Poem #73: In Sleep

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#74 of Poetry

This is a more personal poem, hinting at my struggle of becoming bi and also is about the struggle (and fears) of love.

In Sleep

  1. A Dream

When I used to dream

I dreamt up a fantasy

Where I was with Ms. Perfect

I even daydreamed of our lives

Together, side by side.

The dreams faded into nothing

Nothing but memories.

  1. A Nightmare

As I lie next to him

I can't help but toss and turn

Whilst I dream a life without him;

I fear a life alone.

Some say I am my own worst enemy

Because I fear that when he says "I love you"

He doesn't really mean it

And that kills me inside

Bit by bit.


Creative Commons License

"In Sleep" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.