The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 19: Who search for who?

Story by Mkananoja on SoFurry

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#19 of The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the Past

Chapter 19 - Who search for who?

"Hey creepy one! What you're doing? Are you going to help them or not? Or are you just chicken out?" Sparx said in mocking tone. Markus glanced on frustrated flying pest and sighed faintly before he began finally to approach camp ahead of him.

Green hulks' camp have been hasty set up. Tens where placed rather chaotic way without any planning at all and strategic tents such as ones holding food and equipment where practically outside the whole camp but sneaking in one could still prove to be difficult, even if half of the orcs are gone and most of the remaining orcs are now at sleep. 'Foolish orcs... don't even have a slightness idea about tactics.' Markus thought for himself as he approached nearest tent while keeping himself down Ranger has memorised guards' posts and routes and determined best way to sneak in but he knew it is still going to be hard to infiltrate their camp unseen. He pushed himself against the soft wall of tent and signalled to Sparx that the way was clear. Sparx flew shifty next to him.

Markus peeked around the both corners of tent and pointed to next tent they have to hide behind before he began to crawl quietly towards it. Markus suspected that tent contains some food. Despite it is a rescue mission he needs to eat and knowing he ain't exactly in condition to start hunt or gather food for himself he decided to do what made orcs hate him at the first place; steal.

As he continued his crawl towards next tent one of the guards walked close by, not looking his direction but orc heard as tall grass sweep against Markus' suit he has camouflaged with grass. Markus saw orc to turn around slowly and Markus stopped, holding his every muscle motionless and hoping orc won't suspect his presence but orc just kept standing there, looking on his general direction. Markus' hand started to tremble a bit after a moment from static work keeping him just above ground but he can't lower himself on belly as movement might give him away. Seconds felt like minutes if not hours and sweat started to come on his forehead. Hands shake more violently every passing second and Markus had real difficulties to keep his breath steady and quiet, reminding him that his previous battle have taken it's toll

At the moment Markus where on edge to collapse on ground orc finally turned around and walked away. He lowered himself on ground to catch his breath. Sparx has been hiding behind previous tent whole time and where absolutely terrified that Ranger would be discovered and he sighed out loudly when orc left, sweeping sweat off his forehead as he did. Markus reached his destination and carefully raised the tent's fabric wall and ducked under it to inside. Luckily the tent indeed was the one of the food storages and not giving second thought he snagged few pears and dried bread and began to eat in instant but only being interrupted when he heard voices not far away which sounded familiar. Markus moved closer the cloth door and moved it a bit so he could see what was happening.

"Oww... my stomach... It hurts!" Spyro shout in agony. Markus thought Spyro has been indeed hurt but before he could do anything orc began to speak hasty

"Hold. I go get food. No tricks!" orc said in half panic and turned towards chow tent and walked towards it. Ranger' eyes widened slightly when he realized that the stupid orc was coming towards him. He swiftly closed the soft door and glanced around himself to find a way to make quick escape but the heavy steps came rapidly closer. Markus saw few barrels near wall and jumped behind them and in the same moment he ducked behind them the orc barged in.

"Where all meat?" Orc spoke for himself while tossing random vegetables, breads and even pieces of cheese over his shoulder while trying to find some meat. Green figure turned towards the very same barrels Markus where hiding. Orc took few quick steps and pulled barrel's heavy lid off. Ranger pulled his sword under his clothes carefully, preparing to take the orc out fast and quietly in case he was discovered. Only thing what kept him making surpriseattack was that he knew that if this particular orc would not return his post next to dragons others may come suspicious

"Here meat!" Orc grunted and tossed lid from his hand over the barrels. Lid hit Markus directly on his head and even all that thick and long hair of his it still hurt like hell and made him even see stars for a brief second before his eyes but Markus managed to remain silent, gritting his teeth. Luckily orc was too busy to notice odd sound when lid hit Ranger to his head. Orc picked up several pieces of meat before he ran out from tent Once door closed fully Markus hissed from pain and rubbed his head from where lid has hit his head and felt lump with his fingers. He climbed over barrels.

