Heritage of Ash, Chapter 1: New Order

Its two story walls were an elegant, symbiotic blend of both metal and stone, a banner hanging next to the metallic door with the mark of the one who lived there emblazoned upon it in stark contrast to the dark blue color of the base.

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Zoids: History of Zi - Part 001

Moreover, they began to develop an almost symbiotic kinship with the newly emerging proto-zoids.

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This fusion of advanced intelligence combined with the trooper as a vassal reportedly increases field efficiency 150% by allowing the symbiotic passenger to help its host to formulate strategies and use better judgement calls.

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29: Thinking and Plotting

The spirits were a symbiotic species, their growth and life depended on their partner and the ultimate death of one of them meant that the spirit would perish soon after. so, there was just a chance that she had decided to go through.

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RH's Brachina

It is generally considered a mutually symbiotic relationship since brachina tend to need a lot of grooming and attention, while in turn, imps need their protection from anything wanting to eat or squish them.

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A World Lost

Then he noticed that her hide was not smooth like his own but covered in moss-like bristles and growth, he wondered if it was a part of her body or some form of symbiotic growth as she removed the rest of her suit.

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She and field had a very symbiotic relationship. "mm ... well ... thanks, adelaide. anyway, i ... i do feel more manageable." "heh ... " "in fact, i feel good enough to bake a cake!" "that's the spirit!"

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Wind of Change: Chapter 26

We were being attacked by black symbiotic organic weapons gone rogue, and i was being controlled by them. i killed myself. that's all there is." "hmm, it's a good choice. for you, at least.

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Across the Rift 10

Draconex's relationship with his wielder could be symbiotic, or it could be parasitic. either draconex would feed off of sean, should he manage to dominate sean's mind, or it could be mutually beneficial, with both sean and draconex benefiting.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 6

Somehow the mory and the trees form something similar to a symbiotic relationship.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 12

The um...the female you know as clicks is just an exoskeletal symbiotic creature. basically queens are two or more ix'kat sharing a body.

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RH's Beastiary Compilation #1

Most mediums and arcanists will tell you that spooks share a symbiotic relationship with specters by providing them spectral energy and act as ghostly servants to keep their host happy.

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