Verve Chapter Five: Out of the Frying Pan...

Story by Drex on SoFurry

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#5 of Verve

Drex sat on the couch watching TV eating his breakfast before class. Colin had just come out of the shower and went into the kitchen to find something of his own to eat. Once he found what he wanted, he joined the otter on the couch.

"Hey, that club down the road, Bar None, is having a Halloween party that only students of the college can get into. You and Jason should come. Me and Sarah will be there." The tiger said as he ate his breakfast.

Drex had almost forgotten that Halloween was the very next day. "I don't know. A lot of people I know from school would be there. None of them know about me and Jason yet. It probably wouldn't be a good idea to go there," the otter said with a sigh.

"It really isn't as big a deal as you are making it out to be. A guy in one of my classes is openly gay and aside from a few jokes thrown at him, most people don't mind," the tiger said trying to reassure the otter.

"I just don't know if I am ready for that," Drex said still not convinced.

"Well, just wear a good costume. No one will know who you are that way. Come on, it will be fun," Colin said with a wide grin.

Drex thought about this for a while. He wouldn't mind going to the party, it sounded like fun. Maybe he was worried over nothing. "I will ask Jason if he wants to go," the otter said giving in to the tiger's persistence.

"Awesome! I hope he says yes. We don't get to hang out enough," Colin said, sounding genuinely happy.

After a bit more talking and finishing off their breakfast, the pair headed for class. This was the final day of their first classes at the school. Once this day was over, Drex wouldn't have a class with Jason any more, reducing the time they could spend together even more. Drex sighed as he entered Mr. Johnson's class room.

"Morning Drex," Mr. Johnson said with a smile. Then he saw the otter's depressed look and said, "Something the matter?"

Drex had been the first to arrive so the room was empty. He let out another sigh and said, "Well, this is the last class me and Jason will have together, maybe even for the rest of the school year. I hardly get to see him much as it is and now it will be even less."

"I see," the bear said. "I could see about getting you two into the same required classes together. You could still have math and government or history together. It won't be until the next six weeks of classes, but I will see what I can do."

The otter's face lit up at the idea. He hadn't even thought of that. "That would be awesome. I would really appreciate it," the otter said in a much more happy tone.

The old bear smiled and said, "Alright, I will try, no guarantees though."

With that some students started to fill the room so Drex took his seat awaiting Jason's arrival. He didn't have to wait long before he saw the wolf enter the class room, heading right over to the otter.

"Hey Drex," the wolf said with a smile.

"Hey Jason," the otter said greeting his love in the only way he was comfortable in public. "Mr. Johnson said he could try to get us in our required classes together. We might be able to get math and stuff together after this next six weeks of classes," the otter said, unable to hold back his happy expression.

"Really? Awesome!" Jason said with a hushed voice of excitement.

"Yeah, hopefully it will work out. By the way, that club, Bar None, down the street is having a Halloween party for students tomorrow. I was kinda thinking we could go," Drex said in a slight whisper.

"Really? What about everyone finding out about us?" the wolf asked surprised.

"Well, I figured if we get some good costumes, no one will even know it is us. I am still pretty worried about it, but Colin really wants us to go," Drex said with a slight tone of worry in his voice.

"That sounds like fun. I will go if you really want to. We still have to get costumes though. I hope we can find some somewhere," Jason said thinking of possible places they could find a costume at the last minute.

"We will look around today, if we can't find anything, I guess we don't have to go. You don't have work today right?" Drex asked.

"Nope, the store is closed until the day after Halloween. My boss insisted that all his employees should have fun every now and then," Jason said with a smile.

"Wow, your boss sure sounds awesome. That's cool though, so we can look around together after school," the otter said with a smile.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Jason said, a look of happiness on the wolf's face.

The final day of the class was greeted with a final exam. Drex hadn't really studied for it and was relived to see that he already knew pretty much everything on it. He glanced over at Jason who seemed to be having a slightly harder time. They took the exam in silence and had to remain that way out of courtesy of others who hadn't finished.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the class and everyone turned in their exams. Drex walked out the door with Jason and said, "So, how do you think you did?"

