Sands of the West Chapter 4: Crossing Paths

After leaving behind the Idol of Windfang in the depths of the temple below, Luke, Volcan and the treasure hunter Lashanne returned to the surface to begin their search of the city for other items that would make Lashanne's venture yield some profit....

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Sands of the West Chapter 3: Treasure Hunter

"we got... stranded here in the west after taking part in a dangerous mission, and are trying to make our way back home..."

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West Islands Chapter 7: Assault on the Fortress

It was the dead of night, with clouds thick enough to block out the moon and stars blanketing the sky, leaving the ocean an inky black as far as the eye could see, with the only sources of light being the many torches that lined the crenellations upon...

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Recovery Efforts Series Appendix

Estate, west-northwest of crieff, scotland} **white** _school (primary 4)_ 7 (m) mark (markie) {caird estate, west-northwest of crieff, scotland} **black** _school (primary 2)_ 7 (m) stuart (stu) {caird estate, west-northwest

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Treter: Unpart

Yet to our surprise, we had noted westli already beat it to us as he was the one opening the door instead of the host whom was behind him however. as we gazed at westli then towards the host in turn, we were speechless.

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History, from The First to Second Great War

In exchanged, the russian's give the west experiments in genetic engineering.

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R/7 Wolf that wanted to be a sheep part 1

Herbert west, sentinel throws his arms off to the sides shouting "jimmy, jimmy! come here, come here." he calls over to lee.

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There's A New Horse In Town. "Let's Do Lunch, Pt. 2"

Park's a couple of miles west of the diner." "oh, like horace greeley, go west, okay, i get it!" kimi noted, easing the vehicle into traffic.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 13: A New Lesson in Draconic Strategy

"in the west, most of us learned to fight alongside them and coexist with them. some of them are not even human to behind with.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 4-Exposed

Mr west's office is as good a place to begin as any. or as bad a place. mr west is the principal of the school that i go to. you could guess that i'm not found of mr.west. matter of fact,no one was.

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FNAF:The Investigation Chapter 2

North wall east door said "forensics", the middle north door said "evidence", the north wall west door said "armory". the west side had three doors aswell west wall north door "men's restroom", the middle west door said "women's restroom", the west wall south

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Dreamtail on station

"seven west bank of this river, start here, west and east" the voice yelled back at her, the sound of gunfire in the background of his radio traffic.

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