Against All Odds: Part 7 - Welcome to Velika

Didn't think I'd make my Sunday posting for a while (technically I didn't; it's after midnight here, but who cares!) Anywho, here's part 7 for your perusement. As ever - thoughts/comments on this part are welcomed. Also, I'd just like to say to those...

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Against All Odds: Part 2 - A Sizeable Issue

As promised: here's part 2. I'll aim at getting a chapter posted around about once every week or two from here on in, until I catch up to where I currently am in the course of writing. Thoughts/comments welcome as ever! :) * * * **Part 2 - A Sizable...

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Against All Odds: Part 20 - Bridges

**_Part 20 - Bridges_** _(Alexei)_ Entering his grandfather's home had become much like stepping into a time capsule for Alexei in recent months, journeying back to a time when he too called this place home. Just like in those days, his paws sank...

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Against All Odds: Epilogue

**_Against All Odds: Epilogue_** _(Alexei)_ "I have to say, your work is truly remarkable." "Oh." Alexei shuffled a few steps closer to the raised section of his workshop's compact display area. "Thank you for saying so." He beamed proudly,...

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Against All Odds: Part 30 - From The Ashes

**_Part 30 - From The Ashes_** _(Alexei)_ Alexei's workshop smouldered in the streetlights' glow; the fire brigade arriving too late to prevent the flames from reducing it to a charred, broken shell. His apartment sat perched precariously above,...

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Escaping the Storm: Part 1

**_Escaping the Storm_** **_Part 1_** "Come on, what in the gods is taking so long!?" Erik spun to the gap in the dreary warehouse's towering racking, frozen to the spot by the nasally roar of his supervisor rising to the skylights...

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Escaping the Storm: Part 2

**_Escaping the Storm: Part 2_** "Please, Please." The trembling, brown-furred ferret shuffled back, hazel eyes wide with fear as he slipped deeper into the narrow space. "I... some Velikan speak. I--" "It's okay, I speak Polcian," Erik stated...

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_ **Wrecked** _ I wanted to die. Lucky as I might've been not to have done so already. Here in the dark, up in the hills in the middle of only gods knew where, I sat staring past the cracks in my windscreen. Better that than at the petrified polecat...

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Shallow Goals

_ **Shallow Goals** _ "Got you, Cloud!" I almost choked on a mouthful of chlorinated water, yelling out so fast after climbing back to the surface. "You're it!" "No way!" my brother cried above all the splashing and yapping in the pool around us....

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Theatre of War

Theatre of War "Move, move!" People rushed past me, running for their lives. "Keep going!" Screams of terror cut the air. "Don't stop!" A clap of thunder overtook us all. The asphalt rumbled. The screaming got louder. I fought hard to stay...

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Against All Odds: Part 25 - Margins

**_Part 25 - Margins_** _(Nathan)_ A gust of wind whistled through the broken panels of the old window above Nathan's prison, stronger and colder now that the veil of night wrapped suffocatingly around the abandoned factory complex. At last check...

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Escaping the Storm: Part 5

Part 5 As strange as it might have sounded, Erik found his first Wednesday of work required far more getting used to than he'd expected. Sure, it involved stacking those same shelves in that same busy supermarket, but the little things came together...

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