Dad Story Book 1

Your choo choo socks are so cool, said nagi. really said wolfgang with a grinning at nagi. here smell my choo choo socks, said wolfgang, as he wiggled his toes. nagi took a wiff. stinky said nagi, and wolfgang began laughing.

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A Dark and Stormy Night

He wondered if it was sweat or if his sock was actually wet enough that it had drenched the boot again, but it was an answer that he didn't want to know. the pair had reached aiden's apartment.

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2. Thank God for Antiseptic Spray

He looked at the sock then back to cecina and her newly arched eyebrow. "polka dots--or dot?" she responded, gesturing with her chin to the sock that hrvalye was still holding next to his hoof.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 61

Finally, she slipped his socks over her feet. only then did he allow himself to put on his shoes.

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POv vore - you and a little badger

At once your socks are soaked with caustic juices and your skin begins to tingle. the bare skin above the sock doesn't even have that protection. your feet are in a hungry beast's stomach and already it is beginning to digest you.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 62

Finally, she slipped his socks over her feet. only then did he allow himself to put on his shoes.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 5

Ket set his skates down on the rubber floor and reached into his pocket for his second pair of socks. "oh crud!" emeral exclaimed. "s'matter?" he whipped his socks against the bench to unfold them.

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Possum Laundry (Otherwise Untitled)

One red tinted sock. one perfectly blue tinted sock. confusion was afoot, but the possum steeled himself to the task at hand. ~ cleanliness would wait for no mysteries.


Make Izzy better :3

I love longwave... and here i am in my white wool socks, comfy track pants, and straitjacket trying to relax.


Mooing Over Spilled Milk.

"hey anny, it's pretty cold in here, i might have to put on some socks." she said, putting on 2 pairs of socks. "i went to the store earlier, that might be why. i have a little something for you at least" anna replied, trying not to smile.

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Master Stinky - part 2

They spend almost twenty minutes admiring the stink, and once willis picked hos socks up, and master stinky rewards his pet by letting him sniff his tail directly. then they decide that he should meet the other stinky pets.

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Through the years part 1

He pulled out two pairs of green socks and two tan t-shirts. a smile cracked on the fox's face. "good, good", he said as he nodded to himself. his ears perked up as he knew where his pt (physical training)clothes were.

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