where i came from part 3
"you see somethi-" aiel put a hand over the aardvark's mouth and pointed. norman's eyes opened wide sever hundred feet ahead of them stood a concrete bunker with what appeared to be a control tower sticking out of the top.
Character Reference Sheet for Red
Personal aircraft: f-111x aardvark plus personal vehicles:  
Nina's Character Reference Sheet
Personal aircraft: f-111x aardvark plus personal vehicles:  
Timothy's Vacation
The female aardvark didn't reply, but gave a small smile to timothy as she turned around and went back inside.
Mythical Misfits
Standing at only 5 foot 4, kitt resembled more of a white aardvark than a fox or bull. his snout was long like a fox but shaped more like a bull with a large silver hoop between his two large nostrils.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 117: Honoring The Dead By Frightening The Living
"angi did say that she, naka and arthur were helped by two mysterious aardvarks when the rest of their group were captured by the klis a few months back." "i remember the report. and those two aardvarks fit ember and cinder's description."
Lu and Evolution
Pigs, deer, cattle, camels, giraffes; ocean mammals like whales and dolphins; rabbits, hares, pikas; anteaters, armadillos, sloths; odd-toed ungulates like horses, rhinoceroses, tapirs; hyraxes; pangolins; dugongs and manatees; flying lemurs; elephants; aardvarks
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 8
He turned on the aardvark with a gleam in his beady eyes, "they'll swing an axe at you soon as look at you. i know i would." anar paled and fussed with his hair nervously, "thanks mate, i can always rely on you to celebrate my hardships."
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 17
The commander watched them as they backed away and snapped his head back towards the aardvark, "our beautiful city has stood for a thousand years! you are no match for us!"
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 15
It certainly showed that his boss had chosen this world very carefully, and genuinely wanted his aardvark general to feel at home here.
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 10
He had a square jaw, thick ivory tusks, and a nose almost as big as the aardvark's which was pretty impressive.
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 6
Charged them with wilful magical damage, before imposing sanctions upon them that had taken their power away for however many hundreds of years, and it was a fair bet that if they knew the warlock's bloodline powers were finally coming back he would be a dead aardvark