The wolf looked at Drex with a bit of a grin and said, "Probably not as good as you, but I think I passed." With that, they split up to head off to their other classes of the day.

At break, the pair met with Colin to tell him they would try to make the party if they could get costumes.

"Awesome, I hope you guys can find some. It is sort of last minute, but I am sure there are some out there somewhere," the tiger couldn't hold back his happiness.

They talked for a while until the bell rang ushering them into their final class of the day.

Drex walked into his math class and saw Shawn sitting at his desk. He walked over to the rabbit and said, "Hey Shawn, what's up?"

The rabbit smiled at Drex and said, "Nothin much. Hey, you going to that Halloween party tomorrow at Bar None? Me and my girlfriend are going. She is bringing a friend if you are interested," the rabbit said with a grin.

"Nah, I think I am just going to stay home tomorrow or maybe catch a movie," the otter said feeling bad about lying to his friend.

"Ah, no prob, hope you have fun. This final is gunna be a breeze," the rabbit said putting his hands behind his head.

"Hah, for you maybe," the otter replied. "I just hope I can pass it with a decent grade."

"I am sure you will do fine, I was your mentor after all," Shawn said and the pair shared a laugh.

Drex went to his seat as the class started and the teacher handed out the final exam for the class. Drex was actually pleasantly surprised by how much he remembered about the subject. He had to hand it to the rabbit. He sure knew how to teach.

They finished the exam and the last day of their first classes was over. Drex walked to the west parking lot where he found Jason waiting for him. They walked over to Drex's car and got in. Jason quickly kissed the otter on the cheek when they were in the car.

"What was that for?" the otter asked grinning.

"Oh, nothing, just happy to see you," Jason said with a broad smile.

They drove around town looking all over for a store that had costumes. They went into many shops that were set up just for Halloween and saw that most of their selection was empty. Finally, after searching for a few hours, they found a shop that still had some good costumes left.

"You would look cute in this," Jason said holding up a ninja costume.

"Yeah, I don't think so," Drex said laughing.

They both looked around the shop trying to decide on what they wanted to wear. Drex found a full face mask of a wolf zombie. He put it on looking over at Jason who smiled and nodded. The costume also came with a pair of hands and feet, so as long as Drex wore a long sleeved shirt and pants, it would look like a full costume.

Jason grabbed a bloody hockey mask and toy machete. He wasn't sure why, but he wasn't comfortable with it and put it back. He looked around some more and found a mask of a ghoul. It had putrid, rotting skin and one eye was hanging from its socket. The costume also came with a black robe to complete the look.

"Man, that is a pretty scary lookin mask," Drex said looking at it.

"Yeah, perfect for Halloween," the wolf replied.

Once they had decided on their costumes, they went to the register to pay. The female otter scanned the costumes and said, "You guys are gunna be pretty scary lookin. I hope you don't scare your girlfriends."

The pair looked at each other and Jason said, "I don't think it will be a problem." They both laughed at the joke while the otter looked at them confused. She rang up their total and they paid for the costumes.

They headed outside and saw that it was starting to get dark. Jason looked at his watch and said, "Wow is it really that late? I have to get home and help my mom with dinner, I said I would tonight."

"Oh, alright, let's get you home than," Drex said slightly disappointed that their time together had already come to an end.

Drex dropped the wolf off at his house. Before Jason got out of the car, he turned to the otter and gave him a hug followed by a slow, passionate kiss. With that, he got out of the car saying his goodbyes to his love before the otter pulled away.

Sleep came surprisingly easy for the otter who laid in bed excited yet nervous about the next day. He only had just laid down when he was suddenly swept away by the tide of sleep.

The next day went by in a blur. Time seemed to be speeding up in anticipation for the big night. Drex looked out the window in the living room seeing the campus decorated in the usual Halloween style. There was little snow on the ground as winter hadn't taken over just yet.

The otter found things to preoccupy his time while he waited for the night to come. He had written a short story about a certain pair in love while the world around them forbid it. He went to pick up Jason a few hours early so they could be together before the party.

They sat on the couch side by side talking when the door to the dorm opened. In walked Colin followed by Sarah. She had only met Drex a few times and didn't know he was gay. She saw the pair sitting next to each other.

