The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 15: Long night
#15 of The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the Past
Chapter 15 - Long night
"No... He needs to think his head clear alone." Spyro replied still staring after his brother.
"You sure?" Cynder asked.
"Yeah... I fear I would only mess his head up much more."
"But you're his brother... So to speak..." Cynder said thinking word brother.
"Just go to talk with him. It is you he needs now most." Cynder continued and pushed Spyro a bit.
"But I don't know what to say, he might turn meaning of my words upside down and he might become more upset." Spyro said worried.
"Don t worry, just go." Cynder pushed Spyro again. Spyro walked after Sparx and he glanced back on Cynder who just nodded and smiled gently at him. He turned his head back on Sparx who where now sitting on small rock, staring at setting sun. Uncertain what to say Spyro walked slowly next to him, sat down and watched the setting sun on horizon as well.
"Hi brother." Spyro said carefully but warm.
"Beautiful isn't it?" Sparx said sad
"Yeah, it is. Sparx, my dear brother, we need to talk." Spyro begun.
"About her? Forget it Spyro."
"No, not about her. About you and your brother." Spyro said slowly and as friendly as he could. Sparx turned to see Spyro single tear in his eye. Spyro turned his friendly face to Sparx to continue.
"I am your brother am I?" Spyro asked.
"And as a brother you know I do love you?"
"But you and..."
"No Sparx. I love You as my brother and that is something what never will change. If something where to happen to you I would not know what to do." Spyro continued, trying to place every word carefully as he spoke.
"I have shared my youth with you and I would not change that for anything else. If you think Cynder has taken your place in my live you're dead wrong. No-one and I mean no-one could never replace you in my live. Remember when we first came to small pond near our home?" Spyro spoke slowly and warmly. Sparx began smile a bit when he remember what happened then.
"Yeah... I haven't seen you more scared about anything in my whole live but you where scared of water"
"And you remember who helped me to overcome my fears on water?"
"I do. I splatted water on you, trying make you play with me. I never forget how wet I where after our waterwar, you finally used your tail to shove half of the pond on me, it was freezing cold."
"And after that when you got cold, remember?"
"You where curled around me and I used your wing as a blanket while mom got something to ease my flue."
"And you remember how father lectured about cold water? I never forget his face."
"Me either. I could swear he has never been so angry." Sparx said and began to forget his sadness. Two brothers continued to talk eachother for hours. Remembering the old times they spent on their youth. Sun has landed below horizon long ago and stars coloured whole sky with countless white small dots. One of the tvinmoons shoun on sky it's silver light. Wind breezed softly, barely making plants wave.. Cynder has moved under withered tree and waited patient whole time in distance sitting and smiling on Spyro.
"Spyro?" Sparx said finally.
"Yes Sparx?" Spyro said and he was surprised when Sparx hugged him tightly on his neck.
"Thank you." Sparx said eased.
"Thank you my brother." Spyro replied softly and put his pawn gently on Sparx back, just under his wings. After they broke hug Spyro began return to Cynder but he stopped after few steps.
"You're coming?" Spyro asked.
"naah... I come after moment or two." Sparx replied and glanced on moon.
"Don't stay too long." Spyro said and walked to Cynder.
"So how is he?" Cynder asked hopes up.
"He is fine." Spyro said with smile. Cynder kissed him.
"I am so proud of you." Cynder said softly before she kissed Spyro again.
"It was nothing. I just did what I should have be done long ago." Spyro said.
"Don t be so modest Spyro." Cynder said, sat down and too deep yawn.
"Tired?" Spyro asked.
"A bit. You think we can rest in here?" Cynder asked from Spyro while looking around.
"Well I cant see any better place anywhere and come to think of it I believe this is just fine spot." Spyro said after he have looked around. Cynder lied down and Spyro next to her and they curled around eachother to keep eachothers warm. Cynder fell asleep quickly but Spyro where still awake, trying to sleep. He heard familiar sounding buzz come close and without opening his eyes he raised his wing slightly and he smiled when he felt Sparx crawling under his wing just like years ago in past when he was just a hatcling.
