Vault 170 - The Wolf Vault
Tom replied "order why was a utility mr handy chosen?" the robot responded "access denied." tom thought to himself, oh i can't be bothered with this shit. "fine just make me a cup of tea."
RH's Beastiary Compilation #1
Nephalem are notably powerful beings, naturally adept utilizing both light and dark magic, not to mention their natural auras.
An Introduction to Busou Shinki
Busou shinki, more commonly referred to as "shinki", are highly advanced robotic gynoid "partners" that are commonly utilized throughout the world of the 21st century to serve human "masters".
Carabuou club next generation ch2
," dylan asked "look at this over 30 years worth of old records just sitting in a box in the utility closet," austin remarked stunned "bring e'm out?," dylan asked. "whoa, the beegees,lynard skynard, the beatles, steppenwolf, led zeppelin, ozzy!
Isolation-Excerpt 9-The Basement
At the end of the hallway was a heavy utility door. i let the fal fall to my side and i held the flashlight with my jaw as i needed both hands to work the door.
Across the Divide
But i won't falter as i climb my course, despite failure's repetitive nature, i'll utilize the gifts which grant me force, until they grant me successful rapture.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 119: Ghosts, Demons and Monsters
"the back of the utility vehicle is quite comfortable." "nah, i was up and around hours ago. i met the otter family, the trio, dongo, doria and even zhade and kenna! you missed a very good breakfast by the way."
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 132: I Refused To Go Back... I Swore I Would Never Ever Not Ever Go Back... I Didn’t Want To Go Back... But, I Went Back... (Our Resolve Part Four)
I stepped out of the prototype and approached their the white utility vehicle. for paranormal investigators, they were awfully lite on tech. or was it mostly mobile?
Just another day chapter.3 draft submission
_soon lin comes out of the class room looking at vex who eyes wear vary distant "um i got utillity and support magic" he says trying to get his friend to respond. end of draft.
Excerpt: Bestiakin
Bestiakin are primarily utilized as a form of producing various items or as breeding partners in certain scenarios.
...And Everything
Any idea of resource utilization and process between then and now?" "apparently, mephistopheles was correct. it is forming its own biological systems, evolving and extincting species as we speak.
New Slave
"interesting, although the lack of any utility modules is a bit of a let-down..." rahz at least likes his slaves to cook and clean for him while they last... "yes, sir.