I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Fifteen
Getting his food, justin wondered briefly how he was going to find somewhere to sit...but then realized that wouldn't be a problem when he saw that one of vixen's tables was abandoned except for lucas.
Chosen: Chapter Ten
But it was not in the vixen's nature to be still in one place when she could be exploring.
Kitsuria Chronicles - Chapter 2: Second Thoughts
But you're so adamant about it, those vixens are. i'm starting to get the feeling you may be right." she walked closer to yuki and undid the bindings around his ankles and wrists.
Dance in the Circle Chapter 1
Now drink up... you need it after what you've just been through," she said, bringing the skin to the vixen's lips again. this time she drank.
Chapter 6: Uneasy Welcome
Came the vixens bewildered voice. "but-" "tiffani" he spoke, cupping the vixens face in his paw. "i can't risk losing you once more." a plasma round goes through the rear window and causes it to spray glass in the cab.
Eon's Story: Chapter one
"you-" she'd look around trying for a good angle to flee and within a few seconds the vixen would hurry to her right. the husky would growl and take hold of the vixen's arm.
"robotization commencing" a soft voice came from the machine as the vixen's ears perked up suddenly.
Chapter 2: A Slave to Memory
All he saw was honest sympathy in the vixen's eyes. she had passed his test. he took a deep breath. "no, i'll tell you."
Inner Dilemma | Part 4
The three of them looked behind them and saw max talking to a couple of vixens. it was obvious that the vixens knew that max was too young for college, but they thought that it was cute. allen went to retrieve him.
The Family Vulpes Chp1
And with its awakening, so stirred a beast within the vixen's own heart.
Against All Odds: Epilogue
The vixen's grey-flecked muzzle creased with a smile. "i will take it, please." "great!"
I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Sixteen
What seemed like a wall of reindeer rose up to block their way, and vixen's unit crashed into them at full speed.