"Sarah, this is Jason, Drex's friend. Jason, this is Sarah, my girlfriend," the tiger said.

The pair looked at the beautiful vixen standing in front of them. Her bright red fur was well kept and shined brilliantly in the light of the dorm. She had patches of white fur and even some black on occasion. She was about as tall as Colin with a skinny, feminine build.

"Nice to meet you Jason," she said with a smile. "Colin talks quite avidly of you."

The wolf blushed at this. He hadn't known Colin thought of him as such a close friend. "Nice to meet you too," Jason said standing to shake the vixens paw.

"You never told me he was such a gentleman. You might have some competition here Colin," Sarah said jokingly.

Colin couldn't hold back the slight laugh. "I think I will manage," the tiger said. "Well, it is about time to get ready, we should probably get our costumes on."

Everyone agreed to this and they went into their rooms. Sarah followed closely behind Colin while Jason followed Drex.

"She seems nice enough," Jason said as he grabbed his costume stripping down to his boxers before sliding the robe over his head. It fit him perfectly and he grabbed the mask. "I think I will put this on later, it gets pretty hot under there," the wolf said as he held the make under one arm.

Drex hadn't thought about that. "If it gets to hot under our costumes, we can head outside and take off the masks. I don't need ya passing out on me," the otter said with a smile.

"Agreed," Jason said laughing.

Drex put on the long sleeved shirt and pants he had decided to wear along with his costume. He put on the feet and one paw. He couldn't put on the other himself so Jason grabbed it and slipped it on for the otter. Drex grabbed his mask and the pair walked out to the living room.

They saw Colin and Sarah already sitting on the couch. Colin was dressed as a vampire and Sarah, an angel complete with wings and a halo.

"You two look awesome," Colin said with a broad smile, showing off a pair of long fangs.

"Thanks, you guys look great too," Jason said.

They all walked out the door together. They split up at the parking lot deciding to take separate cars. As they got closer to the club, Drex began to visibly shake a little. He was getting more nervous the closer they got.

Jason noticed the otter's shaking and said, "We don't have to do this if you really don't want to. I don't want to force you or anything. We can just hang out together," the wolf said hoping to calm his boyfriend.

Drex took a deep breath and said, "It's ok, I'll be fine. I just need a little time. Once we are inside, I think I will calm down a little."

Jason was still concerned but agreed with the otter. They pulled into the parking lot of the club and found that it was fairly packed. Jason and Drex put on their masks and headed for the door. There was a line outside, but it wasn't too bad. They had arrived early to beat most of the crowd. Colin and Sarah met up with them in line and they waited for it as it gradually moved forward.

It wasn't long before they reached the front. A bouncer stood at the door checking IDs. Under age students were allowed in, they just had to get a stamp. The ID check was more to keep people not attending the school out. The bouncer looked at the group's IDs, stamped all but Sarah's paw, since she had a fake ID, and let them in.

The inside was slightly dark, but had orange lights flashing and moving along the walls. The floor was covered in a fog and the building was decorated perfectly to fit the tone. It was an impressive sight to see. The music blasted in the room making it hard to hear each other speak.

The dance floor was packed with students having a good time. The four walked to the bar which served alcohol to anyone that didn't have a stamp. Sarah asked if any of them wanted a drink. Drex declined not wanting to drive drunk.

"I don't drink, never have," Jason said with a smile. Drex was surprised to hear this. He hadn't known the wolf never tried alcohol. He was actually fairly impressed to hear it.

Sarah ordered her and Colin a drink and the four sat at a table to the side of the dance floor. It wasn't long after they started drinking that Sarah wanted to dance. The pair got up leaving Jason and Drex alone.

Drex still looked tense as he sat next to Jason. The otter jumped a little when the wolf put his arm around him.

"Relax. No one will know it is you under there," the wolf said reassuringly. "Let them think what they like about the zombie wolf and ghoul being together. Tonight you aren't Drex."

Drex could hug the wolf, and surprisingly he did. "Thanks," he said, "you always know what to say to cheer me up."

