Thirteen Tales From Another World: Twelfth Tale

So those who want to know more about this worldspringtide world guide anyway, tonight our guest holly visits a world on the other side of a magical mirror that turns her into a toddler.

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Regressive Tendencies: The Beginning (Chapter 2)

Great, she had a toddler's size, but it also looked like she had a toddler's strength and muscle coordination. that meant she was stuck in this tent, until she got help. she hated asking for help. fortunately she didn't have to ask.

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Unified Species of the Galaxy (Scrapped)

Infancy and toddler stages are very short in comparison. a list of the an individual "anthromal's" development has been created and i'll copy it here.


Lee's Religion // Chapter 1

Axel waited for his mother to walk into the back of the house with two very tired and grumpy toddlers before talking again, "and by that you mean mom's anti-magic thing?" lee sighed.

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Who am I?

Who am i but a toddler who can hardly stand and proceeds to annoy you whenever i can? who am i but a child who asks for too much talks for the world yet knows not enough?

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Michael and Amanda, Chapter 1

A few seconds later, a small orange feline cub ran around a corner in the high-stepping run of a toddler. the toddler ran right up to tigresa as she screamed, "mommy! mommy!"

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The Nursery

Meanwhile the toddlers on the playground continued to play not even taking notice of the strange man. the end

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Karma Express Delivery

It was a teenage boy that answered the door, and there was a toddler girl following him around. sometimes, kickaha was pretty good at guessing these things and thought he'd make a pretty good gambler.

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Bani Lore! Water!

He is a morning bun and actully helps the nannys to bathe newborns, toddlers, and childeren.

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A New Beginning CHPT 4

She opened her eyes and looked down to see celty standing, looking up at her with the sweetest of smiles any toddler could give.

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Diapers & Drunks Ch.1

Then take the mattress to the balcony so the whole fuckin' world can see you pissed the bed like a... like a fuckin' toddler! i'll get the washing on, you'd just fuck that up too."

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Everywhere i go, everywhere i look i see men and women alike repeating the same routines day by day like a toddler circling the block on his trike it seems to be the way of the world today back to the same place over and over again an everlasting loop

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