Tribal Legends - Ash and Coal or Gaining the Mind.
The village was surrounded by a moat and a stockade which was guarded all the time. there was a reason for such caution - in the woods lived a tribe of wild hyenas who often attacked the village.
Dressing the French Maid Dragon
More readily, antoneth lifted his foot for the stocking, letting it glide over his scales to leave his toes free. he snorted.
Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 9-Unlikely Ally
I simply stocked up on .50 action, but had a bit of an issue with the tactical high power. i was running really low on ammunition for it, and the girl sadly didn't have any .950 tyrannosaurus magnum rounds for sale so i couldn't stock up.
Chapter 5: You 'Oughter Date an Otter~
Heh...he'd fallen asleep with those stockings on, and his feet sure felt warm and cozy at this point... he supposed he could leave them on for a bit longer.
Empty - Chapter 3
stocking up on food was number one, and he realized he would have to hunt down a new store. his usual place was running low on stock. he remembered an army surplus store on the far side of town. he would have to look into that.
Silver Stream Memory 13
"yes, shackles," i raised my right hand similarly and my writing part appeared similarly, stock still in surprise. he tried to make a step forward but fell.
The Beginning Of Xrohne Part 2 Chapter #1
After he had field stripped the rifle and removing the gas cylinder he removed the butt plate and proceeded to take the stock off, taking each step carefully until he had taken the full stock of the rifle out.
I Can't See The Forest For The Trees, Part 1
The second room on the left you will see is currently empty, that is where i usually keep a stock of dry bedding obviously i need to forage for more and rebuild my stock.
Tickle "Torture"
He flexed and twitched his paws continuously, though there was no way at all in which to escape, and yelped through his laughter, jaya smacking her wrists into the stocks as she thrashed.
The Real Confessions of A Werewolf
The paper i tell you, appears to be a heavy stock, almost card stock.
Even God Can Make Mistakes
And the hands knew he would take good care of the stock. some of you boys may remember old doc werner, he used to make regular visits out here to check on the stock, and he once told me buddy knew more about taking care of a sick animal then he did!
A Public Ticklin'
The sheriff gestured to a couple of the guards and they ushered the prisoners forward toward the stocks. now, the stocks didn't look all that threatening at a glance.