Jason gave the otter a bit of a squeeze and said, "So, would the zombie like to dance?"

Drex wasn't a great dancer, but he felt much more comfortable with the mask on. "Sure, why not," the otter said smiling under the mask.

The pair got up and headed for the dance floor. They began to dance with each other. The otter was still slightly nervous but he began to gradually relax as the night went on. The otter looked around and saw that there was the occasional stare in their direction. The looks were more of curiosity than hatred though, which made Drex much less tense.

Tired and a little hot under the costumes, the pair decided to take a break. They went and sat at the bar and ordered some water. It wasn't an easy task to keep the mask at least partially on while drinking their drinks, but they managed.

"This is really fun, I am glad you asked me to go," Jason said over the loud music.

"Yeah, me too, I am having a great time," Drex replied.

The night continued on and the pair had a wonderful time dancing or just sitting and talking to each other. It was about midnight now and the party had no sign of dying any time soon.

"What do you say we go outside and take a break? It is getting pretty hot under here." Jason said to the otter who nodded in agreement.

They went outside into the cool night. They walked down the street a little before removing their masks. They were both sweating quite a bit and the night's cool breeze hit their fur.

"Whew, I hadn't realized how hot it was in there," Drex said happy to have the mask off.

"Yeah, it is really nice out here though," the wolf said in agreement.

The pair walked idly down the street before stopping at a bus stop to sit down. They both sat side by side just enjoying the night time breeze. Drex only wanted to hold the wolf's hand now that he no longer had the mask on. Jason didn't seem to mind though. Time passed as they talked to each other. It had almost been an hour when the otter decided to head back.

"We should probably head back, Colin might be worried," Drex said standing up stretching his arms as he did so and put his mask back on.

"Yeah, sounds good, this wolf still has some energy left," Jason said with a smile putting his mask back on as well.

They walked up to the bouncer and showed him their stamps hoping they wouldn't have to wait in line again. The bouncer looked at them and allowed the pair back in.

They saw Colin and Sarah dancing on the floor. They entered the crowd of dancers themselves and continued on enjoying the night.

Everything was going so much better than the otter thought it would. They danced without a care in the world.

A slow, couple's song began to play and the wolf grabbed the otter pulling him in close. Drex got a little nervous at this since they hadn't danced this close yet. He noticed once again people look their way, but quickly avert their attention back to their own dates.

"I wish we could do this without the masks," the otter said to Jason. "It really sucks that we have to hide this from everyone like we are some kind of freaks. I love you and that is all that should matter. Still, it scares me so much to think of this getting out. I worry about the looks people would give us or even worse, what they might do to us. I always worry about them somehow finding out and hurting you. I don't know what I would do without you."

Jason pulled Drex in even closer and said, "Just give it time, I am sure one day you will be comfortable telling the people you care most about. Anyone else that disagrees with who we are doesn't matter. I can take care of myself. I don't want you worrying about me, I am not going anywhere."

The pair was no longer dancing. They were just holding each other, not moving.

"I don't know how you can be so confident. I wish I had your courage. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I just can't help but worry about things like that," Drex said hugging the wolf tightly.

"It is hard, but we can handle it. We just have to take it slow, one step at a time. You are the most important thing in the world to me and I just want you to be happy. Even if it means we have to hide from society for the rest of our lives. As long as you are by my side, it doesn't matter," Jason said reassuringly.

Drex thought how lucky he was to have someone like Jason. The wolf understood his feelings better than anyone. He wanted to kiss Jason but the mask wouldn't allow it. He settled with just holding his love in his arms, hoping this moment would never end.

Unfortunately for the pair, it was brought to a sudden, unexpected halt when someone from behind them said, "You fags should get outa here." The voice was slurred, whoever was speaking was obviously quite drunk.

The pair turned around to see who said it and Drex was horrified to see Shawn standing in front of them. The otter began to panic not sure what to do. Jason just looked at the rabbit and said, "We ain't hurting anyone. Why don't you just go have fun with your friend there and leave us alone?"

Shawn just let out a short laugh and said, "It's pretty hard to have a good time when you gotta look at something as disgusting as you two. You fags make me sick."

