Superiority Chapter 5

"we believe it may be rebellion." the rebellion had been a thorn in the emperors side since the end of the war. they were more organized than most would think. "i have important things to attend to governor.

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Interlude 17

The rebellions spreading all over the empire had long shredded any interest to negotiate their surrender. earth stood with the worst sort of traitors, and their deceitfulness was to be paid in destruction.


(Worldbuilding) The Map of Namir

Somehow, pockets of artol people are still intact, and they often incite rebellions among namir's people.

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the war prolouge

Things were bad but in his last wish he informed the rebellion through radio communication that he wanted me to become leader because he knew what power i had and some that i don't know about yet he mentioned all this but he was a great loss.

Crimson 1 - Nowhere to Run

He knew that there was much to plan, but for once, the rebellion was finally getting the upper hand.

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Sinking Offer (Otherwise Untitled)

~ once she was confirmed to have one badge and no weapons, it was a brisk matter of shuffling to find herself standing in front of several of the rebellion's leaders.

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How We Survive: Arc 2: Chapter 1 W.I.P.

The perfect start to what was sure to be an incredible night of rebellion and maybe even a little bit of young romance.

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The Furry Rebellion: Inprisonment

Note: **Bold Pirint means convorsation,** _Italic means dream sequnce or flashback._ Work Facility 12/0600/11/08/2350 Cell 13 "Get up you lazy piece of...

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The Furry Rebellion: Arrival

7/21/2351/0700 Hours XIII's Journal: It's about damn time I get the hell out of med bay I'm getting cabin fever living in the same stale air. I liked the smell...

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The Furry Rebellion: In the ICU

**Note: This is not in XII's pesonality. I'm trying somthing diffrerent here** 7/2/2351/ 2200 Hours ICU (Intensive Care Unit) Class 3 Battleship Orcana Room...

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The Furry Rebellion: Freedom

7/2/2351/0000 Hours XIII's Journal: Can't sleep. How do I know if she is still alive? she's a survivor., but if she fell behind on work then... No I can't...

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