Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 19

Story by seraphor12 on SoFurry

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#19 of Kingdom of the Old Demons

Intertwined Fate

"(The journal entries on these walls do not really tell us about Barbatos or his plan," said Malkar. "But they are about a warning. Half of is a warning about the Asmodians manipulating things from behind the screen, as we have already known, but the other warning is about the Vessels)."

"(The...Vessels)?" asked Ammon.

"(Like passages from the previous entries, it explains how the Vessels are used as Barbatos's body, but there is something else. Said Vessels can also be used to trap Barbatos. Basically, when a Vessel is claimed as Barbatos's body, he is corporeal, and there is a way to bind him to that body almost permanently)."

"(Does he tell about anything)?" asked Damos.

"(That's the problem. He knew about a binding spell, but he did not know about it. Maybe the next journal entry will give us the answer, but right now, with only one word left, we can guess what Asdal was hiding in the first word of the journal entries. Excluding the final words and some useless words that make the sentence incoherent, it says 'the darkness can be bound by')."

"(By whom?)" asked Gehen through signs. "(Is it an Ashen Sorcerer? Is that why my kind is being hunted?)"

"(There is a possibility)," said Malkar. "(But right now, we cannot be sure)."

"(But if it is, I will be ready to protect Ammon)."

"(I'm sure you will, Gehen. Anyway, we still need to find out where to find the final journal. The Altar of Zarathos. Do you know where it is, Belial?)"

"(We can ask Zarathos himself, but he will not be specific)," said Belial. "(In fact, I think Zarathos may not even heed my call)."


"(He's front-line defense. Unlike Sahel, he's always preoccupied. The only way to contact him is through one of those altars, and I think Asdal had the right idea to get to an altar to try and call Zarathos)."

"(Why does he have altars? I mean, isn't there any other altars for others?)"

"(Zarathos is my predecessor)," said Belial. "(I deposed him)."

A silence fell across the dungeon room.

"(Hold up. You put a deposed prince as one of your generals?)" said Malkar. "(Won't he try to betray you?)"

"(Oh, he tried to reclaim his throne many times before, but after years of not being able to defeat me, he forgot Azazel and, well...he lost to the newer ones. He gave up and acknowledged me as his successor. Still, he's a great strategist, so I put him in the front line)."

"(And he won't betray you because...?)"

"(Like you said. We're too simple. Also, he knows he'll need to explain everything if he's caught. We don't suffer traitors)."

"(That makes it simple, I guess)," said Zardes, rather unsure.

"(Anyway, we need to find the specific altar if we want to continue and finish what we started)," said Malkar. "(So, right now, I really hope the library have anything about any altar around here)."

"(I'll go to Alhen to start my training)," signed Gehen. "(And also, if anyone wishes to ask about the altars, you can follow me)."

"(I'll go with Gehen)," said Damos.

"(I'll find out about the altars from the townsfolk)," said Zardes. "(They may know something)."

The group nodded to each other, agreeing on what they were doing. All except Itresil, Belial, and Ammon. They did not seem to know what they were doing but to wait for the rest to do their works. Ammon wanted to try and help, but he seemed to know that Alhen would see him and think of his own demon bat friend that he lost. Ammon did not want to distress the ash hound further. Belial, finished with translating the journals, settled down to relax.

"I guess things do not go as planned, prince Belial," said Itresil. "I never would've thought that my suspicions are true."

"You suspected Asmodel playing with us all these times?" asked Belial. "You never even met him before."

"Even in our circle, an Asmodian is notorious for their scheming. When I found out that Asmodel was the Asmodian who talked to me, I immediately realized that our journey may not what it seemed to be."

"Hmph. I guess no one can rival a third circle's way of thinking, after all. Isn't that right, demon of envy?"

"Being suspicious is always our cup of tea, to borrow the surface world's phrase," said Itresil. "And even more so if an Asmodian is involved."

"Then I can trust you to read the situation as we go forward."

"I am planning to do that, prince Belial."

"(Uhm...I don't understand what you two are talking about)."

They both looked towards Ammon, who looked confused. They then realized that they were not talking in a language that the demon bat knew. "(Oh, sorry, about that, little one)," said Itresil, nudging the smaller Ammon. "(We thought you already understand some words)."

"(I do understand some, but you're talking too fast for me to comprehend)," said Ammon. "(I...really wish I knew how to talk the human's language. If I did...I might be able to ask for their help. I know they won't even look at me, given how hideous I looked in their face)."

"(They have legends of vampiric monsters lurking in the dark, sucking their blood dry. I think when they see you, they'll think of that monster. No hard feelings, though, but sometimes a human's imagination can go wild)."

"(Too bad I don't even know about it given that my friends are not humans)."

"(Yeah. I guess that can be a factor, too)," said Itresil. "(But whatever's the case, we'll always be around for you, little one)."

Ammon let out a smile from his vampire bat face, but then his expression slowly grew solemn.