Drex just stared at the rabbit in front of him, his friend. He was shocked at how cruel his usually nice friend was acting. Did he really hate them so much for just being who they are? Didn't he understand that being gay wasn't their choice?

Shawn noticed Drex just blankly staring at him. "You got a problem queer boy? I know you want this, but I ain't into that faggot shit."

Drex didn't respond, frozen in fear. Shawn got annoyed that Drex wasn't answering him and quickly pushed the otter by his face sending him toppling to the floor, his mask falling off as he did so.

Shawn just looked at the otter for a moment, stunned. "Drex? You're a fag? I guess that's why you always wanted to sit by me. God I hate queers thinking every guy wants them."

Jason had enough of this and quickly grabbed the rabbit by his throat pushing him against a wall holding him up off the ground. The wolf growled, "You ever touch him again, and I will rip your fucking throat out." Jason's claws dug into the rabbit's neck producing a drop of blood. The rabbit squirmed in the wolf's powerful grip, struggling to get free.

"Stop!" Drex shouted.

Jason turned around to see the horrified look on his love's face. It wasn't fear of people knowing he was gay, he was afraid of the wolf. Jason felt a horrible knot in his gut and quickly let the rabbit go. Shawn fell to the floor coughing and gasping for air.

A bouncer quickly came over and grabbed Jason ushering him outside. Drex followed quickly behind leaving the rabbit on the floor gasping desperately for air.

Once outside Jason just slumped to the floor leaning against the wall of the club. He didn't want to look at Drex, he felt sick. The wolf felt like he was suffocating and took off his mask.

Not even looking up from the ground Jason said, "I...I'm sorry...I just...he." For the first time in his life, the wolf couldn't find the words he wanted to say. He was scared that the otter would leave him. That he would walk away and never speak to him again.

Jason was surprised to feel Drex wrap his arms around him. "It's ok. I know you just wanted to protect me. Let's just go home, ok?

Jason looked up at Drex meeting his eyes. The wolf still felt horrible about what had just happened, but he agreed and got up off the floor.

They didn't speak while in the car heading back to the dorm. Once inside the room the wolf started to cry. Drex had never seen Jason like this before. He grabbed the wolf, holding him close hoping to sooth him.

"I am so stupid, now everyone knows about us. I screwed up everything for you. You only wanted to keep it a secret and I couldn't even do that," the wolf said in between sobs.

It was Drex's turn to comfort the wolf. Jason had always been there for Drex, making him feel better whenever he had doubts. The otter knew he needed to do the same now more than ever.

"Listen. What happened couldn't have been avoided. We knew it would happen some day. We will get through this. I know you only wanted to protect me from him. What you did wouldn't have mattered in the end. People saw my face, they know who I am. Regardless of your actions, this would have happened anyway," the otter said with a calming tone.

"I saw how you looked at me, you were terrified of me. I have only ever wanted to make you happy. When I saw your face, I felt like a complete jerk," Jason said breathing heavily as his sobs continued. "Will you ever forgive me?" he asked, his eyes pleading.

"There is nothing to forgive. I'll admit I was scared at the moment. I wasn't sure what to do. Still, what you did only showed me how much you cared about me. If you want forgiveness, you have it, but I don't blame you for anything," Drex's tone of conviction helped calm the wolf down.

"Thank you," Jason said as his sobs slowed.

Drex took the wolf to the couch where they sat holding each other. The door to the dorm opened and Colin came in looking worried. He was followed by Sarah sharing the same look.

"Are you guys ok? I didn't see what happened, I just heard from a friend," Colin asked panic stricken.

"We're fine. Well, sort of, a lot of people know now, I am not sure what we are going to do," Drex said.

Sarah still hadn't heard the full story yet. "Found out what?" she asked curiously.

Colin looked at Drex not sure what to say, but the otter spoke first. "We are gay," he said simply as he held the wolf in his arms.

"That's what this was about? Some stupid rabbit started a fight because of that?" she sounded furious.

"We heard people booing and yelling at some guy. We went over and saw some rabbit on the floor, everyone around him yelling at him. They were saying things like, 'who are you to judge.' After that a couple people threw him out. It was a few minutes later when my friend said it was you that got in the fight with him," Colin said recapping what happened after Drex and Jason left.

