was hilarious, Riley had stopped laughing, then it occurred to him., hello sir. How long were you standing there?...sir. Connor asks with a not-so-hidden expression of shock.
Long enough, you two ready to go? Chief Comandant replies with a slight smirk, which he is trying ever so much to hide.
"Alas Aquilae" Chief. Says Connor as he and Riley both sit down and strap themselves in, still snickering from Connors story.
Good luck lads, may the Creator give you light. The Comandant responds with a discerning smile as he watches the lone aircraft leave the airfield. Knowing that this will someday either save the world, or end his career...Or both.