Poem #73: In Sleep
#74 of Poetry
This is a more personal poem, hinting at my struggle of becoming bi and also is about the struggle (and fears) of love.
In Sleep
- A Dream
When I used to dream
I dreamt up a fantasy
Where I was with Ms. Perfect
I even daydreamed of our lives
Together, side by side.
The dreams faded into nothing
Nothing but memories.
- A Nightmare
As I lie next to him
I can't help but toss and turn
Whilst I dream a life without him;
I fear a life alone.
Some say I am my own worst enemy
Because I fear that when he says "I love you"
He doesn't really mean it
And that kills me inside
Bit by bit.
"In Sleep" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.