Research Log [#003]

Given that we have installed this cybernetic organism with higher privileges in our security systems, this is a bit of a troublesome start.

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Ride of your life

"i never thought i'd have the privilege to see a veyron." the finely dressed american said. "hard to believe an american owns a enzo." the german driver of the bugatti replied. "when you have money and fame, you can have almost anything."

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Car Trip (Sneak Peek)

It had been forever it seemed since he had worn underwear of any sort or stayed up past eight or had any of a number of big boy privileges that koda enjoyed daily.

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Teaser: Gerbil 07

Do i need to restrict your netflix privileges again?" "what happened to prototypes one through six?" "you don't want to know." i blinked one eye, then the other. "may i ask a question?" "sure." "why am i a gerbil?"

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Sand in the Gears

"you have throat privilege!" all four heads laughed. "well, if i ever talk your bat ears off, check my throat privilege, rakim." he discovered he liked saying his name. he liked how saying it felt in his mouths.

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Chapter Five

She had severed this household for a long time and by extension, it had given her a very privileged lifestyle as confident and, what janus believed could have been a possible lover to his father. "i shall be fine."

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Don’t Need Your Guilt

Acknowledge what's happening and it's not simply about collective blame it's more complicated than that and yet also surprisingly simplistic too it's about recognizing that there's many intentional and embedded flaws in our system as well as privilege

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out of this world ch. 3

Matt's eyes widened as he listened to her. " my proposition is that you may stay outside of your virtual hell and have free roaming privilege to explore my ship if you agree to become my you would say 'mate'.."


Ryt's Rants #2

"they say private transportation is a privilege but it seems to me that the less you make the more you need your own personal conveyance becomes a necessity.

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Chasing the Sun - Prologue: Cold Warmth

Not just in name, but in privileges, rights, and responsibilities. despite what people thought, it was not easy. all this wealth came with a big responsibility.

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Love At It's Finest: Episode 3

_ i've never had the privilege of saying that before (lame as it sounds; i've just never felt that way about a single person i've ever met). and i love saying it! i get a nice, warm feeling in my chest.

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Havana or Hell, part one

Unlike karen, the general is neither privileged nor condescending, but he is used to barking out orders, and he expects people to follow troop. i do my best to ignore him, but that only annoys him even more and makes him curse and spit nails.

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