Kiss of Destiny: Chapter 5

She found him upstairs, asleep in penny's bed. he looked so peaceful, curled up in a little ball with his muzzle resting on his tail and snoring softly, that she didn't have the heart to disturb him.

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Dump Truck dream

I was in my house, well, it was actually some weird mix between my house and my parents house, but one wall was all glass and for some reason there was a dump truck next to the glass, when out of nowhere, some half naked woman comes in, so my only...

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Werefox's Dillema- Chapter 3

sleep is never an easy thing for me to do. by nature and necessity i can never sleep very deeply.

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The Beginning of a New Race: Chapter Ten

On the left side of the cave there was divot in the ground that was filled with leaves and a soft fur looking substance, which must have been zircon's sleeping area.

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Gone to sleep now, perhaps to wake up soon a self-made cocoon with its pieces all strewn will reconstitute would not the rain allow. up and out, away, steal. differentiate what is real.

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#5 of poetry this one came to me as i sat in bed trying to fall asleep after i had a pretty neat dream of the same subject matter over a couple of nights. it was quite fun to sit there and analyze how i longed for this dream to come back.

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Fortune- mini-chapter- How things turned out

"hey, you know, why don't we sleep together anyway? not sleep together as in doing anything, but you know, just sleep," jack suggests. he really wants to know how it feels having someone like kyle next to him while he was sleeping.

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Rose- A Brand New Day

sleeping is a bit of a challenge. for the simple fact of being unable to ignore the things you normally could. the act of sleeping is to get the brain to let everything go until consciousness is gone.

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Hunting Death- Binding a Beast

The beast twitches a bit in its sleep which makes me strike at it again just in case.

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Getting To Sleep (Brenly)

Getting to sleep (brenly) one of the things i didn't expect when i got older was how much i would learn to value sleep, and how elusive it would become.

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Poem #73: In Sleep

[creative commons license](]( "in sleep" by bhscorch is licensed under a [creative commons attribution-noderivs 3.0 unported license](

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A good night sleep

He ran as fast as he could and when he got closer he saw a large sleeping nude lion sleeping with care he got in closer and then the small creature was pinned down by an arm. at the light of fire it showed it was a small wolf of 3 years old.

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