"Sparx... Sparx!" Markus whispered trough wall and lifted it from the bottom so Sparx could come in.

"Wow dude, I thought you where goner. You're one of kind sneaky creep I give you that. Just need to remember not to turn back on you." Sparx said first amazed and then formal cocky himself. He glanced around and noticed whole tent was in a mess.

"You did this?" Sparx asked rising his eyebrows and pointing food lying on ground. Markus took brief second to look at the mess and shook his head while pointing the door with his thumb, referring to the one who left not too long ago. Ranger picked up few apples and pears and continued where he was left.

"You must be kidding me." Sparx lowered his head and put his hand on his forehead and shook his head in disbelieve.

"Were not here to eat! WERE HERE TO RESCUE SOME DRAGONS!" Sparx shouted furiously.

"Shhh!" Markus sizzled with single finger moved before his lips and he listened has they been heard before he frown on Sparx..

"What? You know I am right!" Sparx continued like nothing wasn't happened and folded his arms on his chest. Markus sighed and filled his pockets with food and walked back to tent's wall and ducked under it like before and held it up so Sparx could come thought as well. Markus glanced around briefly to make sure way was clear to another tent he suspected hold something inside. He ducked and crawled towards it just like before but more carefully, making sure not to make too much noise while Sparx flew next to him. Orcs continued patrolling their random routes and one of them entered the same food-tent Ranger had visited few minutes ago.

"Dammit! Who left this place in such mess?!" Hungry orc cursed loudly behind Markus. Unaffected by this Ranger made to dark red tent and prepared to duck inside but as he began to lift the soft wall he heard noises inside, faint snoring to be exact. He carefully lowered the wall as it where. Clearly there had to be tent somewhere where weapons and armours would be held inside but if not careful enough he might find himself inside tent full of orcs. Shaking his head to get rid the idea being in such awkward position he probed his surroundings again. Looking where guards where and the dragons. Hardly noticeable smirk escaped off his face as he noticed the dragons being fed by the same orc he had encountered earlier and small lump on his head reminded him how lucky he really have been back there. Markus decided to get closer to dragons as he have to get to them eventually. Two tents created an ideal way to sneak closer as for unknown reason guards kept distance on them and orc feeding the dragons was back towards him.

Markus crawled behind blue tent and was about to investigate insides of it when he once again heard noises inside. Markus felt clod shiver on his back when he recognised who the voice belonged to. He knew owner of that voice far too well, Strongarm... Edgard the Strongarm, no wonder they keep ajar from here. It sounded like he was talking to someone but other voice was a bit off, almost distant like. Markus took control of his fear and continued to last tent separating him and dragons. When he made to last tent he pressed his ear against the tent to hear if anyone is inside of it. No voices could be heard and he crawled under the wall he lifted up from bottom for a second. Sparx stayed outside incase someone would walk in

Markus could not believe his eyes; shiny armours, helmets, shields, bucklers and numerous of all kind close combat weapons such as short, long and two-handed swords, knifes, daggers, polearms, axes, mazes and varoius of others and most of them has never been used. Orcs didn't use all of the equipment if there wasn't total war outside. These orcs was mere search party and there wasn't real reason to them to wear all the heavy equipment. What was more surprising there where few small bottles holding different colours of dye inside them for colouring purposes. He halted on his tracks as idea struck into his head, a stupid, a dangerous one but it could work for his favour. Markus took bottle holding green dye and poured some of it on his palm and rubbed some of it on his skin to see would it colour his skin to green and he smiled when it did. He poured some more and began to cover his face and other visible skin. Once he was done he tied his long hair to ponytail, removed the grass camouflage and took so many knifes he could under his clothes. And grabbed smallest chest plate he found and try on it. It was a bit too large but he didn't care. He dressed on thigh plates and smaller ones meant on crus. Ranger tighten leather belts and all armours sat on him firmly despite their large size. Markus moved his sword into holster already placed on his back. He couldn't but smile while examining himself in armours. Giving the finishing touch he grabbed red long cape and attached it on his shoulders. Markus searched storage with his eyes if he finds anything else he could use. There where set of different shields and bucklers and he took one shield randomly from the pile. This one had small golden cross on it. All what is left to finish his disguise is helmet what would hide his face much as possible. Unlucky enough ranger didn't find one he was searching for but perhaps darkness could hide his non-orcish face well enough to pull this small plant out.

