
Being fascinated by her genetic makeup, illthian took her and ran a few non-lethal tests on her. he still occasionally runs experiments on her yet he offered her a job. it was a mystery as to why he decided to keep her.

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Chapter II - Challenge

A lethal duel it cannot be, then, and gryan's rage will have to stay grounded in our ways of non-lethal challenge. these are unusual circumstances ... the ways of keldon were laid by the great kings of the past.

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Zootopia: The Initiative - Chapter 6

The order of escalation will be as follows:" he paused, getting straight to business, "handguns with non-lethal then lethal load, shotguns with the same after that.

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Revolution | Chapter VI: A Saving Grace

The rain continued to beat down against me like miniature, non-lethal, water bullets that just never seemed to stop. the storm almost reminded me of an endless staircase. huh? imagine that.

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A Journey Begun - Prologue - Chapter 3

I catch another runner with a slug to the ankle, and as non-lethal these things are, physics is a cruel mistress. his ankle snaps one way and his foot goes the other way and down he goes.

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Shift 001: The Dragon's Giftshop

"you should count yourselves lucky i'm a pacifist so only used non-lethal magic to thwart you!" "okay guys?" kickaha tested his wings and flew down to where the party was. "even i'm lost right now."

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Through Hell [12] - End of Part 1

Srida had to launch the spell at him three more times before he realized he wasn't going to be able to catch her--and probably realized she was deliberately using non-lethal force.

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Black Meridian 18: Running on Fumes

Nadine had promised it was non-lethal in controlled doses, but said it could easily leave scarring on someone's lung if they huffed it too long. fletcher could live with that much.

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Zootopia: ZCOPS Sea Knights

It's a non-lethal weapon, it's not designed to kill or hurt mammals on purpose but it can make your day really suck. the "zasty" can fire net rounds or smoke and chemical agents or rounds to destroy engines or rounds to rip hulls to shreds.

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The Coffin: Part 5

She actually fought unarmed, and she practiced a style that focused on dispatching an enemy non-lethally. she was also really tiny, but she could pick me up and throw me like i was a sack of flour." marcus smiled in his reminiscence.

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The Eve of Wintersday

Clenching the historical blade tightly in a paw, jain gestured at amon and nearly smacked him on the bridge of his muzzle with the non lethal point in the middle, between the blade and the spike.

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