Bad Blood

Story by Togo57 on SoFurry

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#8 of Thirty days; Thirty stories

We've all seen cats and dogs fighting one another, but do you know why?

Come, sit down, and warm up. Now, where do I start...

A long time ago, before the age of mankind, there existed several animal tribes that roamed the land. Of them, one was that of the cats while another was that of the dogs.

The cats were nimble, agile, and cunning. Being able to outsmart even the biggest of creatures, they managed to get their place in the food chain in spite of their small size. However, their attitude stopped them from working together and often left them vulnerable to other predators.

The dogs were strong, resilient, and loyal. While their physique gave them an advantage, it was their bonds what let them overcome many of their toughest fights. However, their simple tactics left them open to opponents they couldn't beat by sheer numbers.

So, it wasn't a surprise when both clans decided to join into one.

At first, their partnership benefitted both groups. The cats made the plans and the dogs acted based on them. Combining the best of both species, they were unstoppable. Nonetheless, things changed with time.

Discussions started to surface on who was the one responsible for their success. Cats argued that if it were not for them, dogs would be nothing more than a roving pack of opportunistic scavengers. Dogs argued that if it were not for them, cats would have already died from hunger and laziness, prey to bigger species.

Finally, things escalated to a point where their relationship broke, but I'm getting ahead of this tale.

It could be said that cats had the upper hand on this alliance. They were the ones that stayed at the top of the hierarchy while dogs worked as sentries and did manual labor. In human terms, nobility and peasantry respectively.

Then, one day, a new dog came to the village. He was strong and could hunt without a pack, using only his own strength, earning him lots of victories. Still, he mingled well with both cats and other dogs, slowly becoming known by everyone in the clan. In particular, catching the eye of the cat princess.

His self-reliance and strength reminded her of a cat, but with the social abilities of a dog. From his side, he liked her kind personality, a direct contrast with most other cats he knew, and her vast knowledge of the world. Soon, their admiration turned into something else. Rumors went around of their hidden meetings under the watch of the moon, and of their closeness in social events. This pleased neither side.

The warrior obtained a bigger rank and was assigned to a new post in the front, to ensure that he'd be away from the pride. On the other hand, the princess was betrothed to an influential cat she didn't know.

The night before the warrior's departure, the princess asked him to elope with her. He hesitated. He'd lose everything he had worked for and they both would be branded traitors, but he changed his mind when he took a closer look at her. She was trembling too, yet she stood there ready to leave at the drop of a hat. Thus, he accepted.

The pair evaded the guards and escaped, but it didn't take long for the king of the cats to find out what was happening. The king rallied his people and went for the couple, with the dogs following not so far behind. The first time in a long while that both clans had decided to work together.

The warrior and princess ran trying to evade their pursuers until they finally reached a cliff. Cats and dogs surrounded them from all sides. The princess looked at the warrior.

-"Do you really love me?" She asked.

Understanding what she meant by that, the warrior smiled and kissed her on the lips as they jumped down the ravine. Both clans climbed down as fast as they could to find the pair, yet it was too late. At the bottom, their dead bodies lied together. Still holding one another.

-"A calamity!" The cats cried, "If only that dog had not kidnapped our princess, none of these would have happened."

-"Incredible!" The dogs cried, "If only the cats were not so concerned with rank, they wouldn't need to frame our best warrior and kill him afterwards."

At that moment, their relationship was forever broken and both clans forever swore to never look eye to eye again. That's why even nowadays; one can see traces of their enmity behind if none of them remember where it came from in the first place.

Yet all hope is not lost. It is said that, every once in a while, one can see dogs and cats living peacefully like in the old times. Embracing each other in a warm embrace like if the spirits of the warrior and princess still live on inside them, waiting for the moment their souls will be reborn and together at last.