Meanwhile in far north inside of the ancient throneroom of Orcs' city lying just in roots of Icerock mountains
"YOU LET THAT CREATURE ESCAPE!?" Huge and Muscular Orc, wearing full Steelplate armours and long green cape which has seen it's better days and his huge Steel battleaxe-warHammer weapon resting against his wooden throne yelled furiously with such force that air vibrated.
"But my chieftan, Cynder where here and she wasn't alone. She was accompanied by purple dragon and they took creature with them." Edgard answered trying to control his fear trough mirror.
"Cynder is still alive?" chieftan said and glanced on his sorcerer and personal advisor filled by hatred. Sorcerer backed up quickly.
"You have some explaining to do and you better make it good for your own sake." Chief said groaning before he turned his gaze back on Magically enchanted mirror.
"Yes I am certain. Cynder was here but she wasn't what she used to be. She has shrinked."
"Yes, but still too strong to be dealt alone. I need more orcs."
"YOU GET NONE! Now go and get that creature back! I don t care what you do about those dragons but get the creature. It is imperative you bring it before me. Did I make myself clear Edgard the Strongarm?"
"Yes chieftan, I will not fail you again." Edgard said and punched his chest
"Good. Now begone!" Chieftan said and image of Edgard fainted from mirror's surface leaving nothing else but his own reflection.
"Now... Explain how Cynder is still alive?" Chieftain groaned angry and quietly at orc sorcerer who glanced back showing no fear against such powerful leader.
Dragons slept peacefully under the whitered tree, curled eachother and Sparx snored faint under Spyro's left wing. Tall grass waved with wind and hid the dragons inside, leaving only small hole into endless grass ocean. One, two sets of glowing green eyes appeared in distance and moved slowly right at the sleeping dragons, never making even faintest sound. Eyes got closer and you could see strong creatures' muscular shadows around glowing eyes. One of the creatures raised his huge battleaxe and moonlight reflected amonght it's sharp, cracked surface. Shadows got closer the unaware and sleeping couple and one shadow raised his axe above his head, preparing his deadly onslaught. Once they got close enough, unarmed shadow smirked, showing his sharp teeths and other's eyes narrowed and second later he swung his axe in blur motion down.
"AAHH!!" Cynder shouted, panting and sweating all over. Spyro startled the sudden shout and shot up from his sleep and Sparx fell on ground from under Spyro's wing, waking him up as well. All three kept looking around to see any possible threat but they couldn't see anything but few fireflies flying around nearby bushes. Spyro looked Cynder and got worried when he saw Cynder being all swet and panting, turning her head side to side over and over again.
"What that was all about?" Sparx said anxious caused by rude awakening.
"Cynder, are you alright?" Spyro asked filled by worry. Cynder's green eyes locked on him, showing Spyro she was terrified but Cynder shook her head before Spyro could do or say anything.
"It... It was just a nightmare." Cynder said calming down a bit.
"Next time let me sleep in peace, I had nicest dream in a while." Sparx stated.
"Do you wish to talk about it?" Spyro asked from Cynder and moved next to her and lowered his wing on her, trying to comfort her.
"Thank you Spyro but no... I... Sorry to wake you up like that." Cynder spoke head low.
"No, its okay. Now let's go back to sleep." Spyro said and he followed Cynder down who tried to take conformable position. Spyro lowered his protective wing over Cynder's back and he where surprised when Cynder gave strong hug, almost making him fall on his side on Cynder. He turned on other side so they could face eachother while Cynder kept hugging him.
"Good night beautiful." Spyro whispered.
