Secret Agent Bolt.

On the battlefield, she was mittens, super spy skilled in recon and thievery. but here, she was susie, the well to do feline from new york.

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[Commission] Thievery: The Ruins of Expansion; or the criminal teacher and her flaming butt

He was practically asking to get vandalized with his big city house arrangements and his swanking villa, and his job thievery. really, now. what did he have, that cheerilee didn't? but it wasn't his fault. not entirely anyway.

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Angel Eyes and Ocean Tears

He trusted the boys to take his things where they needed to go, and felt one malevolent glare was enough to dissuade any thoughts of thievery.

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Padding deeper into the prison without a light, the fox relied on his senses to guide him, much as he had in his days of thievery.

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Servant of Darkness - Ch. 1: Intrusion

. - a tale of thievery, magic, mischief, and betrayal. servant of darkness follows the story of dougal mcmannus and his troupe of thieves as they work to seek an artifact of great power hidden deep within the city of altair. do you love high fantasy?

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Herdnan- Chapter Twenty- Two

Years of hard thievery down the drain. he sighed, and got back into the chevy and pulled out of the driveway. in his rear view mirror he saw a car turn the corner and drive up to his house quickly.

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Light Bane: Chapter 24 (Start of Part 3)

Slavery, thievery, those kinds of stuff. that's why i am very sensitive on this matter. i am a kobold. abdul is a human. guess who's gonna be picked first."

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Blood and Fire - chapter 1 (teaser)

I won't be foolish and preach to you about the evils of thievery. i know that's likely to go in one ear and out the other. but i will say this. you expected me to beat you when i caught you. you've been beaten before, i expect.

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Instincts of Justice Chapter 1: Mysterious Nights

Now give up before i have you hunted down for thievery, trespassing, assaulting guards, and attempted escape." she heard other guards all around yelling directions of where to search. it seemed they had lost the scent among all the garbage and waste.

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Love lost, love rekindled

Whilst shayla was the good little girl one could only hope her to be skye had taken on my little knack for thievery. "now now skye what have i told you?" "don't steal from your parents" "what did i say would happen if you did?"

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TSK Chapter One: Dragoness, Meet Demon

I think it was about thievery or murder or something." he looked down, thinking about it, yet no signs of confusion spread across his face. he was a hard one to read. quarah blinked at him, her gears turning fast as she began to understand this fox.

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Stolen Gadgets

Her own twisted mind had come seeking inspirations for how to turn some of gadget's inventions into weapons or tools for thievery, however the talk of the protective suits had given her an idea.

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