Drex was stunned to hear this. The reaction of everyone else in the club was not at all what he expected. "They really threw him out?" Drex asked surprised.

"Yeah, it wasn't even the bouncers, just some guys, but the bouncers didn't stop them," Colin said with a smile. "So what happened?"

They recapped the events of the night. Drex told them about how he knew the rabbit from school. He talked about what was said and how Jason handled the situation. The wolf looked down again feeling guilty.

"Whoa," Colin sounded impressed, "you actually picked him up off the ground? Man, I bet that rabbit about crapped himself." Colin tried to stay serious, but he couldn't help but laugh a little.

"I don't know what came over me. I just saw him push Drex down and I flipped out," the wolf said with a guilty tone in his voice.

"Hey, I told you to stop feeling guilty about that. What's done is done, I am just glad you weren't hurt," the otter said hugging the wolf. "We should probably get to sleep, it is late. You can stay with me, you shouldn't be alone tonight," he said to the wolf.

"Thanks," Jason said weakly.

"Well, I think it is great that you two love each other. I am sure the people at school will see that. You shouldn't worry about it," Sarah said as she hugged Colin.

"She's the best ain't she?" the tiger said with a grin guiding the vixen to his room. "I will see ya guys tomorrow." With that the tiger closed his door behind him.

"You know, maybe she's right. You heard how that crowd reacted to Shawn. Maybe it really isn't as big a deal as we have been making it out to be," Drex sounded less sure of himself than he wanted to.

"Maybe. We will find out soon enough," the wolf replied in a low tone.

"Come on, let's go to bed." Drex grabbed the wolf by the paw leading him into his bedroom.

The pair slid into bed and the otter just held the wolf in his arms. Drex waited until he was sure Jason was asleep before falling asleep himself.

Drex awoke in the morning to find Jason still asleep next to him. He didn't want to wake the wolf so he slid out of bed as carefully as he could. He knew Jason had to work that day at noon. The otter looked at the clock which read 7:35 AM. He knew he wouldn't have to wake Jason for at least a few more hours.

Drex walked into the living room and saw Colin sitting on the couch, holding Sarah in his arm.

"Morning Drex, you guys sleep alright?" Colin asked concerned.

"Yeah, we actually slept pretty well considering all that happened yesterday," Drex said as he took the empty seat next to the pair. "I just hope Jason doesn't feel so guilty about it."

"I am sure, in time, he will be fine. Tomorrow is some new classes for you guys. You may not even know anyone in them. It probably won't be that big a deal," the tiger said hoping to cheer up his friend.

"I hope you're right. I have a feeling what happened last night is going to change a lot of things though. I just hope we can get through it," Drex said.

"You guys are perfect together, I am sure you can get through this," Sarah said with a soothing, reassuring voice.

For some reason, this did calm the otter a little. "Thanks, I am glad to have friends like you guys."

They watched the TV for a little while before Drex saw that it was about time to wake Jason. Drex went into his room to see the wolf still sound asleep. He went over and gave Jason a gentle shake to wake him up. The wolf stirred and slowly opened his eyes.

"What time is it?" Jason asked groggily.

"Just past 10:30, you have time to get ready for work, if you want to go in today that is," the otter said petting the wolf's head.

"It's alright, my boss needs me today," Jason said pulling the otter into a hug. "Thanks for being so good to me, I love you."

"Don't worry about it. We will get this to work out some how. I love you too," Drex replied.

Jason slowly got up and went to the shower, after which, the pair left to drop the wolf off at work

Pulling up to the building Jason turned and kissed Drex. The otter held the wolf, kissing him back. For some reason Drex almost didn't care if someone saw them kissing. Perhaps he felt that since so many people know already. What is the use in hiding it? All the otter knew is that he loved the wolf in front of him.

As they pulled apart Drex said, "Have a good day, if you need anything, give me a call."

"Ok, I will see you tomorrow at break since we don't have any classes together anymore. I love you so much," Jason said hugging the otter again.