Sparx barged in through door and his face went pale when he saw armoured figure standing right front of him.

"AAA-umff!" Sparx managed to yell before Markus grabbed his head inside his fist to silence him quickly.

"hmmmf! Mffhm!" Sparx effortlessly struggled to free himself.

"Rauhoitu. Se olen minä, Markus" Markus said emphasizing his name and slowly opened his fist.

"hmf! Air!" Sparx inhaled his lungs full with air once he could and couched afterwards.

"You scared my antennae off! And speaking about my antennae you almost snapped them!" Sparx spoke anxious while putting his antennae back straight and after that he took look on Markus again.

"What is all that stuff about o creepy one? And how you changed your skin's colour? You're not going to all out are you?" Sparx shot questions like they where coming from conveyor belt. Markus just rose his eyebrow and gave questioning look.

"oh forget it... Now what?" Sparx asked hands folded before his chest. Markus walked pass Sparx and straight out

"No waitwaitWAIT WAIT!" Sparx shouted after Markus but he had already left the tent.

Walking where a bit clumsy first but after few steps he adjusted his usual walk and it became far more promising. Few orcs stared him as he walked straight to camp-fire. It was, after all, very unusual one of them walking in full battle gears on middle of the night in relatively peaceful time but they didn't give it too much thought and continued what they where doing. Markus walked confident towards imprisoned dragons and the orc still feeding them.

Cynder noticed approaching orc in full gears with corner of her eyes and she feared the worst.

"Oh no." She whispered. Spyro stopped chewing and tried to see what she was seeing but couldn't. Orc noticed their sudden reactions and turned around to look what Cynder has seen but before his eyes adjusted to see clearly who or what it was loud smack could be heard and orc fell on ground unconscious. Markus dropped piece of wood he had grabbed near campfire and probed his surroundings quickly have someone seen his actions. No one has seen it, good. Markus dragged orc's body next to fire and positioned him like he has fallen into sleep. Spyro and Cynder where both shocked and confused what had just happened. Why this orc where acting like this? Or they thought it was an orc since they couldn't see him properly but could tell he had green skin.

"What are you up to? Come to finish us?" Cynder snarled at Disguised ranger as he came closer to examine their chains. He ran his hands along the chains and looked carefully many of the small locks. As he moved his head closer to see one of the locks better Spyro could see him properly now and he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Markus?" Spyro asked carefully, doubting his own eyes. Markus turned his head towards Spyro and nodded with faint grin before turning his attention back on lock.

"Markus! You're back!" Spyro said overwhelmed by new hope and Cynder where overjoyed as well before she remembered what he had done to Spyro not too long ago. You could still see the small scar on Spyro's throat where Ranger's bolt has hit him, nearly killing him on spot. Nevertheless she was happy Markus where there now helping them to escape. Ranger took knife and unwrapped two ironwires on it's hilt used to decorate and giving extra grip while wielding it, and pent them straight and began to picking lock.. wires rattled against lock's insides for a brief minute before promising sound could be heard and lock dropped open, releasing Spyro's head so he could turn his head freely now.

