My little pony: A New Start Chapter 1

Story by furryguy74 on SoFurry

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#1 of My Little Pony: A New Start

First ever story, I plan on writing more. Any constructive suggestions/help is much obliged.

A drowning buzzing noise was all I could hear, my vision was blinded by a bright white light. Everything felt numb and I couldn't move, I could hardly think as I tried to open my eyes. Then I was falling, the utter helplessness feeling of falling without being able to move your limbs was terrifying, all I could feel was my head spinning as I plummeted towards what I presumed was the ground.

I slowly opened my eyes and quickly shut them from the bright light and blurriness that was my vision, and from the pain I was in, most noticeably in my back. I groaned out in pain and I heard a voice, "Hey he is waking up." The voice sounded light, calm but curious. I once again tried to open my eyes but I still could only see blurs, "Easy there partner, y'all had a rough day, and that there fall you had was a doozie." Hmm, a heavy southern accent. "Where, where am I?" I asked hoping to get a response. "You're in a hospital silly! We found you near the Evertree Forest, you were unconscious and we took you here."

Time to introduce myself, the names Marshall, just 19 years old. I'm on the short side at around 5 foot 7 inches, with curly brown hair, Greenish eyes with a bluish tint, and some lighter brown around the iris. While not the strongest person I know, I am a tad above average build, and I'm about average IQ. I'm pretty logical, and when I want to know what something is or how it works, I do just that. I also am a musician, always love playing, listening, and preforming on stage. I couldn't imagine a life without me playing music. Anyways back to the story.

I tried once again to open my eyes, I could make out six blurs, and my vision was starting to come back to focus. As everything started to come back to focus, I could make out the six colours, Purple, pink, yellow, orange, blue, and white... Wait, I shook my head as I cleared out my head and looked again and was speechless. Six ponies, Six colourful ponies all looking at me with a look of concern and a slight hint of curiosity. The purple one spoke first... wait SPOKE?! "Hey, good to see you're finally awake." I was stunned, "I've must have hit my head really hard or am I dead?!" "Nopie lopie, silly, you're alive and you are fine as a whistle!" Exclaimed the pink one really excitedly while hopping up and down with a huge grin that I'm not sure was possible. "Where the heck am I and how are you talking!" I blurted out in a worried tone. They must of not been expecting a sudden outbreak as they were all taken back a bit. "First off, you're in Ponyville, practically the middle of Equestria, and all ponies can talk. But for a question about you, what are you and where did you come from?" The purple one seemed to answer like a book and ask questions like a teacher. "Well first off" I started. "I'm a human from earth, but I doubt I'm anywhere near there anymore, the last I remember I was packing up all my music items for a move. But who are you guys.. er galls?" I inquired hoping to get to know these six as I doubted I would be back home anytime soon.

The purple one spoke first, "I'm Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's top student." "Pinkie Pies the name and party's are my game!! Or are they games? They have games during them, so close enough hehehe." Said the excited pink pony, who seemed almost unrealistically excited. " I'm Rainbow Dash, #1 flier in all of Equestria, I'll give ya my autograph later." The rather full of herself blue one with the rainbow mane stated. "Howdy, names Applejack, pleasure to meet y'all." Applejack said while crossing both hooves on one side with the other, pretty alluring. "Rarity, charmed I'm sure." The elegant white coated pony almost stated, she seemed to belong to an upper class. "I'm.. Flu...Flutt.....Fluttershy." The timid yellow pony whispered while adverting her light blue eyes to the ground.

After they all introduced themselves, I decided I should introduce myself. "Well I'm Marshall, pleasure to meet you girls." Thinking back to what I was doing before I inexplicably showed up here. "You didn't happen to find any boxes with me did you?" Twilight was the first to speak up "Yep, it's all in the library, seeing as you don't have anywhere to live you can stay there for a bit." She had a smile on her face (muzzle?) as did the others. "Well thanks you guys.. girls." I looked out the window and all I saw was ponies, some flying, some with horns, and ones with neither. "Umm, so is this land inhabitable by only ponies? No humans?"

"Well, no, you are the only known one to have EVER lived in Equestria as far to my knowledge, and I don know quite a lot from all my research in Equestria history." Twilight said while giving it some thought (Perhaps she has photographic memory) I looked around for my clothes, finally finding them on the table next to me, "Umm do you girls mind leaving while I get dressed?" I sheepishly asked the lot, my cheeks getting a bit hotter as I didn't think they would understand, seeing as how they don't wear clothes at all. "Well you heard the man galls, lets get out the room while he gets decent" Applejack went saying chuckling a little as she walked towards the door while the rest followed. When i heard the door close I quickly got myself dressed in my clothes. Nothing special, just a darker pair of jeans, and a red long sleeved shirt with white collar, and I pulled them up halfway up my arms. (I don't like to have my arms covered) I put my shoes on, black with red lighting on them.

"Alright I'm done" I said standing up, and.. whoa, I felt really tall, compared to everything else that's meant for ponies wasn't I really surprised. The only one who came back in was Twilight, "The rest of the girls had to leave, Applejack is busy with apple bucking season, Rarity has some dresses to make, Fluttershy has to take care of her animals, and Pinkie Pie she... Well to be honest I have no clue where she went or why." She was looking rather stumped with her last remark. "Anyways lets get back to the library, I'm beat." Hmm even after being unconscious for however long I was, I still felt pretty tired. "Then let's set out, I'd love to get some shut eye," I said yawning.

As we walked home, I had a few burning questions about this place. "Hey Twi? I've got a couple of questions, if ya don't mind answering em." She looked up at me with a slight smile and a giggle (Probably not used to little nicknames) "Sure, shoot." I had thousands of questions, but I decided to ask a few about this place and save the rest for tomorrow. "So the main inhabitants of this world are ponies, flying ones, ones with horns, and ones without any right?" Nodding her head up and down sleepily. "Yup, Pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies." Looking at the ponies again, "What are those marks everypony has on their flank?" She giggled a bit before replying with "Those are Cutie Marks, everypony gets them at one point in their life, usually when they are little fillies and colts." Hmm weird, I thought while yawning. "So why are you ponies so accepting of me? Hell in my world, you would be experimented on. But I guess you're more accepting to others more they humanity is, haha." Twilight nodded her head and laughed a bit along with me. It was then that I started to notice the ponies looking at me and whispering among themselves. "Well here we are, home sweet home." It was the most awesome looking house ever, it was a tree carved out to be livable. She opened the door with...Magic?? She looked back at my wide eyed expression, "Haha, oh yea, unicorns can use magic by they way." Nice of ya to tell me Twi, I though you were a witch or something. Anyways I stepped into the house and boy, were there A LOT of books, well what did I expect, she does live in a library.

"Alright I will show you to your room, you can unpack your stuff tomorrow morning, if you need anything just ask Marshall." Twilight said while walking past a doorway. "Thanks Twi." I said giving a small smile. "It's no problem, Good night Marshall." "Good night Twi." As I walked into my room I noticed my stuff all wrapped up in their boxes, and a nice bed to crawl into for the night. I'll get to that stuff in the morning, but time for some sleep.

First Fanfiction/story I've ever written, any constructive feed back is much appreciated. I was inspired by a handful of other stories and though I would try my hand at it. Marshall is not my true name, I'm leaving out some personal details for the time being. Thanks for reading!