"I love you too. Now get inside before your boss yells at you." They both laughed a little and Jason got out of the car closing the door behind him. Drex drove away looking in his rear view mirror until the wolf was nothing more than an unrecognizable spec.

The day went by much faster than Drex wanted it to as the hours before his new school week melted away. It was already time for him to get to sleep so he went to his bed to do so.

Drex had a restless night tossing and turning. He finally would get to sleep only to wake up a few minutes later. This went on well into the morning. The otter wasn't sure if he would be able to sleep at all that night. He looked at his clock which read 2:00 AM. He sighed and closed his eyes again hoping sleep would finally come. It fortunately did but when the otter awoke to the ringing of the alarm, he felt like he hadn't slept at all.

He slowly crawled out of bed yawning. Even his morning shower didn't help much to wake the otter from his dazed state. Drex walked into the living room seeing Colin already ready to go.

"Man, you don't look to good," the tiger said concerned.

"I didn't get any sleep last night. I am really tired," Drex said yawning.

"Well, I hope you can pay attention in your classes. Get something to eat, maybe it will help," Colin suggested.

"Yeah," Drex replied and went into the kitchen. He made himself a quick bowl of cereal and ate it before heading to class with the tiger.

"Well, I am down this hall, I will see you at break," Colin said and waved as he walked away from the otter.

"Later," Drex called back heading down another hall. He found his room for his new class. "Advanced Writing Techniques huh," the otter said to himself before walking into the room.

Drex was surprised to be greeted by Mr. Johnson in the room. "Hey Drex!" the bear said happily. He saw that the otter was slightly surprised and said, "I told you the first day you would be seeing more of me." He saw that Drex looked a little odd and said, "Something the matter?"

Drex saw the room was empty still and told his teacher everything that happened over the weekend.

"Oh my, are you both alright?" Mr. Johnson asked concerned.

"Well, we weren't hurt, but now a lot of people know about us. I really didn't want it to be this way. I just don't know if we can get through this," the otter said feeling his eyes well up with tears.

"Listen Drex, you have people that love and care about you. So even if it feels like the world is against you, remember that we are all here for you," Mr. Johnson said and just as he finished a student walked into the room. Drex decided to take a seat and waited for the class to start.

After everyone had filled the room, Mr. Johnson began his lecture. This class was more to Drex's liking. While Drex still knew some of the things his teacher had to say, there were new things that Drex hadn't known before.

When Mr. Johnson had finished his lecture he told everyone to group up with someone. As they were looking for partners, a mouse walked up to Drex and asked him to be his partner. Drex looked the mouse over quickly. The pure white mouse was slightly taller than Drex and had a very skinny build. He had very little muscle tone to speak of. He wore glasses that slightly magnified his dark green eyes. Drex agreed and they sat next to each other.

"Hey, I am James," the mouse said holding out a paw.

"Drex, nice to meet you," Drex said shaking the paw.

The pair worked on their project while the class passed by. The mouse was surprised by how much Drex knew.

"Man, I lucked out getting you as a partner," James said as Drex answered another question of their assignment. Suddenly the mouse lowered his voice and said, "It was you at the club on Saturday wasn't it?"

Drex froze. He wasn't sure what to say. "I...uh..."

The mouse spoke before Drex could say anything, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I wish I was as brave as you two. I can't even get a date because I am so scared to even ask a guy."

Drex suddenly realized the mouse in front of him was gay. "Oh, I see. It wasn't exactly the way I wanted people to find out."

"I bet. I wouldn't want that either. Still, just going to that club, being with your boyfriend, you are both very brave," James said with a smile.

Drex thought the mouse almost admired him. He wasn't sure how he felt about it. He didn't want to start some gay rights movement. He just wanted to live his life with his boyfriend. "Thanks, we just wanted to have fun like anyone else. It sucks what happened, but I hope we can find a way to get through it.

The mouse smile and said, "Well, you've got someone cheering for you in the background." With that the bell rang and everyone began to leave the room

Drex thought about the mouse and he felt slightly better. Maybe things will work out for us in the end, he thought to himself. With that, he left the room, a smile on his face for the first time in a while.