"Älä liiku." Markus expressed firmly when Spyro stretched his neck while picking another lock. Lock after another opened and ranger continued on lock holding Cynder up. Spyro began to move out the cage when Markus shifty turned around and held him on place. First Spyro was uncertain what Markus intended holding him on spot when he remembered being in middle of the orc's camp and the fact that orcs may come a bit suspicious if dragon what is meant to be held in cage is roaming around freely. Spyro nodded nervously to ranger who turned his attention back on Cynder's locks. When he was halfway of opening all the lock one of the orcs guarding and patrolling the camp grew suspicious when he noticed the orc supposed to guard captives sleeping next to campfire and another being low just next to the dragons with all those armours. Orc walked closer

"What you doing there?" Guard grunted to Markus while he walked just behind him. The guard glanced over the cage and his eyes widened when he realised what was going on. Purple dragon had been freed. Orc opened his mouth to sound alarm but no voice came through, only blood.. Markus has turned around and stabbed him on throat. Orc fell on his knees and pulled the knife out from his throat but once he did that he fell on ground dead. Markus turned quickly back on dragons and tried to open the locks as fast as possible. It is now just matter of time when someone else sees what has just happened and sounds the alarm. Locks rattled loudly while ranger picked the locks with iron wires. Last lock opened with clack and he removed it. Now both Spyro and Cynder where free.

"Thanks Markus! Without you no one knows what would happened to us." Spyro said while he stepped out from cage and Cynder just behind him. There where hundreds if not thousands of questions inside his head but he decided to store them for later use as he knew his questions would have been meaningless to ranger. Markus smiled to them before he took serious expression again on his face. Now dragons are free, only thing left is to leave in haste before someone sees what have happened. When Ranger stood back up and was about to turn around to take leave loud groan echoed somewhere in camp

"TRAITOR! ALARM! CYNDER HAVE ESCAPED!" One of the orcs guarding the camp yelled from bottom of his lungs. Trio standing on the middle of the camp knew exactly what they had to do. They took advance of the momentary chaos when remaining half of the orcs came outside their tents glancing around to see what is happening. Spyro and Cynder jumped into air while Markus ran back inside the armourytent. Sparx where still inside and he startled when Ranger almost collided with him, dodging him by mere inches.

"Aika lähteä!" Markus shouted before he made to other side of the tent, grabbed random sword and slashed huge tore on wall, creating not so inspired door and ran outside.

"He sure knows how to throw a party." Sparx said still surprised and snapped out moment before first orc ran inside the very same tent and grabbed weapons and armours on their own. Sparx just stared orcs when more and more came inside to get something longer-than-hand and every single one failed to notice Sparx buzzing middle of them all.

"Ok...I...think...I...make... my... leave... right... about... now..." Sparx trembled and his head where soaked with cold sweat. He backed slowly towards the new backdoor when suddenly all of the orcs got the same idea and rushed out from tent trough tore, pushing Sparx outside with them.

Edgard barged outside his tent only to see pure chaos. Half naked orcs running back and worth and no sings of escaped dragons anywhere. Faint voice emerged from small mirror he was holding whole time.

"Haha... looks like you are having small difficulties back there. Too bad for you." Mirror spoke half amused

"Shut up! I don't know how but I'm sure this is one of your doings!" Edgard shouted back at mirror.

"pff... I have more reasons to see her dead than roaming around like spinning boulder. I hope your orc's lack of discipline ain't a problem someone not-so-great as you. Coming to think of all this, I want that ape looking creature captured in two days. In other words, when I get there personally. If you fail I look forward seeing you being crushed by Gnasty himself."

"Hah like you are the one giving me orders! I take no orders from no-one else than Chieftan!"

"Chieftan wants that abomination of nature because I want. Now get back to the work!" Blurry figure shouted and disappeared moment afterwards.

