D.E1 Chapter 1: Call of Duty

Through the transport ship's window, i could see the d.e cruiser in all its magnificence. model wolf 5000de, a truly amazing ship. it felt weird.

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Chapter Eight The First 10,000

The transport finally slowed down enough for the team to get out of their seats and walk around. the transport they were on originally belonged to the rebel alliance.

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Everwinter Ch28: Adventure of Two

_i'm in the tunnels..._ "they're starting the transporter, we're finally getting out of here," the voice said. _the transporter? crystal? **no!** it's a trap! don't!_ titan turned his head, and saw people looming over him.

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The Surge: An Argon Story

"hail our transport and tell them to launch all drones immediately i will not have these men die out in space."

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The Pandora Chronicles Chapter 1: Enter the World

Four transports set down, mark and the group of soldiers ran towards them, mark ran towards the closest transport and climbed aboard, several more soldiers joined him in the transport.

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Kirins across Peaks of Peril

The last willing humans on this planet were transported to anocratic empire's planet on acrab. from which they were transported to available safe housing on planet fequm in gunma region.

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The Force Chapter three

The sergeant watched as the blackhawks took to the air followed by the transports with the rangers. he knew there would be serious doings when they arrived at the other end. the kodiaks had mounted the m60's on both sides of the transports.

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The Days

"alright guys, lets move, we have a little bit of recon left to do, when we'll head back to the transport.

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Krystal and Chase: Evacuation P3

The other crafts broke off and raced towards the transports, six interceptors increased their thrusters to maximum. soon, one by one, each transport in the distance was overtaken by a brilliant blue light.

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16 Wild

It was a simple enough concept: transportation by much larger creatures. why walk yourself when you could instead hitch a ride on a kaiju? turns out, there are plenty of reasons why.

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The War Chapter 4: War at Sea pt3; Escape

The seahawk was beginning to catch up in speed; mal noticed the familiar but frustrated cry of a particular corporal, and finally caught up with the transport.


Power Fur Rangers- Episode 26

"lion," zyler said as he reached out to grab lion before he transported himself. "be careful." lion nodded. lion transported to a back alley and carefully made his way towards uncle buck's business.

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