MLP: Lunar's Return
"twilight sparkle i would like you to meet my friend moon. he saved me from a nasty predicament up in the northern mountains." i was a bit flattered by rarity's words but i soon interjected.
The Mysterious Mare
In the five seconds it took twilight sparkle to realise that the dam was failing, the cracks had already become too wide for a unicorn by themselves to close.
The Passing Of A Hero
A powerful storm rages over Equestria, a wasteland covered in destruction after a recent war, many ponies either dead or badly hurt, among the ponies is a certain purple and green dragon named spike, his form currently limp on the muddy ground, his...
Healing for a Spell
Potter looked up at his clerk, and followed his gaze to twilight sparkle, whom was smiling at the young man.
Shaga - Étudier sur le terrain
Parce que je ne veux jamais m'en séparer, pas plus que je veux me séparer de toi, twilight sparkle...
My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria pt 23 (preview)
A few days had passed since our little Christmas party, Twilight giving me a simple bracelet; but I loved it all the same. Myself, I gave her the very first copy of the history of the human race that resided within the walls of the old human...
Twilight's Crusade
**peace.** twilight sparkle burst out of her covers, panting and gasping for breath.
[MLP: FIM] Princess of Friendship
Twilight sparkle rolled her eyes. "but it'll save us approximately thirteen to fifteen minutes of travel time with a margin of error of up to two minutes, due to slowing down to reason with you about which direction to take."
My little pony: A New Start Chapter 1
The purple one spoke first, "i'm twilight sparkle, princess celestia's top student." "pinkie pies the name and party's are my game!! or are they games? they have games during them, so close enough hehehe."
The Call of the Wretched Sea, Chapter 2: Below The Sun
# [Below The Sun]( Twilight would have said she was used to the sight before her, one of endless blue, but that would be a lie. In reality, she had since the first...
The Call of the Wretched Sea, Chapter 1: An Eye
The waves twisted and contorted, spiraling around the sides of an arrow shaped wooden craft. Bubbles fizzled around the sides and end of the small craft, colored an unsightly mix of dark green and murky white foam. The swell swirled endlessly against...
My Little Pony: Equedia Ep.1 A New Arrival Pt.1
She did not speak for a moment until she managed to restore some reserve to function on properly, "twilight sparkle, i have never seen anything like this.