The Spirit of the Season

Thanks for reading, and have a _great_ holiday season.

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Our Season

Kratos lifted his head and inhaled deeply. It was a chilling January night and his visible breath was evidence of it. Letting his lungs expel the excess air, He closed his eyes and took note of a faint, sweet scent. "Its almost here," he...


The Off-Season

Hiro prepares for the season to come, but a surprise throws his family life for a loop. the summer after eleventh grade was one of the best times of my life.

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The Changing of the Seasons

#6 of esoterica this is a story poem that i had written during the fall to express what i thought about how the seasons change. i thought it would be interesting to personify the seasons and have them change as if to be guards at a post changing shifts.

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Season's Front

The fervid spring had never felt so lush, as if this were the first season.

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The Days and the Seasons

I'm hoping to get back to writing soon....toying with ideas on a story involving dad foxes, rimming, and wine =) # the days and the seasons # on a misty grey morning in late march, 1793, judoc guiscard, a vendéan peasant fox, was recipient of a letter

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The Four Maidens

The first maiden conducts in her flowery dress the song the birds sing carried by the breeze. By her side rests a basket woven by hand filled to the brim with buds and blooms. The second maiden gazed at the flowing river in her blue...

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Toumal the Admin!

#1 of seasonal toumal the admin, is a jolly happy soul, with his dorsal fin and a orca nose, and two balls the color of snow. - toumal the admin, is a legend, so they say, he is made of dreams but the users know, how it all came to life one day.

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Late Seasons Greetings

Hey everyone, long time no see. I just popped on to say merry christmas and happy new year to you all and to provide you with some news. Being as I have now lost my job, I may very well start producing stories again although I'm not entirely sure...

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the 6 season war

The 6 season war basic info it was after the blink and before the making of the grid. a group of techonological beings stole marten's powers and made havic.


"Seasons" - Chapter 3

3 After geometry came the only class that Casey actually looked forward to in the day: study hall. This was mainly because unless you had homework to do or a test or a quiz to study for, you pretty much just sat there and talked. Casey entered the...

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"Seasons" - Chapter 2

2 The school was rather old, and was in need of an upgrade. Comprised of 2 floors and four hallways all surrounding a rather poor excuse for a "courtyard," the Endleburg County High School wasn't much to look at. It had been re-bricked and...

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