Markus took advance of his disguise and dark night and blend in to the crowd. Since there was only one orc who have actually seen him this wasn't that difficult, although things could turn messy if the one would notice him again. He tagged along with small group hoping they would walk further away but how bad idea it was. Group walked directly front of Edgard who was shouting commands like madman, trying to create some order to the whole mess. Before he noticed the direction they where going they where almost practically standing on front of Edgard. leaving the small group would probably ruin his cover so the only change was keep with group and hope for the best

"You there! Change of plans! You two go and arrange search party at once! Take at least 10 orcs with you! You contact the scouts and tell them Cynder is once again free! And last of you two..." Edgard shouted commands with deep groan and where finally staring at Markus who felt terrified in front of him. If Edgard would give any closer look to him his cover would be blown away in a instant. Edgard paused for a second thinking he have seen something familiar behind Markus green face trough darkness but he thought he have just has seen this specific rather non-muscled orc once before.

"... You two go patrol the surrounding! If you see dragons come back and inform us at once. Do not engage them on your own, got it?" Edgard grunted and waited for response. Orc next to Ranger nodded and seeing this Markus repeated the gesture.

"Now go!" Edgard groaned and turned around to shout more orders to passing orcs. Orc next to ranger grapped him from throat and brought his face few inches away from Markus' and looked ranger very seriously and showed some disgust towards him.

"Even Edgard spoke to you, you take orders from me. Got it?" Orc grunted him with very deep and threatening voice. Markus swallowed and nodded slightly, not really knowing what he has been told but figured that much he should just play a little purblind and just follow him around until time would be right to escape.

Spyro and Cynder flew on night sky, circling around the orc encampment and scanning carefully orcs' movements and possibly spot out Markus if possible. Dark sky hid both dragons and especially Cynder due of her black scales even if they reflected some of the light what managed to reach her. They have seen Edgard shouting some commands on few groups of orcs and after that went on search by himself with handful of his own kind after having brief conversation with one of the orcs under his commands.

"Any luck?" Spyro asked when he caught up with Cynder.

"I've seen Sparx leaving the camp but finding Markus from there is nearly impossible." Cynder said frustrated from endless and yet futile search

"Markus wore red cape and most of those orcs don't wear cape at all." Spyro reminder her

"I know Spyro but its too dark, I see clearly where they go but I can't tell the colour of the capes few of them carry. It might be even possible he had left already. We should leave here before someone sees us."

"I just want to be sure. Come, one more spin and then we leave, If that is ok to you." Spyro said. Cynder sighed and nodded. They circled camp once more but didn't see what they where looking for.

"Spyro, this is useless. We been here for too long and we should leave here." Cynder said showing slight anxiousness in her voice, not because of Spyro but because she was becoming tired from fruitless scouring.

"Yeah you're right. Le--" Spyro said but his phrase where left unfinished as he thought he saw something.

"Spyro?" Cynder said with concerned voice.

"I think I saw something. I'll go check it out!" Spyro said before he dived down.

"Spyro wait!" Cynder shouted after him and followed him down. Spyro landed on ground and tall grass hid him within it. Spyro heard soft thud behind him and looked behind to see that Cynder had landed behind him.

"Spyro we really should go. It's not safe here!" Cynder tried to be persuasive but Spyro's mind was already set and there was no way to change his mind now.

"This will just take a second. Stay here." Spyro whispered before he walked into grass front of him.

"I have bad feeling about this. Just be careful Spyro!" Cynder whispered back. Spyro walked forward inside tall grass not really seeing front of him. Wind moved grass slowly, creating atmosphere which most weak-minded would keep frightening. He heard someone speaking with language he didn't understand yet he recognised the voice. Spyro moved towards sound to see if he would be right who it would be. Shortly after he came to more open area where grass where barely above his pawns and he saw thin orc standing before him. In matter of fact they almost collided with each other. Odd armoured figure stared at Spyro's eyes, almost like whoever it was knew Spyro was there. Creature looked almost like ape he have fought against many times before, but this one where far more slim, fragile yet looked more intelligent. It wore bright metal coloured platearmours, red long cape and large shield which had golden cross on it. Creature spoke again with odd language, drew sword from it's back and pointed it on Spyro's throat.

But before anything else happened Spyro's eyes widened when he realised who he was facing at.