"(But I am still a Vessel to Barbatos)," said Ammon. "(I did proclaim my rebellion towards him, but what if it's just a blank promise? It was a spur of the moment, a moment of anger when I realized that my life was not worth even death. I...did not want to see my body being used as a puppet. I...don't want to be a slave in death)."

"(No promise is ever a blank promise if you wish to follow on that promise, little one)," said Itresil. "(If you want to do it, then do it. Believe in yourself more, and don't let fate dictates your life for you. It can be rather dull and not turned out as you wish it to be)."

"(Yeah. I think I might do that)," said Ammon, regaining his positive attitude. "(Thanks for the pep talk, Itresil. I really need it)."

"(No need for that. I always talked to Zardes whenever he felt down or not into it. Life as an Order dragon rider can be hard, and so I am always there to be his partner, to help him go through it. I...think I also talked about this to another one of my acquaintances)."

"(Is he as hopeless as I am now?)"

"(Oh, yes, he is. Even worse, he has a severe survivor's guilt. Just imagine you being a prince of a giant empire, then you're being exiled on suspicions of being a traitor, only to realize later that they are saving you from certain destruction, and it has been 500 years since the destruction of everything you have ever known. If he doesn't know how to move on, I don't think he'll talk to me)."

"(So, what happened to him?)"

"(Missing, with his rider. Their disappearances started our focus to the Infernal Texts. I hold on to the fact that they are still alive, somewhere, out there. I think he's going back to his home, trying to retrace his legacy, with his new partner. I know that's the only explanation, but no one would believe that a wyvern from beyond the stars crashed on our world, right?)"

"(Is he really from beyond the stars?)"

"(Oh, but he is. I don't know anything about life beyond our night skies, but he told me many stories about them. It's as equally magnificent and dangerous as the Underworld, if not more. It made you think that even if you're a demon, you know you're still a tiny speck in the workings of the...universe, I guess)."

"(And Barbatos is just that?)"

"(If you want to think of it that way, then yes. That way, you can finally defeat him)."

"(Yes, I can. Thank you, Itresil. Also, Belial, thanks for everything you've ever done to me, even though I'm made out of your enemy's template)."

"(You're not him, anyway)," said Belial. "(I know my brothers, even a mysterious, intangible darkness like him)."

"(And also...)."

Ammon then moved closer to Belial then, surprising the Infernal, he kissed him on the tip of his snout. Itresil saw this and was similarly surprised. After finishing the kiss, Ammon made a sincere smile that clearly changed the mood.

"(I think I'll confess it to you, in case I cannot. I love you, Belial. From the moment I saw you, I love you. I did not tell you this before since I was still unsure of myself, and I was still unsure if you're into males. But, either way, I'll tell you my feelings, anyway. You don't need to like me. It's my own desires. You don't need to follow on that if you're not into it)."

Ammon did not know that Belial was rather surprised by this sudden act of kissing him and had nothing to say. Ammon perceived this as surprise, but never disgust. He assumed that Belial was straight, so he just smiled, knowing that the burden of his heart was lifted, and walked towards the library to try and help Malkar.

Belial rubbed his snout and looked at Ammon as he walked away. Itresil let out a draconic smile and said, "I thought demons like you don't care."

"I think I won't be a good lover to Ammon. I mean, I don't even understand what love is!"

"You'll know it soon enough. Still, I can't believe Ammon's...well, gay. He doesn't look like someone who's gay enough."

"You know anyone like that?"

"You live long enough with the surface dragons, and you'll see that some does not really want a mate, just a partner," said Itresil with a wink. "Some...are still trying to find what they truly desire."

"I guess I'll tell him what I think of after we are done with everything," said Belial while standing up. "I owe him that."

"You try and find your own way, then. Let Ammon be satisfied for whatever reason, even if it did not go as he liked."


"(Oh, my! I...confessed to him. I confessed to Belial! What was he thinking about? Was he disgusted? Was he...contemplating it? Oh, why do I care? I've lifted a burden in my heart, so I can focus!)"

Ammon kept reminding himself that he had taken everything off him so that he could focus and find out how to fight back against Barbatos. He was a Vessel, but he could resist the prince of darkness's influences. The real question was how? Ammon had the determination and support, but no means to do it. His declaration of rebellion would mean nothing if he did not know how to start it.

"(Malkar)," he thought. "(He's the smart one. He should know anything about fighting back)."

Ammon then tried to find Malkar in the building, and he soon found the hellhound reading some books in the middle of the library. He was the only hellhound there, so it was not hard to find his fur color. Ammon slowly walked towards the hellhound. He knew that in libraries, people needed to be silent if possible, just like the library in the temple.

Now that his mind lingered towards his old home, he wondered. Would he meet his fellow demon bats during the final fight with Barbatos? If so, they would be his enemies. He knew his now deceased mentor had many dark secrets, but deep down Lehrn did not wish for him to be senselessly sacrificed to the dark prince. Lehrn had confessed that he was glad Ammon ran away, because that way, he would not be sacrificed to Barbatos. His brethren were not so lucky.

