Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Twenty Eight

When inaska didn't move, obviously not understanding what he wanted, he pointed at his face. "mask off, inaska." "oh!" her hand went reflexively to her mask, but for once she didn't immediately obey.

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Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 02

Eve looks to the figure that the wolf is pointing it, the person looking exactly as the figure he had described in his dream, his face masked by the skull of a large bird. "this is the man you saw in your dream?"

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Ferret's Five - The Big Reveal

Not only had there been a face mask and the altered uniform that took up most of his body, but also a tail sleeve and arm covers as well.

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Tower of Troubles: The Wolf and the Polar Bear

Twenty minutes later they were across the hall without incident and tileki was grinning behind his face mask.

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Come with me

I guarantee you wake up in one piece," the surgeon said smiling behind his face mask. a heavy set cheetah lowered a mask over his snout and gave a short, "count back from ten." 10 9 8.......

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 6.1 - Come Into My Parlour

A construction worker with a hi-vis vest, a face mask, a headband that covered his two upper eyes, and a thick coat disguising four of his six limbs.

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best birthday ever

It helped that he had always worn a face mask in all public appearances, so it was not publicly known what he even exactly looked like.

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Beasts of Barlow Road 4 (Rough Draft)

"here..." she said before she reached over and grabbed a face mask with a dog's muzzle making a silly face with its tongue. "it's the best i can do" toby growled begrudgedly and put the mask, glasses, and beanie on, which his mother giggled at him.

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Le Paciscor, Chapter 1

"no names," the labrador snapped out at the mouse, grumbling to herself as she slipped on her gloves and pulled up her face mask, "now, let's see what we have here," she mumbled to herself, wasting no time as she started to hook the wounded fox up to the monitors

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Verve Chapter Five: Out of the Frying Pan...

Drex found a full face mask of a wolf zombie. he put it on looking over at jason who smiled and nodded. the costume also came with a pair of hands and feet, so as long as drex wore a long sleeved shirt and pants, it would look like a full costume.

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Chapters Fourteen -- Paradise Lost

They wore surgical garments, and face-masks obscured their features. aiko's eyes widened even further as they approached; her body thrashed in frenzy as she tried to tear herself free of the restraints. "now watch closely," the spokesman intoned.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 21

Derry grunted and forced himself by sheer will to see more than stars and spittle, using his long wolfish tongue to lap the coppery liquid from the lower parts of his face mask, only to have the spatter be replaced by more as his ragged breathing lead

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