Scales and Scavs chapter 4, Testing and treatment

"its a nose or skin infection, but its resilience to antibiotics is common." "right. i got it during a war wizh ingrowing claws as a teenager." "strange." "tell me about it." "you still have the ingrown claws?" "no."

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Welcome To The Machine

._ _war, which destroyed families, innocent lives, the minds of the most resilient people; it degraded everyone down to their most basic and terrible components. he knew why he was fighting, but it had been going for so long; he was ready to crumble.

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New Life

I didn't have the resilience i used to. i bandaged my hand with another strip of my sleeve and stood in the complete circle.

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Bad Blood

The dogs were strong, resilient, and loyal. while their physique gave them an advantage, it was their bonds what let them overcome many of their toughest fights.

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Fairy Dreams

It felt more resilient. probably grass. a warm mid-spring wind started blowing, and it made me glad i didn't bring my jacket. "watch your step. there's some stairs coming up," lupus said.

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The huge lug was extremely resilient, so the other two decided to ignore the drunkard for now. kyu cao took a napkin from his robes and began to wipe the snot from his fur and clothes.

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Lore Bonus: Argus' Augmentations

Scales are much more resilient to staples, and needle and thread were absolutely out of the question. we fused his skin back together, and finally, argus was born, the so-called crown jewel of altior.

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Case File: 001

- canines prove most resilient to therasphetamine. primary effects of drugs delayed by nearly 4 hours at this dosage. - felines negligently affected.

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Zombiology - Orca

Simultaniously annoyed that the creature would not allow itself to be disposed of while also amused at its resilience, he grabbed its foot again and one more dragged it deep below the surface before letting go.

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The Best Defence...

The fact that this was a very resilient metal she had just shattered was insignificant to the nice feel of freedom for her new scaled feet. leaning on a lamp post, she slowly got up, but let out a soft gasp when she laid all her weight on her two feet.

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Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 19

Malkar, however, was wearing a surface world coat that was supposed to give him warmth, but his resilience to cold was less than the ash hound trying to save him.

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Keeper of the Forest

It possessed a level of intricacy and resilience that seemed to defy the crude shoves and pure willpower he'd grown so used to deploying, and thus far had managed to deflect every attempt to force it to his will.

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