But Ammon wanted to know if there was any way to save the Vessels that had already been sacrificed. He really wanted to know. The other demon bats were put in the dark as he was, so there would not be any way they knew. If he could save anyone, just one, then he would have a hope to save the others. It could be a stroke of luck. It could be whoever he saved found a way to fight back on themselves.

He seemingly got his wish fulfilled just then and now.

As he approached Malkar, he felt he room slowly felt colder and colder. Whispers of unknown languages could be heard by the demon bat. He knew this sensation before. It was one of those vampires they fought before, which was also a fight where Ammon found his immense strength.

The coldness was not felt only by Ammon. Malkar also acted like he was getting cold, but then realized something was wrong. He quickly stood up, saw Ammon, and said, "(Get the ash hounds out of here)."

"(No, you do that)," said Ammon, getting ready to fight. "(I know how to deal with him)."

Malkar could see Ammon's confident visage. He nodded and walked towards the ash hound beside him. He knew that between the two of them, Ammon had a better chance to fight back.

Ammon was ready to fight even before his enemy showed himself. He would fight anyone who stood in his way. He would show Barbatos that he was serious about taking over his domain, and also to dominate him, all to maintain who he was. He was no one's slave. He was Ammon of the Ashen Lands.

But then, like someone tipping over a very expensive china from its pedestal and it came crashing down, he suddenly lost every ounce of readiness due to surprise and dread. He did wonder if he would have to fight someone he once knew as a friend, but he was not ready for it to actually happen just after he thought about it. Was the dark prince reading his mind and gave him something to undermine his efforts? Either way, what he feared most did happen, and it was standing by the front door of the library building.

The adversary was also a demon bat with similar vampire bat face and furless ashen gray skin, just like Ammon. However, there was something different about him. His eyes were not void black like Ammon's, but closer to that of a beast, being a bright blue color with small dot-like pupil. He looked like he was glaring, but he was not. It did not look natural for Ammon, who knew his old friends also had void black eyes that made them rather hard to convey their expressions and scary, as if they were staring right into your soul.

But the thing Ammon quickly noticed was not the peculiar appearance, but instead the demon bat himself. He knew the demon bat as his heart faltered. It was a friend who he regarded as an older brother, and who was sent to a 'pilgrimage' by Lehrn just two weeks before Ammon's desire for blood overwhelmed his senses that led to Seja's biting and turning.

"(Abellor)," said Ammon. "(Is that really you?)"

The demon bat did not reply. He simply walked closer and closer to Ammon as their surroundings started to turn to ice. This made Ammon even more distressed. He needed to try and talk to his friend. He had to.

"(Abel, listen to me)," reasoned Ammon. "(You must get Barbatos out of your mind. He's using you for his own purpose. Do you understand, Abel? He does not care for you)."

Abellor seemed to reply, but what came out of his maws were not Hordo. It was something Ammon did not understand.


Just then, he quickly sensed danger and dodged just before Abellor's wing struck Ammon. The wing became as sharp as steel, but that was not the only thing that Ammon realized.

He dodged the wing attack by deliberately letting himself fall backward so that his back was parallel to the ground. In that position, he looked up, and saw the damage caused by the attack. There was an invisible force that came out from that attack and if Ammon did not dodge it the way he was, he would still be struck by the force and froze in place, just like how it happened to the unfortunate ash hound that was on the way.

"(Shit! What the hell is Malkar doing?!)" he said when he saw the frozen ash hound. He looked around, trying to see where Malkar was, until he found him with an ash hound who tried to pull him to safety. The ash hound was shivering due to the cold. It seemed that despite of the generally lower temperature of the Ashen Lands, they could not stand cold. That, and also to the fact that they were wearing almost nothing but to cover their privates.

Malkar, however, was wearing a surface world coat that was supposed to give him warmth, but his resilience to cold was less than the ash hound trying to save him. He was numbed by the cold, like someone who was caught in a blizzard storm outside and not wearing a proper outwear during winter. Ammon also remembered something that Malkar once said to him in one of their rests when the demon bat asked him about his reactions to the temperature in the Underworld. That revelation was the reason why Malkar was unconscious and freezing.

Malkar was a half-hellhound, and so did not generate heat like pure hellhounds. That heat could protect them from the searing heat of the Underworld, and also to give them a protection of sorts to the dangerous cold environment he got himself into. If he was not a half-hellhound, he would be burning when he was travelling through the hot region.

Still, that was the fact Ammon was not aware beforehand because Abellor's attack came as an ambush. Ammon's resilience to cold was still unexplained, but it may have something to do with being a Vessel. In fact, like the ash hounds, he was wearing almost nothing, but he did not feel anything except maybe a little chilly. He also had no fur, so he was not properly insulated.

He could not worry about Malkar now. He had a former friend that attacked him, clearly with intent to kill. Ammon realized that he had no choice, and with a heavy heart resumed his battle stance.

If he wanted to survive this and save Malkar, he had to fight, and possibly, kill his old friend.