Raquel's Trade Pt. 1

ringtail," she giggled. he bared his teeth in a mock growl which came out as a squeak. "you take care," he sighed as he waddled back into his office.

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Wildtouched Species Data

Hat tip to ringtail for inspiration, all those years ago.


Roberts Did Not Remember, Bobo Had Other Ideas

"no," the ringtail said, "i think we're all excited about here, alright?"

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Mistress Adri's BASIC character creator

- 1 - cat - 2 - dog - 3 - horse - 4 - lapine (or rabbit) - 5 - wolf - 6 - tiger - 7 - panther - 8 - fox - 9 - skunk - 10 - dragon - 11 - bear - 12 - ram - 13 - lemur/ringtail - 14 - lion - 15 - panda - 16 -

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Another Punishing Spar

_"Why did I have to open my mouth?"_ The Rathi bull could hardly stand on his hooves, almost collapsing in his corner as his seventh sparring partner, Rhyno, exited the ring, a dark green gecko with even darker green dredlocks. He was sweating and...

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Thirteen Tales 2020: The Culprits Revealed

Tale 9 victim: kickaha starting form: foxyote ending form: ringtail possum kid culprit: kit method: magical blast important clues kit was one of the few confirmed magic users.

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Chapter One

Simon the ringtail leads a quiet, unremarkable but pleasant life...until a mysterious and beautiful coyote heroine literally comes crashing into it...

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The Double Life - Chapter 3

"'s the ringtail. boss man around?" "thought youse died, kid. lookin' fer work?" i can hear the sneer in his voice. i close my eyes and take another drag. "not from you, yates. i still got bruises from the last time." "har dee har.

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The E.A.G.A.M.E.S. Exegisis pt. 2

The ringtail cat sat where he had been, his long, striped tail swaying against a stone bench next to the iron door. meerk stepped forward. "er, what do you mean? a place with spawns?"

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Fear and Desire - Spirit of the Season

He reached out toward the dozing raccoon sprawled out over the table; the quietest the excitable ringtail had been all evening.

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The Double Life - Chapter 5

"where is she, ringtail? where's the vixen that you were with earlier?" his voice is as insistent as the piece against my spine. i have to answer this carefully. please don't get us both killed, kota. "i haven't seen her.

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A look at "Variables" by Roland Jovaik

He decides to find another café, and comes across the ringtail jesse, who is entirely different from the fox. very forward and spontaneous, bubbly but kinda' pushy. all in all, a bit of a stereotypical power twink.

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