"Good night handsome." Cynder answered softly and yawned
"Good night to you too Sparx"
"yeah yeah... Nights." Sparx said after he had crawled under Spyro's wing again. Spyro smiled faintly when Cynder fell into calm and peaceful sleep before he entered to the word of dreams as well and so the trio slept their night peacefully.
Meanwhile night seemed to be long for someone. Ranger continued to backtrack his trip back where he had left the dragons. Moons shoun on sky and crickets filled the grass around him with their noises. This made listening possible threats rather difficult as possible sounds could be easily covered under noisy wildlife, so he had to rely mostly to his vision. Punch of wolfs has smelled his dried blood and followed him not too far and every time Ranger checked his back, wolfs lowered themselves. Getting the feeling things ain't as they should be he glanced behind himself more often but refused to slow himself down. Wolfs where patient, following him carefully and wait the moment when their pray where most vulnerable. Ranger stopped and closed his eyes, trying to listen his surroundings. Insects sounds where almost hurting his ears but he heard something which ain't made by insects nor wind, Something where moving behind him. Markus placed his left hand slowly on sword's handle and he opened his eyes when he heard sounds of single wolf's pawns becoming louder, more frequent every passing step and once sound stopped he took his sword, dodged to left turning around at the same time and swung his sword, all in one fast move, against whatever where attacking him. Ranger hit wolf what where still in mid-air trying to leap on him it's fangs pointed at him and it's mouth wide open ready for grabbing him from throat, opening it's furry chest wide open and before wolf dropped on ground it where dead. Other wolfs has already began to circle him and Ranger saw their glowing yellow eyes reflecting the silverlight of the tvinmoons. Markus glanced briefly on his now dead attacker.
"Susia..." He whispered to himself. Ranger spread his legs a bit and prepared to take on the first wolf who dares to attack upon him. Wolfs kept circling around him, moving constantly and growling at him. Before long first, then another soon followed by third ran towards their pray from all directions. Markus dodged the first wolf's leap by moving aside and swung his short sword against second one, hitting it to it's hindlegs severing them but the third wolf jumped on his back and ranger fell on his knees from impact. Wolf tried to grap hunter from his neck with it's sharp teeths but it tore ranger's hood instead. Markus stood up regardless the wolf on his back and turned quickly around against fist wolf which attacked him first. Ranger's sudden move made wolf on his back lose it's grip on him and it fell on ground on it's back. Without hesitation wolf front of him lunged towards him aiming his legs but ranger stroke his sword on it's back and wounded wolf ran away, only being to replaced by fourth wolf which managed to leap right on him causing ranger to fall on his back, losing any advances he had while standing. Wolf grabbed his throat with it's strong jaws and it's fangs emped into his throat. Still being able to breath ranger shouted from pain and tried to use his sword to free himself but third wolf bite his arm and tried to tear it apart. Ranger took one of the few knifes he had into his right wounded hand and stabbed wolf on him several times on it's stomach, chest and neck. Once wolf lost it's grip on his throat he kicked it with his knee sending it's corpse over him. Markus where now free and he turned on his left side to stab the wolf tearing his left arm. He managed to spab wolf on it's cheek cutting its jawmuscle in the process, before wolf which where wounded from it's hindlegs has crawled behind him and bite him directly on his right arm's wounds, reopening day old cutwounds and pain where intense. Stabbed wolf ran away and ranger stroke blinded by pain furiously on estimated location of the wolf, severing it's head from it's body. Only thing which broke the silence where ranger's heavy breathing. Ranger lied down on his back surrounded by dead wolfs trying to recover. He snapped out from his clouded thought as he realised he was bleeding all over. Markus began to tend his wounds as fast he could but blood loss caused by early day and now after wolfs' attack made him lose his eyesight, narrowing his field of vision even smaller every second. Soon he couldn't see absolutely nothing and his thought began to cloud, unable to consternate on anything but he still tried to tie his wounds as fast he could but the work never reached it's completion as he fell back on ground.
"Ei..." Markus whispered before he fell unconscious.