The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 15: Long night

sparx said finally. "yes sparx?" spyro said and he was surprised when sparx hugged him tightly on his neck. "thank you." sparx said eased. "thank you my brother." spyro replied softly and put his pawn gently on sparx back, just under his wings.

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The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 19: Who search for who?

He pushed himself against the soft wall of tent and signalled to sparx that the way was clear. sparx flew shifty next to him.

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The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 4: Bon Appetit

sparx said with disgust expression on his face. "then don t look." cynder said to sparx with drool in her mouth. "you know what? you also disgust me right now." sparx said and flew near mushrooms to find some insects.

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TLOS Legend of the black dragon Chapter 3 back to Warfang

sparx asked "young sparx, the dark master's army was an army of billions.

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chapter 8- one friends betrayal, one friends love, one enemies end

sparx had his claw only millimeters away from ryan's neck when ryan started to cry silently, making sparx grin as he brought his claw even closer.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 5

sparx. it was sparx' voice. he was here, thank the ancestors he survived. "spa-sparx" she mumbled his name, wanting to turn, yet remaining in place, too afraid of the pain, not wanting to provoke it again.

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