Dress for Success

He pulled out his wallet, feeling to see if maybe it was just obstructing his keys, but nothing.

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Chapter 20: Last chance to rest

Asked ty 'oh just thinking how lonely i be when mondays come,' said tony 'i know, but that why i always keep this picture in my wallet,' said ty as he pulls out his wallet to show tony a picture of them under the cherry blossom tree near his hometown.

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Decrypting a Fox: Part 3

He put them in his wallet and sighed. it was late. eating would have to wait until the morning. he glanced ruefully at his stomach. he was small, yes, but even smaller than he should be.

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Reaper: Graesham Campaign: Seventh Interlude

For added effect, he pulled out one of the big, golden credit cards contained in my wallet. "wow. you're a member of the modd gold club. nice." i quickly checked my person... ensuring that it _was_ my wallet. no doubt about it... he had my wallet.

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Restart Chp. 1 [Re-upload]

Finding a wallet, a cell phone, a ticket for a movie, and an ipod.

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Restart Chp. 1

Finding a wallet, a cell phone, a ticket for a movie, and an ipod.

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Different Sizes, Chapter One

Scooping oliver up, she opened her purse and slid him down between her wallet and a few tissues, hoping he'd be comfortable with whatever space was left in there for him.

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1:3 Scotch, Brew, & Hollow-Tip

Moving him over, alias then took his wallet. now, alias was a lot of things, but a petty thief wasn't one of them. however, he did this to make it look like a simple mugging gone wrong. alias flipped open the wallet and examined the driver's license.

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What the fuck fuck fuck-- my hand was in my pocket, and it pulled out my wallet. my fingers promptly fumbled it, and the leather pouch fell to the ground.

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Furries University Chapter 6: It’s not what you know…It’s what you don’t know that counts.

There was nothing inside except a wallet, a pair of socks and a moth which appeared to be dead. "hey a wallet" spoke kitsune picking it up and opening it "here ya go there's like fifty bucks in here". kitsune handed the wallet to ozwot.

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Little Cutie

"i mean, you think i have much use for most things in your wallet?" as she spoke the wallet dropped from the branch landing on kody's head. "i just needed to see you." "what does that even mean?"

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The runner part four

"i think i lost my wallet...i'm really sorry" he said trying not to act embarrassed infringement of hlthe man of his dreams"well...i'll tell you what.

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